Prayer from a Heart
Dream of a Day,
where love was you hands,
your kindness was your mind,
your heart beated for the peace.
Dream of a Day,
that people along the streets held hands,
and cheered others to the finished line to life,
bringing what knowledge they had to the Table of Forever.
Dream of a Night,
where violence never stirred,
where a baby girl never cried and lost her tears,
where loving familes are home in peace and saftey.
Dream of a Night,
where nobody robbed you of your families pride,
families pulled apart in the mist of thieves,
let the night be at peace for the love of humanity cries out!
Dream of a World,
where people were equal,
no matter the race, religion,
past you had, the future you want,
the person you loved or what group you hanged around with.
Dream of a Day.
Dream of a Night.
Dream of a World.
For this is the Prayer from the Heart that cares.