A Promise
You don't really know
What words are worth
Until you live them out
The words at first seem fleeting
Until you take them seriously
until that promise keeps echoing in your head
and you wonder
How could i have known
That what I promised held so much worth
And when you forget it
It seems worng
That covenant...
I sometimes wonder if I can keep the promise which I swore to
But then I remember...
That moent I said yes
He put his trust in me
In that I wouldn't forget to look after the thing he loved most
and left me to keep
Sometimes I wonder why he asked me of all people
It's almost as if he saw what I didn't: potential
That many see in me
and I wonder more..
What expectations can I maintain?
Am I who I portray myself to be?
These are the questions
which drive me
to strive beyond I ever thought possible
So perhaps that promise
is the beginning of something new
And I am more than I know...