Quiet Little sleeping town

Quiet little sleeping town
 black as the Caspian Sea
Pretty little sleeping town tells a       story to me
Pretty little town alive as none may see
Pretty little sleeping town is more alive than me
The baker dreams of breads and cakes
The environmentalist of saving all the lakes
But up sits Patty White
Her room is filled with light 
She doesn't know how to relax any more 
The quiet little sleeping town is live as it can be 
But Patty White does truly lack this true vivacity
Optime, Vive a wise man said to her
She wandered to a nearby town by the name of Kerr
1 smile 
2 smile 
3 smile 
Up gos her hearts door
The Lord has knocked
And she has walked
Through desert and through valley
She said me oh my oh me oh my these people really changed me
Cura Personalis
There is care for each one of us
Those feelings of the baker, and the environmentalist can be shared by all
No matter how short or tall
Although dreams may be clandestine
I suggest that you go stand in line 
Because if we all dream together
We can change the world forever


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