Puppet Master
No one ever told me to write them down
The words demanded to be released
Oppression is not in my blood
I let them go.
No man ever touched me
and made me feel so good
as the way it felt when I scratched the words
into the paper
No drug ever got me so high
Nothing ever makes as much sense
as when my fingers caress
the keyboard, catharsis
I am different, I am an artist
I become someone
I have a voice
I can make you feel
what I feel
I can make you ask
the questions I wonder
You are my puppet
What do I want you to take away, my puppet?
It’s not about the power
It’s desperation
Please, someone see that I am hurting
I never had a fair chance
I need your sympathy, my puppet
Now dance
Please dance for me so I know that I matter
Because I speak for the masses whose hearts have
no home
You must dance with me, my puppet
We’ll dance together
so we both know that we are never
all alone