A Question on Innocence
Who first stole
The light behind her eyes?
They say innocence
Comes with a thousand questions.
But I say innocence
Is a question itself.
Who first took it from her?
Who first robbed her of
Years of mindless laughter?
And why would you
Rip away someone’s innocence
As though you could
Drape it over yourself
And be the richest man
In the world?
How you could
Attempt to drink the fire
Behind someone’s eyes
As though it would
Make you young again
Is beyond the scope of
My understanding.
I am horrified
By what life has done to her.
Clinging to the threads
Of her unwound innocent mind,
She knows she can never
Be the same again.
A child dies twice,
A dancer three times.
But who, who could brutally
Murder a child
Instead of letting their first death
Happen slowly, painlessly?
Who could slaughter her trust,
Her faith in the ones she loved?