I never thought I was pretty,
My hair is messy,
My thighs are fat,
I’m not liked by boys.
So what am I?
Am I ugly?
Am I fat?
Or am I both?
But then again,
What is pretty?
Is it what size you wear?
Is it how much make up you put on?
Is it how nice your clothes are?
If this is it then I’m not pretty,
But no, this does not make you pretty.
Pretty is being kind,
Pretty is being there for others,
Pretty is not thinking you are better than everyone else,
Pretty is accepting others.
If that’s the case, I’m pretty,
I’m one of the prettiest,
I’m all of the things that matter,
I’m not ugly at all.
My hair may be messy,
My thighs may be fat,
But in the end I’m pretty,
Because I love my friends.