Purely in Love with the Magical
Once Upon a Time
I fell in love with the most beautiful princess in all of the universe
She made even the dreariest of days fill with the most sunshine
Alas I wasn't her only sutior, she had many all of who were more qualified
If only she could notice me, I mean we see each other everyday
Her name was Purely, ironically though she hated cats and she wasn't pure
I would not love her any less if she was though
One day she had finally notcied me - I had become the tallest person in all the universe
I took advantage of the attention and seeked her out
The more time we spent together the more I fell deeper and deeper in love
This emotion was entirely new to me seeing as before I was more into books than people
Purely didn't like secrets and she knew I had been hiding a big one
At this point I had become her best and only friend, she is the princess after all
Some time in the near future Purely was to get married per her fathers orders
Everyday I counted the days until they became her wedding day
She looked to beautiful so out of this world amazing
Even after all the years I had known her, she still took my breath away
Tears filled my eyes as I watched her walk down the aisle
I had to look away when the groom kissed his bride, the love of my life
Purely was never happy when she was with him though
I had forgotten her breathtaking smile because she stopped smiling
One fateful night we got drunk together and I worked up the courage to tell her my feelings
"Purely, I cant believe after all these years I can finally tell you, I love you. With my entire being and Im sorry to have told you so late."
The tears that welled up in her eyes broke my heart and she ran away from me back to her husbands arms
After hearing what Purely had to say I was banished from the world I had grown up in
As I packed my things to go I found a letter, in which it told me Purely's feelings for me
She had always been in love with me but she knew it was wrong, after all she was a princess
In the letter she wrote me to come visit her, I did
But when I saw her something stuck my heart and I got to hear her final words
"....Magical.....I am so sorry. I love you"
I fell to the floor in complete agony, Purley gaurds had been ordered to kill me
Not because I was banished but because I was in love with queen
Our love for each other was sought to be disgusting and wrong as I am a woman as well
At least in dying breath I was with the woman I loved even if to everyone else it was wrong
Love is love and I can't help who I love
Purely was locked in her room and suffered severe depression for the rest of her life
We were united again though
In place after death in a place where there were others like us
Where love is love and people are people
We spent a happy infinte life together with our handful of dog and the biggest smiles you will ever see
The End