Quilted Tercet
Quilts timeline family stories
We familiarize the present with the past
Every time we breathe
Squares of dialect
Spools of dialogue
My future
Patterns of data
A synthetic composition
Which many can recite
My future
No different than the one
My parents got the first time
They saw the curves of Lady Liberty
Means of revolution defined
Everything had been thought
Everything had been done
Divisions established
Fires flamed for every wood
All once resurrected from ashes
Originality has
An expiration date
My future a lullaby
My generation deaf
Carousels to death tunes
Jack O’ Lanterns
Juxtaposed Judas
Election day is Halloween
Vote for the best poser
Dampen my future
With premeditated blood
Marks of employment strike
Today we call it hard work
Yesterday they called it slavery
Maybe tomorrow
There will be a union for the unequal
My future will recycle
Shades of a fading rainbow
A generation learning
Pot of gold never
Glimmers bright
Iced happiness
Tears never run dry
For sins executed
Before the acknowledgement of time
We reap twice as much for liberty lashes
Sew our loss- this quilt of inevitability
The most boring future awaits
Children who will choke on dust when they read
Anxiety at eighteen is promised to fade
No need to ask at what price
A scantron sheet of choices all around
Adults puppeteered by children
Bodies bombarded with green paper guilt
Credentials coveted by best friends
Drunken smiles meet the expectations of every spectator
Sewing their story since the womb
Pick whose knot is easiest to hang from
My future battles oblivion
A melting pot of extinction
There are no more missing links
No new wonders of the world
Every happily ever after boy or girl
Irony caught on tape
My future will be the past in high definition
Explicit flick X- amount of years ago
Everyone would not have been able to see it
My future will not be color blind
Too many overlapping patches
Attempts to save the quilt from stains
White distorted truths and diluted juices
Already know the flavor of the Kool
Aid they created
We are all M&M’s inside
Makeup of obligated victories
Treasured tragedies
Quilt covers all things that make us weep
Mishaps carried through patterns
My future will not have mercy on us
Thick filling of regurgitated tufts
Before I can stitch ‘I have lived’
I’m afraid my future is in shackles