The Price Of A Dream

whats the price of a dream

The lifestyle I was dying to try was the same lifestyle as trying to die
Ironic how tryna eat can get ya fried
And lying asleep can keep u alive

Is it you indeed it's I, in dreams I lie
There's a slice of pie it's slice of life
Come take a bite have as much as you like
Ooh it taste so nice sprinkle spice a little life

Is all it takes to make a plate
Don't be selfish Be conscious of what you ate
Be on a date treat the world to a 5 dollar shake milking me like frosted flakes while im filling up on bread and grapes

Whom to love why to live assume my love
And fight to give life to thee
Fight yourself free yourself to fight for me
Light the world So they can see

This poem is about: 
My community


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