Preserved Prosperously in Memory
(The following poem was written in the hours following the death of Leonard Nimoy.)
You began a voyage in the cage,
Then traveled with others and reached an age.
Though you were not in your prime,
You were still considered prime.
Worlds are thankful for all of your time.
From one world to the next,
Speaking of logic or lack thereof.
Portrayed a death and came back,
To entertain the next generation,
Never really displaced or replaced.
You said that you were not him.
That we knew but you brought him to life.
You were never in his shadow,
Seeing a mirror universe reflected.
Like you we know exactly who you are.
You are a star within our trek,
And now that you are gone we are a wreck.
But we will try to live long,
And try to prosper,
Whilst remembering your life.
“Live long and prosper.”
That is precisely what you did.
A prosperous voyage for you,
In the final frontier,
Is what we bid.