Power to Save
So I have been asking,
What can I do to make a difference,
To make an impact that's everlasting?
I'm searching for a purpose to my existence,
A life path that can tranform others and is founded on service;
As a doctor people's lives are in my hands
It's because of this I'm nervous-
I need to learn my facts.
But I want to spend eight years in school
And take on that burden,
Because easy paths are for fools.
Just imagine my life's purpose as a surgeon,
With the power to save within my grasp.
Medicine is one of the toughest professions,
Doctors' knowledge is so vast.
But the life of medicine is an obsession,
No other job could come close
To fulfilling my life's calling
To treat, cure and diagnose.
Even though it's sometimes appalling-
Eight years of school and five years of training
And debt up to your nose,
For a job that's constantly draining-
It's all highs and lows.
Still, I'd do anything for that white coat,
And to be referred to as 'doctor.'
A job centered on hope:
A hero with a stethoscope.