Proud to be Me
When I was 8 I wore dresses to school
I wasa bullied and teased for looking nice
For wearing dresses and pink and being girly
When I was 13 I stopped wearing dresses
I cut my hair to my chin and I didn't wear pink
And I was asked 'why do you never wear skirts'
They meant 'why don't you dress like a girl'.
Throughout highschool, ages 15 to 17
I grew my hair out
Despite my long hair I dressed like a boy
Pants, PE shorts, loose t-shirts
Whenever I wore makeup people would always be shocked
They'd take extra care to point it out
'youre wearing makeup! you look so pretty!'
'why dont you wear makeup more often?'
I don't like makeup.
In college, I stopped caring
I started wearing dresses again
I wore skirts, I wore crop tops
I got compliments, i was asked out
I said no
Then I cut my hair short
my friends loved it
my family liked it enough
but then i cut it shorter
"you look like a boy"
"you looked better with long hair"
"are you SURE you want it that short"
"i miss your long hair"
"my little girl is all grown up,
and i wish youd kept your hair long"
I look like a boy? Good
I looked better with long hair? Oh well
Am I sure? Yes
You miss it? Too bad
I cut it because I realized something
I don't need to fit your molds
I can wear dresses
I can like pink
I can wear makeup
I'm not a girl
My hair is short because I like it
It's not as 'girly'
For years I was afraid
Afraid of being seen as a girl
Because being a girl was being weak
Being a girl was not who I was
So I stopped wearing dresses
I didn't wear skirts
But now I don't care
I still don't own pink clothing
I still rarely wear makeup
But I dress how I want
Wearing dresses doesn't mean I'm a girl
Liking certain things doesn't mean I'm a girl
Being girly
Does not mean
That I am a girl.
I don't like boys
I don't like girls either
I'm not a girl
And I'm not a boy
I'm nonbinary, I'm aromantic, I'm asexual
I'm me
And I'm proud