Pulled, Twisted, Molded, Carved, Settled
I had a vision of my life
Who I would be, what I would see
As we all know, it’s shaping up
To turn out quite different that I’d have thought
Every person who has touched me
Has pulled my soul another direction
Some for inches and some for miles
But all have moved me
What I’ve seen of the world so far
Has twisted my beliefs
I’ve learned and enlightened
And now I know what’s right
Everyone I’ve loved
Every friend, fling, or lover
Has molded me and formed me
Into someone who can love completely
Society, and they way I’ve been living
Has carved me into who I love
What I think, how I look
How I feel
Experiences in my life
Have settled me into who I’m meant to be
It may be different than the blueprint
But it’s who I am now