A Privilege to Feel and to Think
Sometimes I think of running away
How far can one run from their feelings?
Sometimes I just want to escape
And avoid any social interaction
Feelings cling to the inmost strands of the heart
Thoughts bleed into every fiber of the mind
One can’t just run from their feelings
Just as one can’t escape from their thoughts
What tragedy and turmoil rage inside the body
A growing desire not to think and not to feel
Yet without thought, one loses identity
And without feeling one loses individuality
A person lacking emotion is likened to such as a tin man
And the person lacking thought is likened to such as a scarecrow
A hollowing emptiness accompanies such vacancies
Lacking emotions and ideas is likening oneself to a corpse
A cold hard empty shell with no life
No ideas spark the imagination
For still and silent are the dead
Unmoving and stiff
One might be overcome with extreme sadness and grief
One may discover happiness in loving and in being loved
It seems that the feeling of grief can be inconvenient
But this feeling is the cost of the privilege of love
Since one can’t run from thought or from feeling
Because the two are never that far behind
I should think the only option is acceptance
To embrace the gift of thought and the gift of feeling
Yes, we must find a balance between opposites
Our thoughts can be so negative that we become depressed
But our thoughts can also be so positive that we become ecstatic
For one to accept and embrace one must love to think
Yes, we must find a balance between the good and the bad
Our feelings can be so desperate that we think of death
But our feelings can also be so hopeful that we think of life
Love and war balance but sometimes one is stronger the other
We can conclude the same for telling the truth and spewing lies
It is ever so disconcerting to feel nothing in response
And it is ever so overwhelming to feel too many emotions all at once
The thought of feeling something is better than the thought of feeling nothing
I find that I am ever so grateful to feel and to think
For isn’t it such a grand thing indeed
When I can accept my thoughts and feelings
Cease my worry and be content with being me