

#177 Purple                                Feb. 8, 2013

I wear purple because
It’s my favorite color
It makes me feel beautiful
It’s the color of royalty
And I am God’s princess
Because October isn’t just breast cancer awareness month
It’s also domestic violence awareness month
But you see
Almost no one talks about that
Because the injuries of
Two million American women annually and
Countless more violent assaults on men
By people who are supposed to love them
That go unreported
Somehow get buried under a flood of pink ribbons
Wearing purple is a silent way to say
That I stand with the victims and survivors of abuse
That they are not alone
That I survived it too
That abuse of any kind is not okay
That life can go on afterward
That Real Love Doesn’t Hurt
Purple and periwinkle are eating disorders awareness colors
And apparently
February is eating disorders awareness month
I wear purple to remind myself
That I’m stronger than the eating disorder in my head
I wear it for
And so many more
For all those on my DailyStrength support group
Who haven’t yet found the courage to post
Never have been
Never will be
I wear it because
The BMI is bull shit
God did not build us to fit
Into neatly prepackaged scientifically calculated boxes
We are people
Not projects
I wear purple because what Demi said is true
Love really is louder
Than the pressure to be perfect
                                               Fallon Marie


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