Praise Him


My future is bright and I am ready for it

because “  The Lord is my light and my salvation —  

so why should I be afraid?   

The Lord is my fortress, protecting me

from danger, so why should I tremble?”

I will stand here and say back up to the devil

For there is no man or woman that you can assemble

That will make me stumble

With the lord on my side, I don’t have to struggle

It was from the day that I was born,

That the lord began to bless me

I may be young, and have yet to face real adversity

I still praise him in advance

Because I know the lord has my back

And  so that’s why I sing and dance

Like the good book say

“My health may fail, and my spirit may grow weak,

But God remains the strength of my heart,

And he is mines forever,”.

I will always have a friend in jesus

And no demon shall come between us

He’s the friend I tell everything to

For he created in me a clean heart

Me and him will never part

And for his graciousness, I will always be on guard

Cause no one will put his name to shame, my lord is not a game

He is not to be played with for

“He gives strength to the weary and increases the power of the weak”

I suggest you think of his goodness before you critique

My god is unique

There is no man that will be like him or come before him

I am a living testimony of his work

I have lived 18 years and have many more before me

Im about to graduate high school, and go to college

I have never been to jail

I have never been shot or even held a gun

I am above society’s stereotypes

I am a servant of the lord

And I was sent here to help implement his plan

And nobody will get in the way not even the klu klux or klan "For the Lord your God is he who goes with you to fight for you against your enemies, to give you the victory. -


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