Psyches Stiched
Dreams are us living
In another being...
Two bodies streaming the same mind.
Psyches stitched
Minds pooling
Held together by the yarn of time.
I had a vision...
An astral projection...
Within a realm of division
Linked between a
Beetle and
A body
My mind pipelined into the form of this beetle.
My skin was now a silky charcoal.
My limbs were perplexed within the depth of every cell.
I found one dopplegäner's unexpected dimension...
No longer present within the humanoid
My new being bloomed into visceral vibrations...
Quakes pervaded my body like massive ripples coming to form.
Everything was sense!
A quantum flux slurped my being back into its original mold of conciousness...
The thread of time laced-
I retrieved my thoughts and felt this...
I look down to see
The being that I used to be...
Gooey and crushed
My mind flushed to the spiral of infinity...
This mainframe incision
Opened my mind
Onto a plane
Of extra dimensional design...
A lesson from life's patterns that we are all one...
One psyche stitched
To a slew eyes
And mine will never see the same again.