Prophecy of the Damned

All alone

in this wicked world,

the walls are closing in around us

making it hard to breath.

Trapped inside

this game of life,

spinning faster towards

the grave

there is no sunshine today.

And in out hearts

all we feel is hate,

sorrow and blackness

from a shattered past

nothing was meant to last. 


Cut this life off from me,

I'm tired of the pain haunting over me

like a thunder cloud.

The anguish and the suffering cold,

frozen to this ground we march upon

like a silent sound.


The fortune teller

once told me this,

I was damned to hatred and sin

all alone

on this battlefield.

I always knew

who I was,

but I was condemed

to live this life


I never got the chance,

sold my soul to society,

and now I drift


into the breeze.


Rip this sould from in me,

I'm tired of the pain

The anguish and the suffering cold,

frozen to this ground we march upon

like a silent sound.



This is unbelievable. So very true.. we all came into this world alone, but I hope to believe we came alone with a purpose. I don´t feel alone when working side by side with my life´s purpose. Those who hurt and suffer the most also have the greatest capacity to love. When alone and still, wisdom creeps in. I always wish to be alone because it is easier. When I´m alone I can do, think, feel, whatever I want with no obligations. Then again, when I´m alone... it hurts. I guess what keeps me going is to look at the big picture, and to transform my frustration into action. I speak, and no one listens, but still I never shut up. You might not agree, or even bother to read these words, but still I write. Why I do not know, and though I may never fully understand the inner depth of those words, I solute you. I hate the feeling of such a gaping hole of emptiness, yet it is filled with much feelings.. and these feelings I find to be my purpose. I have no clue who you are, but still just from these words I feel as if I know you. Thank you for those beautiful words!

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