Why do you hate who I am?
Can you not accept my lifestyle.
Can we make a deal?
If I accept who you are
Will you accept who I am?
The way I see the issue
Love is love no matter the color.
How can you frown at my love
When yours is just as strange?
Everyone is the same on the inside.
So why does the appearance of a person matter so much to you?
Is there even a reason?
You cannot place people in groups.
There is no black and white just grey.
Everyone is unique, stereotypes are not reality.
Why should I have to hide who I am for you?
You do not and cannot understand.
You just judge and criticize my choices.
You can call me hateful names.
I wont hold it against you.
You can shake your head and give me disapproving looks.
I'll forgive you.
You can wish I was different and hope its a phase.
That won't make me hate you.
But none of this will make me respect you.
I wish all the world was blind.
So prejudices would end.
The fact is where there is humanity there will be prejudices and stereotypes.
That's human nature.