Pretty Girl
Am I a pretty girl?
Because when I look in the mirror I don’t see one.
I have never been a pretty girl.
I don’t know. I don’t like what I see.
Low self esteem.
No self worth.
I cannot just cover up with a sweater like someone normal.
I cannot leave the house without a minimum of five shirts and a sweater.
Yes, even in summer.
Am I a pretty girl?
No. Especially not with what’s inside.
Twisted. Warped. Ugly.
The things flowing through my mind
And every second.
Every day.
I cannot do anything to stop it.
I cannot make the disgusting black mass that is my soul beautiful.
It’s never been beautiful.
So am I a pretty girl?
Maybe my face isn’t half bad if you were to know what went on in my head.
Maybe I’m sort of pretty then