Psychiatry for the Mental
The man with Bipolar Disorder that cannot keep a job…
The college student with Depression that needs to improve her grades…
The widow with Schizophrenia that cannot stop imagining imaginary beings…
The teen with Communication Disorder that does not interact with others…
The janitor with Amnesia that cannot remember the things he did 2 years ago…
The dropout with Conduct Disorder that abuses animals he sees…
The child with Attention Deficit Hyperactive Disorder that acts more unruly than the norm…
The husband with Parkinson’s Disease that has trouble with the daily tasks of life…
The athlete with Anorexia that starves herself to look a specific way…
The teacher with Obsessive Compulsive Disorder that acts on impulses…
The grandma with Alzheimer’s Disease that cannot remember the faces of her grandchildren…
The veteran with Post Traumatic Stress Disorder that re-lives traumatic times in combat daily…
All of these people have a problem. All of these people need a solution.
My dream job is to be the person that understands them when no one else does…
To mend their minds of the sadness and anger…
To conquer their minds and free them of the forces that control them…
To be the support for those who have none…
To help them function in society when they do not know how…
To rid them of the locks and chains that obstruct them from their lives…
To help them find who they really can be…
To give them hope for the future when they want to take it all away…
And to solve the mysteries of the human brain.