Questions for the Society
Dear Society,
Why do you always judge me?
Not only me but my whole ethnicity?
Why do you say I have
My individual rights?
But won’t let me express them?
Why can’t I do my own thing,
Without having the fear
That you will spread
Bad news about me?
Why do I feel like
Doing things that will impress you
And not me?
Why do I even try?
When I know I won’t
Get anything back in return
Not even a single shred of respect
That I deserve
For being me
While I help you without
Being who you want me to be
Why do you tell me in ads and news
Not to be afraid
And let you help me?
When in reality I am
So afraid of your judgement
That I instead cower back
And cope with my own selfless ways
You know it too,
But that was not your reason
Because you just wanted
To tell others that you are
Doing good things
Just like they expect you to do,
There are too many ‘whys’
That I want to list
But it would be so long
That both you and I don’t have time for
Because our time is too precious
So we have to move on
But I need my answers
So that I can move on
Along with my century
‘A person who loves her country’