There is much that I wish that I didn't
But memory, being as it is I cannot forget.
And so, counselors, whether benevolent and sincere
or therapy- cognitive, behavioural or
will not erase, undo the horrors of my past.
So here I am, wondering what next?
Here, among women forgotten-
some bright and educated
beaming with potential
others truly lost
zapped of mind and of vigor.
Here, in this " shelter"
a word implying protection
where all are homeless,
most with children and parents,
husbands and siblings
and what of them?
Who knows
( but us)
and who even cares?
( but us)
and we, mothers and daughters,
wives and sisters,
are all discarded
like junkyard cars
out of style- useless.
Though yes, some will move on-
rise up
while others remain stuck-
in their quicksand of strife.
As for me,
I don't yet know
which direction
I will go...