The Power of Black - Poems on Humanity , Social Cause , Poverty , Women empowerment – volume 2
Copyright © by Nikhil Parekh
All rights reserved. No Part of this book publications may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted in any form or by any means, Electronic, Mechanical, Photocopying, Recording, Print or otherwise, without prior permission of Copyright owner and Author, Nikhil Parekh.
This Book which has 72 differently titled Poems , is actually volume 2 of the Book titled - The Power of Black – Poems on Humanity , Social Cause , Poverty , Women empowerment ( 400 pages ) .
The Book cardinally aims to end the negative perception and energies associated with the color black and the under-privileged sections of the society. Many a different times the utmost exhilaration spawns from a persons disability as his/her desire to achieve the impossible is several times heightened than the normal counterpart. The magical essence of Black has been epitomized to the hilt in every poetic stanza that follows-to lead to a trail of unassailable victory.
Dedicated To
This collection of poems is endlessly dedicated to the power of the color Black. Black which in common parlance is perceived to be negative and a disability to continue the chapters of life. But this very Black which has been described as the most powerful color for survival on earth. The most magical fragrance of every entities soul which continues to infatuate even beyond the dormitories of heaven and hell.
I nikhil parekh am truly grateful to every bit of Blackness enshrouding me, which has made me a magician to express the innermost realms of my soul into poetic verse on blank paper. Black is beautiful. Black triumphs till beyond eternity. Black is the most inscrutably tantalizing fabric of existence. God bless Black.
About The Poetry Book
The poet has genuinely believed that even the most inexplicable of sorrow can be projected as well as alleviated via the power of magical poetry. Wondrously implementing the same in this soothing compendium of poems-Parekh brings to the fore various evils lingering in the society and tries to cure them offering the balm of poetry. The poems contained within are starkly explicit and poignantly debate on various global social causes like female foeticide, blindness, smoking, molestation, adopting the girl child, hiv-aids discrimination.etc. In a battle of adroit analogies the poet emphatically portrays even the tiniest of social evil and urges mankind to rise above the same. Poetically he tries to unite hearts all across the Universe in the spirit of love, oneness and compassion to give birth to a renaissance against evil and unjustness. This victorious concoction of poems would appeal to all those who've so selflessly fought for a social cause and to uproot evil forever from the fabric of society.
39. LOVE
61. LOVE –PART 2
The Greatest Happiness on this Universe was in; bringing unsurpassable Happiness to the lives of all those; unfortunately divested of mesmerizing fortunes; tragically lambasted by strokes of uncouth destiny from all sides,
The Greatest Victory on this Universe was in; bringing unassailable Victory to the lives of all those; miserably slithering without their loved ones; despicably sinking deeper and deeper into the graveyard at every step; for ostensibly no fault of theirs,
The Greatest Enlightenment on this Universe was in; bringing spell binding Enlightenment to the lives of all those; ignominiously oppressed and ostracized by every quarter of the acrimoniously tyrannical society; lugubriously swooning with every unfurling instant of time,
The Greatest Empathy on this Universe was in; bringing bountiful Empathy to the lives of all those; diabolically marauding the silken fabric of immaculate atmosphere; unrelentingly staring ahead with savagely untamed hatred in their eyes,
The Greatest Melody on this Universe was in; bringing enchanting Melody to the lives of all those; wailing a billion tears of monotony a minute; obnoxiously besieged in the marketplace of bizarrely horrendous manipulation and malice,
The Greatest Euphoria on this Universe was in; bringing unconquerable Euphoria to the lives of all those; preposterously decimated by even the most evanescent trace of passing breeze,
The Greatest Benevolence on this Universe was in; bringing altruistic Benevolence to the lives of all those; maniacally incarcerated in dungeons of insane bloodshed and criminal malevolence,
The Greatest Optimism on this Universe was in; bringing unprecedented Optimism to the lives of all those; disparagingly crippling towards the aisles of
inexplicably gruesome nothingness,
The Greatest Strength on this Universe was in; bringing invincible Strength to the lives of all those; being brutally tortured every unfurling second of their lives; by the hands of the mercilessly whipping devil,
The Greatest Wealth on this Universe was in; bringing endless Wealth to the lives of all those innocent messengers of the Almighty Lord; derogatorily
surviving in the horrifically stinking gutter lines,
The Greatest Compassion on this Universe was in; bringing eternal Compassion to the lives of all those; miserably orphaned since the very first cry of life;
abominably kicked into the corridors of salaciously stagnating poverty,
The Greatest Sparkle on this Universe was in; bringing an unflinching Sparkle to the lives of all those; opprobriously underprivileged molecules of the Lord
Divine; for whom life was nothing but a corpse of remorsefully penalizing darkness,
The Greatest Humanity on this Universe was in; bringing unshakable Humanity to the lives of all those; maliciously adulterated and bereft of the divine; satanically sucking blood from even the most astoundingly similar of their kind,
The Greatest Penance on this Universe was in; bringing everlasting Penance to the lives of all those; indiscriminately massacring the impeccably holistic; ruthlessly snatching an impoverished child from the lap of its sacrosanct other,
The Greatest Solidarity on this Universe was in; bringing perpetual solidarity to the lives of all those; heinously infiltrated in the webs of spuriously raunchy commercialism; surreptitiously waiting each moment to wring their comrades neck,
The Greatest Truth on this Universe was in; bringing irrefutable Truth to the lives of all those; sordidly fretting and fuming in the dungeons of dastardly
depraving lies; ghastily castigating even the most majestic elements of God’s creation; with the foul spit in their mouths,
The Greatest Fantasy on this Universe was in; bringing tantalizing Fantasy to the lives of all those; lividly cursing each resplendently Omnipotent aspect of their
persona; abusing existence in terminologies more condemnable than what the devil could ever conceive,
The Greatest Purpose on this Universe was in; bringing gloriously symbiotic Purpose to the lives of all those; deliberately pulverizing each instant of their
miraculously Omniscient life; with the swords of baselessly meaningless religion,
And the Greatest Love on this Universe was in; bringing immortal love to the lives of all those; frigidly wanting to embrace gory death; with a heart
all right but sadly without the most diminutive of beats.
On the surface it was merely a conglomerate of meticulously assembled stone and colossal pillars; extruding boundless feet from the trajectory of congenially moist soil,
But what made the castle stupendously FIVE STAR; was the majestic King; Queen and princess philandering inside; the ambience of unconquerable royalty that profusely perpetuated the air from all sides.
On the surface it was an insipid amalgamation of dry twig; streams; and fathomless kilometers of insatiably untamed wilderness,
But what made the forest irrefutably FIVE STAR; was the melodiously harmonious chirping of the spell binding nightingale; the poignantly enamoring trails of the regally mischievous lion and kin.
On the surface it was a macabre view of countless stray bones; agglutinated in articulate tandem and disdainfully abhorring every sensitive entity around,
But what made the brain Omnisciently FIVE STAR; was its unsurpassable entrenchment of compassionate fantasy; its unrelenting ability to conceive beyond the realms of the infinite infinity.
On the surface they were just overwhelmingly lanky poles of inconspicuously coagulated mud; pompously protruding towards the Mid-Day Sun,
But what made the mountains invincibly FIVE STAR; was their unflinchingly intrepid ability to confront the most acrimoniously mightiest of storm; uninhibitedly sequester one and all in swirl of gregarious belonging;
handsomely alike.
On the surface it was just a flabbily gargantuan assemblage of foaming water; nervously rising and falling umpteenth number of times in a singleton minute; under the most evanescent rays of the Sun,
But what made the sea ravishingly FIVE STAR; was its miraculously rejuvenating froth; the fountains of voluptuously tangy salt that it vibrantly diffused; after clashing against the seductive rocks.
On the surface it was just a frigidly sticky and pugnaciously dribbling liquid; shabbily corrupting all thoroughly synchronized space around,
But what made the hive enchantingly FIVE STAR; was its beautifully holistic scores of rambunctious bees; symbiotically melanging with the spirit of effusive
existence; to disseminate ubiquitous sweetness all around.
On the surface it was just a parsimoniously molded cauldron of wax; obnoxiously infiltrating the blissful atmosphere with its snobbishly inflated stench,
But what made the candle Omnipresently FIVE STAR; was its heavenly ability to illuminate even the most horrendously sinister darkness; impregnate a spell of optimistic enlightenment in the lives of those treacherously deprived….
On the surface it was just a ferocious looking fireball of blistering gases; gruesomely charring even the most Herculean entity who dared to trespass by
its belligerently flaming side,
But what made the Sun Omnipresently FIVE STAR; was its rays of perpetually triumphant happiness; its endless cradle of celestial light which unassailably embraced every organism; irrespective of caste; creed or spurious rites.
On the surface he was just a haphazard synchronization of flesh and bones; with everything being savagely engulfed by unruly hair; hair and capriciously mangled hair,
But what made Man unchallengably FIVE STAR; was the wave of Godly philanthropism in his commiserating eyes; the apostle of Universal benevolence
wholeheartedly pouring from his amiable palms.
On the surface it was just a disconcerting mass of mucus and derogatory darkness; ghoulishly scaring the wits of anybody who witnessed it for the very first time,
But what made the nostril Omnipotently FIVE STAR; was its essence of timelessness; the tireless paradise of air that it synergistically inhaled and exhaled; to astoundingly procreate the chapters of sacred survival.
And on the surface it was just a morbidly bubbling river of blood and infinite nerves; thundering uncertainly into the aisles of nothingness; as each instant unveiled,
But what made the heart perpetually FIVE STAR; was its exotically fascinating string of humanitarian beats; immortalizing forever and ever; the spirit of God’s
most priceless gift called; EXISTENCE.
The Sun dazzles brilliantly in the azure sky; profoundly illuminating pallid patches of land on earth,
Lets make it even better by standing directly beneath in it; rejuvenating our
dreary senses in its austerely stringent rays.
The swirling waves of gigantic ocean clash mercilessly with rocks; escalating
to phenomenal heights of froth in inclement weather,
Lets make it even better by completely submerging our silhouette in it; relishing the tanginess of water on our bare skins.
The flakes of freezing snow merrily trickled from the sky; inundating barren
territories of the mountain with thick sheets of white ice,
Lets make it even better by rolling voraciously in them; hurling them frivolously in pudgy chunks; at our beloved.
The fountain pen appeared to be enamoring; with an articulately chiseled nib
protruding from its slim mouth,
Lets make it even better by writing infinite lines of calligraphy with it; sketch mystical shapes out of the same; on plain sheets of sprawling canvas.
The wind blew tenaciously all day; engendering indolent clusters of leaves
riveted to the tree; to gustily blow,
Lets make it even better by confronting it head on; with the mesmerizing breeze clashing blatantly against the eye.
The tea looked stupendously ravishing in the pellucid kettle; with scented wisps of smoke profusely tantalizing the nimble hair in our nostrils,
Lets make it even better by gently sipping it; emitting incoherent noises while gulping it down our throat.
The aircraft appeared astoundingly exhilarating when sighted on the Black tarmac; with twin pairs of majestic wings projecting from its sides,
Lets make it even better by inhabiting the same; soaring high in the sky;
abreast the satiny clouds.
The lips looked luscious and voluptuous; with an unprecedented pink circumventing them in entirety,
Lets make it even better by uninhibitedly exploring them; tasting the
sweetness imbibed; violently with our tongue's.
The gloves lying on the mantel piece appeared pretty enthralling; with bulging
red sponge visible from far distance,
Lets make it even better by wearing them on our palms; judiciously testing
each other's fortitude; battling it out in the heart of the boxing ring.
The two lovers looked inevitably fascinating while embracing; unrelentingly
staring into each others eyes in a backdrop of panoramic waterfall,
Lets make it even better by allowing them the freedom to love; ubiquitously
spreading the essence of the same; in every individual we encounter on
planet earth.
When I witnessed the sparklingly bountiful waterfalls; majestically cascading down the rustically undulating hills,
I suddenly remembered how overwhelmingly thirsty was I ; with each frazzled nerve of my tyrannized body unfathomably yearning to be blissfully caressed.
When I witnessed the enigmatically inscrutable forests; with a spell bindingly panoramic myriad of tingling sounds and the princely lion diffusing into a royal parade of unparalleled superiority,
I suddenly how starved was I for adventure; as even the most infinitesimal bone of my body ardently desired to wholesomely blend with the insatiably
untamed wilderness.
When I witnessed the mystically fabulous clouds in fathomless sky; the immaculate puffs of mesmerizing silk gliding past in unprecedented euphoria,
I suddenly remembered how uncontrollably starved was I for titillation; as each pore of my torturously lambasted skin; perennially craved to be caressed by
the; unbelievably ravishing mist.
When I witnessed the mesmerizing blankets of eternally resplendent grass; the marvelously regale festoon of golden dewdrops sprouting in astounding harmony from the intricately poignant blades,
I suddenly remembered that how perennially starved was I for blissful sleep; as each traumatically monotonous contour of my countenance; inevitably slithered to blend with the celestial moistness.
When I witnessed torrentially unrelenting cloudbursts of seductive rain; the enthrallingly exuberant globules of fascinating liquid; pelting down in spell
binding harmony upon truculently parched soil,
I suddenly remembered how starved was I for enchanting dance; as each restlessly impoverished contour of my body; commenced to vivaciously gyrate to the tunes of the ebulliently majestic atmosphere.
When I witnessed the blazingly Omnipotent fireball of magnificent Sun; the unassailably miraculous rays which metamorphosed even the most inconspicuous iota of sadness into a fountain of everlasting triumph,
I suddenly remembered how starved was I for ingratiating optimism; as every speck of my disastrously beleaguered eyes; ecstatically surged forward to relish and replenish the full fervor of; timeless life.
When I witnessed the indefatigably ardent fires in the heart of the wonderfully tantalizing night; with the cradle of sensuously tickling darkness casting its
Omniscient spell upon one and all; handsomely alike,
I suddenly remembered how starved was I for exotic passion; as each ingredient of my maliciously besieged blood; gushed forward like an unstoppable hurricane to coalesce forever with the winds of enthralling seduction.
When I witnessed the Omnipresent whirlpool of wind exuberantly creeping towards my soul; an incomprehensibly romantic maelstrom of whispering
beauty overpowering my wavering reflection,
I suddenly remembered how starved was I for unconquerable breath; as even the most capriciously fugitive space in my nostrils; intransigently sucked
in boundless skies of; gregarious air.
And when I witnessed the immortal beats of her beautifully pristine heart; the irrefutable wave of jubilantly scintillating truth that disseminated on every step that she timelessly transgressed,
I suddenly remembered how starved was I for unending love; as every element of my mind; body and soul; eternally melanged with her Godly fragrance; as every part of me and beyond eternally melanged with the essence of never-dying humanity.
Just as your job was to blasphemously abuse every religion that wasn't yours; my job was to unassailably unite the wretchedly dissipated planet once again into the religion of Omnipotent humanity,
Just as your job was to cold-bloodedly annihilate forest after jubilant forest for erecting sinister edifice; my job was to sow an infinite new seedlings of prosperity every unfurling instant of the day and shimmering night,
Just as your job was to sacrilegiously desecrate every Temple; Mosque; Church and Monastery as the greatest agnostic alive; my job was to inexhaustibly pray—humbly bending down to the fervently Omnipresent footsteps of the Almighty Creator,
Just as your job was to ruthlessly paralyze countless a girl child right itself in the invincibly sacrosanct womb; my job was to altruistically lend every ounce of my mind; body and shoulder to those aimlessly shivering orphans without a roof,
Just as your job was to shoot an infinite invidious bullets right into the innocuous skull; my job was to heal every conceivable wound on the trajectory of this fathomless earth; with the magical ointment of brotherhood that ran inherently in each of my ardent veins,
Just as your job was to shrewdly trade everything on this globe for fecklessly meaningless money; my job was to pen down an infinite lines of mesmerizing poetry and solely follow my heart—which made me the richest organism alive,
Just as your job was to indiscriminately make fun and endlessly slander every piece of weakness in this world; my job was to become the selflessly compassionate walking stick—of all those old; infirm; haplessly staggering and maimed,
Just as your job was to unthinkably molest and trade your very own mother for a few sleazy wads of currency; my job was to become that unflinchingly faithful son of every couple who was banefully childless,
Just as your job was to interminably inundate the reservoirs of ghastly hell with more and more innocent blood; my job was to spawn paradise at every conceivable quarter of mother earth out of thin air—solely on the
foundations of unconquerable love,
Just as your job was to baselessly condemn and spit upon every tangible and intangible thing that you felt and sighted; my job was to appreciate and be in due servitude of God's unceasingly effulgent and tirelessly proliferating Universe,
Just as your job was to acrimoniously scrap even the last traces of your inimitably invaluable heritage and kin; my job was to bountifully procreate an innumerable of my own—contributing my own bit towards the chapters of eternal newness and creation,
Just as your job was to flagrantly lie in every tawdrily damned word that you uttered; my job was to perseveringly evolve a whole new civilization of only truth; which was ruled solely by the unsurpassable sky of righteousness,
Just as your job was to sadistically rejoice the morbidly fetid skeleton in every of your breath; my job was to make day-to-day life of every inexplicably thwarted organism; a joyously unfettered celebration,
Just as your job was to pugnaciously maim even the most infinitesimal trace of creative in its very roots; my job was to uninhibitedly let loose every frazzled cranny of my brain—in order to replenish each aspect of my existence with the uncurbed richness of the Lord's creation,
Just as your job was to cast a spell of deplorable doomsday upon every organism rollicking in the true spirit of life; my job was to be the lantern of unparalleled optimism to each uncontrollably shivering form; by the grace of the Omniscient Creator,
Just as your job was to bombard every cognizable corner of the earth with wanton hatred and satanic war; my job was to solely disseminate the ideals of celestial peace and harmony; which was the only religion that every form of God ever taught,
Just as your job was to miserably lull in the graveyards of disastrously asphyxiating solitariness; my job was to ardently voice the sounds of mellifluous undefeated life---ubiquitously in the ecstatically palpitating atmosphere,
Just as your job was to barbarously behead every new-born on the spuriously sacrificial altar in order to extend your own life; my job was to fearlessly fight till my very last breath—lay my life instantaneously for the sake of the glory of my venerated motherland,
B'cause please understand O! mercilessly pulverizing devil—that every job; whether indescribably bad or good; is still a job in hand; a job to be done; or as they've been saying since times immemorial that a job is a job
These were the same hands that compassionately traced his royally new-born smile; till the absolute ends to where it uninhibitedly stretched on
his majestically enamoring face,
These were the same hands that hoisted him high and handsome into free spaces of exhilarated air; joyously reminiscing their very own childhood as they witnessed the most beautiful gift of creation blossoming to its magnificent fullness,
These were the same hands that fervently sorted his favorite dolls and toys; from an inexhaustible marketplace of myriad accessories; strings; fresh gizmos lethargically strewn around,
These were the same hands that perspired into an infinite droplets of ardent sweat; each sweltering day and night under the sky; persevering through boundless lanes of hardships in order to give him the best of life,
These were the same hands that stood like an unflinching fortress; in the way of each pernicious impediment and storm that dared come his innocuously blessed way,
These were the same hands that stringently cleansed even the most unthinkably fetid and decayed of his bowel discharge; an umpteenth time a day; so that he forever rollicked and dreamt in his cradle of eternal happiness,
These were the same hands that mischievously tickled him to countless guffaws of unabashed laughter; stood infallibly like the rock of Gibraltar behind even the weirdest of his childish explorations,
These were the same hands that unwaveringly collected each droplet of his saliva and vomit; unceasingly cajoled and patted his pristine forehead; until he transited into profound celestial sleep,
These were the same hands that held his inconspicuously measly fingers; following him untiringly for an innumerable days and agonizing nights; until he learnt to unconquerably walk,
These were the same hands that taught him to grip a pen; legitimately scribble and write; merrily going through the endless learning motions countless a time; and bearing the most vicious of his rebellious kicks with a smile,
These were the same hands that wiped each tear of inexplicable discomfort that dribbled from his eyes; replacing them and each of his moistened eyelashes with the most victorious pearls of paradise,
These were the same hands that snatched him everytime from the jaws of gory death; as he inadvertently tended to fall into the gorge of extinction; the corpse of uncertainty time after time,
These were the same hands that adroitly guided him through each mangled pathway of inscrutable life; slowly and slowly evolving a sensible youngster out of his blabbering childhood rhetoric,
These were the same hands that perpetually entwined with his in applause and congratulations; everytime he emerged humanitarianly triumphant; amongst a pack of asphyxiating worldly wild wolves,
These were the same hands that matched his exhilarated knuckles punch for punch; as he galloped in the peak of spell-binding youth; trying to wondrously decipher his dreams amidst bits of fantastic blue sky,
These were the same hands that put his palms in the palms of his dreamgirl forever and ever and ever; blessed them both in the threads of invincibly sacrosanct marriage,
These were the same hands that once again played and passionately nourished his offsprings like they'd nurtured him several years ago; now that he'd
turned proud father himself,
And unfortunately these were those very same fatherly hands that now
burnt him on his inconsolable pyre; and then banged themselves into a
mist of thwarted nothingness; as he met with an accident; cracked his
skull which was carelessly without a helmet; and on-the-spot died.
There was nothing wrong even if I spoke a 1000 lies, if it brought a smile to the face of the impoverished child,
There was nothing wrong even if I clambered up the mountain slopes well past midnight, if my expedition ended with God waiting to sequester me in his arms,
There was nothing wrong even if I killed clusters of red ant, if my massacre saved the life of a sleeping angel,
There was nothing wrong even if I burnt books of revered literature, if the crackling fires generated thereby imparted warmth to the shivering patient,
There was nothing wrong even if I slapped the bustling youth, if my rebukes helped them cope better with the acrimonious society,
There was nothing wrong even if I furtively shirked crowds, if my evading them brought me at whisker lengths close to my beloved,
There was nothing wrong even if I failed miserably in the examination, if my flunking gave a chance to students more deserving,
There was nothing wrong even if I drove my car like a maniac on the streets, if my whirlwind speeding transported the unconscious soldier to the hospital,
There was nothing wrong even if I submerged my entire persona in disdainful grease, if it meant that the fish could swim in pure crystal water,
There was nothing wrong even if I dug the earth several feet with my axe, if my shoveling extricated the man brutally buried alive,
There was nothing wrong even if I acted like a clown, if my ludicrous gestures made the gloomy princess wholeheartedly laugh,
There was nothing wrong even if I refrained from sipping a single droplet of liquid, if my scorching myself gave new life to the withering deserts,
There was nothing wrong even if I reached office late everyday, if my not arriving on time gave me a chance to hear the sparrows chirp flirtatiously in the
There was nothing wrong even if I clad myself in a piece of tottered robe, if my being naked saved that extra bit of cotton for the farmer,
There was nothing wrong even if I gulped a barrel full of whisky instead of tea at dawn, if my mind fantasized about all the goodness, transited into a blissful slumber thereafter,
There was nothing wrong even if I traversed on a bed of savage thorns, if it meant that my mother could sleep like a queen on the golden couch,
There was nothing wrong even if I said a blunt no when I could have gone around in fishy routes, if my being straightforward patronized my honesty,
There was nothing wrong even if I washed my eyes in a pool of blood, if my bruises could ignite the hearts of all those selfish,
And there was nothing wrong even I had to die Infinite deaths, if each breath of mine gave birth to a million new, saw to it that life went on and so did you.
The solitary plant on soil shook to the most minuscule draught of wind; buckled miserably under the influence of passing breeze,
While it was the cluster of trees which appeared resilient against the most tumultuous of storm; stood like a formidable fortress as the air whizzed past
their demeanor in cyclonic succession.
A single cloud in the sky looked disdainful; lingered lackadaisically without
precipitating for hours on the trot,
While it was the conglomerate of dense clouds in the cosmos; that showered
rain unrelentingly; inundating every barren patch on earth with exotic water.
The flame of the wax candle flickered flirtatiously; as the sultry night started to take a complete stranglehold on the day,
While it was the crackling bonfire that blazed tenaciously through the darkness; profoundly illuminating the cloistered environment with dazzling rays of hope.
The puddle of water looked contemptuous; lying desolate after the monsoons;
anxiously waiting to evaporate into thin wisps of oblivion,
While it was the ocean with an ensemble of swirling waves; rising high and
flamboyant towards the sky; that was able to bear the weight of ships; transport millions of passengers from one destination to another.
A single goat philandering on the hills looked pretty forlorn; aimlessly loitering around; groping wildly for the right path as the complexion of day transited into ephemeral dusk,
While it was the cluster of sheep which ambled audaciously; manipulated the
meandering paths of the terrain; to reach their destination with supreme safety.
One soldier facing the marching enemies abysmally succumbed; collapsing in a
petrified heap at the sight of gleaming guns and bombs,
While it was the battalion of stalwarts who fought valiantly till they relinquished breath; dexterously swishing their swords to annihilate the advancing army.
As a single eye searched for the inconspicuous needle; trying to unearth it
from amidst heaps of rotten leaves and corn; the task seemed virtually insurmountable; with sighs of exasperation piercing loud and stringent through
the atmosphere,
While it was only when several eyeballs rotated all around; were they able to
spot the diminutive metal camouflaged subtly beneath a green banana skin.
The manager looked disgruntled; making flagrant blunders as he buried his head
in submission under a sheaf of monotonous papers; trying to run the company
solely on his own,
While it was only when a team of professionals assembled together; executed
their tasks to immaculate perfection; that the business prospered; became a
name to cherish in the community.
And a single stick of candy snapped ludicrously into multiple fragments; the
instant I applied on it the slightest of pressure,
While it was the united bundle of sticks; which incorrigibly refrained to distort an inch; Infact gained loads more of raw strength; with each
attempt of mine to wholesomely decimate it.
It was solely because of that very tantalizing flesh; that you felt like the most exotically robust man alive for times immemorial; with every nubile goose-bump on your skin roused towards the ultimate crescendos of paradise,
It was solely because of that very effervescent flesh; that you at times forgot the most murderously asphyxiating of your disease; discarded even the most goriest of pain; like wisps of inconsequential nothingness,
It was solely because of that very succulent flesh; that you languished in the aisles of unstoppable desire; even an infinite centuries after diabolical hell had wholesomely melanged with every cranny of earth divine,
It was solely because of that very replenishing flesh; that you felt your true manhood to be blessed beyond sagacious comprehension; as you invincibly loomed over every other conceivable object in the melancholic atmosphere,
It was solely because of that very titillating flesh; that you felt even the most lugubriously dormant dormitories of your brain; burgeon into the most
pricelessly inimitable whirlwinds of optimistically enlightening creation,
It was solely because of that very royal flesh; that you felt as if existence had a boundless more parameters associated to it; rather than just robotically breathe from blazing morning to stupendously enamoring night,
It was solely because of that very royal flesh; that you never ever experienced dolorous boredom; fathomlessly exploring the most poignantly artistic shapes of beauty; which were sensuously accentuated to the ultimate hilt,
It was solely because of that very rhapsodic flesh; that you felt that the world was forever handsomely winning and proliferating; as if there palpitated just
insatiably profound desire in even the most inconspicuous ingredient of the atmosphere,
It was solely because of that very serenaded flesh; that you became entirely oblivious to every ounce of your treacherously depraved impoverishment; feeling the wealthiest man alive; although bereft of a single penny in your pockets,
It was solely because of that very seductive flesh; that you felt inexhaustibly inebriated in the clouds of voluptuous longing; where every droplet of golden
rain perpetually mollified every insinuation of agony and pain,
It was solely because of that very silken flesh; that you felt an unsurpassable entrenchment of enlightenment enshroud every of your dying nerve;
transcending you forever and ever and ever beyond the definitions of victorious ecstasy,
It was solely because of that very jubilant flesh; that you sprang like the most unassailably volatile inferno from even an infinite kilometers beneath your
corpse; and with the incredulous virility of an untamed adolescent,
It was solely because of that very miraculous flesh; that you suddenly started to feel that life was unlimitedly triumphant; and you were the most precious jewel in God’s cradle of tirelessly potent creation,
It was solely because of that very ardent flesh; that you learnt to fantasize and romanticize once again like a small kid; although treacherously wrapped in
the throes of daily survival and the despicably abhorrent office,
It was solely because of that very bountiful flesh; that you entirely massacred every venomous prejudice in your soul; yearned towards more and more eternally fructifying goodness; every unfurling instant of your majestic life,
It was solely because of that very mesmerizing flesh; that you experienced ubiquitous versatility at its very best; and the thunderbolt of excitement reigning perennially supreme in every visible and invisible cranny of your visage,
It was solely because of that very glorious flesh; that you thanked the Creator for all those brilliantly exuberant moments; when every droplet of thwarted
tension in your nerves; became an unconquerable fountain of blooming happiness,
It was solely because of that very ravishing flesh; that you felt your life would never ever end even after death; as the pleasure it gave every outgrowth
of hair on your body; made you feel as if utopia was in every line of your outstretched palms,
It was solely because of that very effulgent flesh; that you felt your ultimate odyssey as a vagrant traveler had forever ended; upon the most ecstatically
titillating apogees of unfathomable seduction,
It was solely because of that very unabashed flesh; that every iota of your decrepit impotency; suddenly burgeoned like the sword of the infallibly triumphant warrior; limitlessly ensuring that proliferation on this spell-binding planet; never had any end,
And yet you hypocritically and openly condemned that very flesh which made you feel like the most impregnable king all your life; as a Whore; as a Prostitute; just because it belonged to the body of such a woman who hadn’t tied the marital thread with you as per the norms of your inanely double-standard society; just because it belonged to the body of such a woman who had euphorically devoured many more men like you; just because it belonged to the body of such a woman who wasn’t your legal wife
Every breath that I inhaled; deluged even the most drearily beleaguered nerve of mine; with fireballs of tantalizing euphoria; and boundlessly surreal delight,
Every breath that I inhaled; compassionately tickled each cranny of my devastatingly shattered conscience; rejuvenating me to propel indefatigably ahead; in the full and tangy fervor of vibrant life,
Every breath that I inhaled; camouflaged my profusely monotonous senses; with resplendent winds of unending romanticism; tumultuously engendering me to gloriously fantasize; beyond the realms of fantastically fragrant paradise,
Every breath that I inhaled; impregnated in me a Herculean conviction to unflinchingly confront the most acrimoniously mighty obstacles; replenishing my body with all the bountifully ravishing ingredients of mother Nature,
Every breath that I inhaled; instilled an insatiably untamed ebullience in my poignantly crimson blood; ecstatically making me philander in a paradise of
overwhelming desire and fervently mesmerizing yearning,
Every breath that I inhaled; triggered in me a sensuousness to uninhibitedly love one and all on this fathomless planet; embrace voluptuously nubile maidens
forever; in the vice like grip of my piquantly famished arms,
Every breath that I inhaled; drew me more closer to the Almighty Lord; made me holistically imbibe and realize my ultimate mission; in the grandiloquent
splendor of magnificently shimmering life,
Every breath that I inhaled; reinvigorated in me an insurmountably relentless optimism to exuberantly lead life; patriotically march on the paths of divinely
righteousness; for centuries immemorial,
Every breath that I inhaled; enchanted me into a trail of fabulously magical newness; brilliantly placating each iota of my pathetically shriveled demeanor; with waves of heavenly contentment,
Every breath that I inhaled; inexorably perpetuated me to blazingly excel in my destined tasks of existence; as I clambered to the epitome of philanthropically
glittering success; to perennially serve all benevolent mankind,
Every breath that I inhaled; timelessly mystified me about the incomprehensible vastness of Omnipresent Lord’s creation; as I ravishingly languished in stupendous rhapsody; under the carpet of opalescently milky stars,
Every breath that I inhaled; enlightened me with the most glitteringly veritable purpose of survival; as an overwhelming spurt of energy gushed dazzlingly through my rubicund palms; drifting me on a path of beautifully altruistic humanity,
Every breath that I inhaled; miraculously annihilated even the most infinitesimal trace of depression enveloping my dithering persona; imparting me with a sparkling tenacity to blossom like a new born seed; in vivaciously vivid life,
Every breath that I inhaled; exquisitely carved a niche for me to dexterously perform in every entangled sphere of life; blend with an unsurpassable sea of
symbiotic melody and celestially endowing happiness,
Every breath that I inhaled; eclectically bloomed each part of my disastrously fading perception; as I rejoiced like a silken prince in the eloquently intriguing flavor of; royal life,
Every breath that I inhaled; divinely coalesced me with my integral rudiments of the holistically sprouting soil; sacredly bequeathing upon me the everlasting blessings of my revered ancestors; for countless more births of mine,
Every breath that I inhaled; intransigently thrusted me more vociferously in my mission to save the planet; mitigate my immaculately suffering comrades; from the chains of salacious lechery; and barbarically manipulative malice,
Every breath that I inhaled; bonded me perpetually with the girl of my dreams; handsomely juxtaposing each element of my indigent existence; with
her charismatically Omniscient heart,
Over and above all; Every breath that I inhaled; bestowed upon me the unassailable magnetism to be inevitably attracted by all marvelous goodness that wandered magnanimously upon this fascinating planet; bestowed upon me the spirit to live; and let alive.
If the ravishingly mesmerizing lotus could spawn from the; stinkingly sordid pond of lugubriously dolorous dirt; with nothing but an obfuscated haze
of decaying scarecrows around,
Then why couldn’t you exist as pristine as an immaculate angel; amidst the horrendously berserk ratrace for commercial lunatism; the tornadoes of
abhorrent jealously that pulverized countless into threadbare dust ?
If the brilliantly blazing fireball of Sun could arise from behind; the prison of ominously insidious and horrifically crippling clouds,
Then why couldn’t you exist as the ultimate messiah of philanthropic truth; in a world treacherously enshrouded by the winds of diabolical hatred;
and abominably ruthless lies ?
If the carpet of resplendently robust grass could evolve bountifully around the murderously rueful corpse; stagnating in realms of disparagingly
deteriorating and delinquent oblivion,
Then why couldn’t you exist as an unflinchingly innocuous patriot; whilst the planet around you parasitically sucked indefatigable reservoirs of blood; fought every moment of their lives for spuriously materialistic gains ?
If Omnipotent whirlpools of golden honey could ooze from amidst the branches of the barbarically thorny hive; lecherously trying its best to dreadfully abrade its harmonious melody,
Then why couldn’t you exist as a messiah bonding all humanity one and alike; even as thunderously dictatorial hell rained unsparingly everywhere around
you; from the heart of hell in fathomless sky ?
If rejuvenating water gloriously oozed from the belly of the savage cactus; with nothing but an entrenchment of hostile nails to penalize it every unleashing
second; in the truculently scorching heat,
Then why couldn’t you solely follow the inner most tunes of your passionate heart; even as the very entity of charismatic human had metamorphosed into a
robotic missile; indiscriminately trampling upon one another; to maliciously catapult to the summit of bombastic prosperity ?
If the resplendently euphoric voice of the nightingale could diffuse profoundly unconquerable magic in the gigantic forests; inspite of the salaciously man-eater
lion; thunderously trumpeting its incoherently demonic feet,
Then why couldn’t you irrefutably adhere to the principles of symbiotically benign existence; even as the entire globe around you; had invidiously
transformed into a marketplace of artificiality; a graveyard of raunchy flesh trade ?
If the most impeccably opalescent Moon could blossom from the heart of ghastly darkness; a torturous ambience of black heinously stabbing it from
all sides,
Then why couldn’t you cherish an infinite births on the sacrosanct footsteps of your divine mother; even as the entire earth around you; malevolently shrugged
the ones they loved the most in their insipid conquest of earning; pugnacious money ?
If unsurpassable gallons of Omnipresent breath sprouted in the aisles of bizarre nothingness; with the endless battalion of tyrannizing demons trying their absolute best to asphyxiate even the most capricious iota of blissful life,
Then why couldn’t you unequivocally maneuver your conscience towards the path of eternal righteousness; even as the entire Universe around you; insanely
thrived on sardonically sullen platforms of manipulation and coldblooded lies ?
And if true love reigned immortally supreme everytime the earth was born; although the insurmountably lambasting cauldron of devils; massacred its priceless throne a countless times,
Then why couldn’t you altruistically relinquish every trace of your life for suffering humanity on each step that you tread; even as the entire planet around you; gruesomely blinded each other in their quest of greedily sighting the
first rays of dawn ?
There were no surreptitious secrets to achieve it; bask in its gloriously scintillating laurels for centuries immemorial,
There were no clandestine shortcuts to catapult to it; shimmer in its unparalleled cynosure; like no other entity on this astronomically colossal Universe,
There were no easy rides to gallop towards it; unequivocally embellish it in your forehead; for countless more births of yours yet to unveil,
There were no magical mantras to wholesomely assimilate it; irrefutably ensure that it was solely yours; from amongst infinite more on this unendingly
gargantuan planet,
There were no incoherent insinuations to perpetually incarcerate it; perennially ensure that it didn’t budge even an inconspicuous inch from your invincible
There were no ominously nefarious means to blissfully absorb it; witness it become the unfathomably poignant radiance; that reflected profusely from your
disastrous soul,
There were no dexterously ambiguous methods to lure it; unleash it from the unsurpassably limitless Universe; to make it the bountiful carpet of your stinking household,
There were no miraculous rockets to unflinchingly escalate to it; sight the entire planet as an infinitesimal insect; sitting on its majestically kingly countenance,
There were no ravishingly melodious tunes to seduce it; make it the profoundly aristocratic jewel of your impoverished eyes; while the rest of the globe envied
you in utter disbelief,
There were no swords to nonchalantly pluck it; bestow it with astronomical ease in the heart of your dwindling palms; for times immemorial,
There was no tenacious breeze to swipe it entirely in one single go; proudly solemnize your severely devastated existence; with all stupendous glory that
lay in the resplendent cosmos,
There were no sleazily titillating colors to tantalize it; uninhibitedly make it the celestial radiance of your frigidly capricious skin; for decades unprecedented,
There were no bombastic pools of crocodile tears to melt it; trap its divinely prosperity forever; in the swirl of your insidiously non-existent imagery,
There were no ideals of spuriously pathetic business management to grasp it; forever embed its triumphantly glittering flag on the roof of your vengefully
dithering dwelling,
There were no rigid textbook incantations to seek it; gyrate in the spell of its heavenly ebullience; irrespective of ghastly night or spell bindingly sweltering day,
There were no ingeniously scientific formulas to wonderfully evolve it; preserve it without the slightest of effort; for incomprehensibly unstoppable decades on the trot,
There were no flash in the pan one-night-stands to reach it; let its marvelously enamoring intensity; descend upon every cranny of your lecherously diminutive visage,
There were no bizarrely commercial manipulations to trade it; make it the most unassailably treasured aspect of your despicable life; in exchange of fathomless treasuries of your rotting wealth,
And if there was any way to immortally reach it; divinely experience it in every philanthropic smile of your survival; then it was irrefutably and only timeless perseverance; a Sun of blazing hard work; that undisputedly leads you to the heaven of; unconquerably sweet success.
The Omnipotently blazing Sun never ever complained an infinitesimal trifle; even as it indefatigably enlightened and dazzled livid earth all sweltering day,
And you fecklessly nonchalant human had all the guts on this planet to discordantly groan; saying that the shine was a fraction too much for your sanctimonious bones to handle; although you were being pricelessly blessed.
The blissfully undulating sea never ever complained an inconspicuous trifle; even as it relentlessly deluged every quarter of traumatized earth;
with reinvigoratingly tangy froth,
And you dastardly lackadaisical human had all the guts on this planet to cacophonically lament; saying that the exuberance was a fraction too much for your withering visage to handle; although you were being unfathomably blessed.
The bountifully iridescent forests never ever complained a diminutive speck; even as they tirelessly perpetuated the fabric of this dolorous cosmos; with
beautifully unprecedented mysticism,
And you jaggedly abraded human had all the guts on this planet to sadistically fume; saying that the enchantment was a fraction too much for your beleaguered eyes to handle; although you were being limitlessly blessed.
The triumphantly crimson clouds never ever complained an ethereal inch; even as they enriched every drearily lambasted cranny of this earth with majestically
sparkling rain,
And you sordidly irascible human had all the guts on this planet to nonchalantly slander; saying that the rhapsody was a fraction too much for your stupidly
trembling skin to handle; although you were being indomitably blessed.
The indefatigably unconquerable mountains never ever complained an evanescent bit; even as they irrevocably illuminated the complexion of every coward on this fathomless earth; with invincibly astronomical courage,
And you meaninglessly rigid human had all the guts on this planet to lugubriously insult; saying that the strength was a fraction too much for your nimble arms to handle; although you were being inimitably blessed.
The pristinely impeccable leaves never ever complained an ephemeral voice; even as they boundlessly permeated the sullen atmosphere of earth; with unsurpassably jubilant euphoria,
And you uselessly manipulative human had all the guts on this planet to scorchingly scorn; saying that the celebration was a fraction too much for your
perfidious senses to handle; although you were being heavenly blessed.
The celestially opalescent stars never ever complained a fugitive fragment; even as they inexhaustibly adorned the cushion of this atrociously blackened earth; with ebulliently twinkling shimmer and shine,
And you mercilessly marauding human had all the guts on this planet to vengefully rue; saying that the glitter was a fraction too much for your delinquent countenance to handle; although you were being gloriously blessed.
The perpetually throbbing heart never ever complained even a mercurial grain; even as it unstoppably blessed the aridly acrimonious landscapes of this earth; with incomprehensibly unending love,
And you belligerently venomous human had all the guts on this planet to gorily wail; saying that the beats were a fraction too much for your profane silhouette
to handle; although you were divinely blessed.
And the Omnisciently impregnable Creator never ever complained even a parsimonious shadow; even as he timelessly spawned mellifluously unflinching life on this gigantically mystical earth,
And you acridly abhorrent human had all the guts on this planet to remorsefully oppose; saying that the breath was a fraction too much for your licentious
form to handle; although you were being royally blessed.
The amalgamation of clouds in the cosmos; brings tantalizing tumblers of sparkling rain,
The amalgamation of winds from different directions; brings a tumultuously vivacious and enigmatic storm,
The amalgamation of bedraggled fragments of cloth; evolves a fabulously impeccable garment,
The amalgamation of minuscule pinches of sand loitering aimlessly around; eventually culminates into a majestically handsome and fathomlessly
sprawling desert,
The amalgamation of profusely baked bricks; produces a magnanimously fortified and sheltering wall,
The amalgamation of worthless words scattered in the dictionary; blossoms into an emphatically mesmerizing sentence,
The amalgamation of frigidly insipid matchsticks; perpetuates into a royally blazing fire; flaming flamboyantly towards the sky,
The amalgamation of shiny pearls extracted freshly from the oyster; harnesses into a shimmering necklace glowing eye to eye with the crimson Sun,
The amalgamation of infinite waves undulating with ravishing froth; spawns into the boundless ocean; clashing mystically against the chain of scintillating rocks,
The amalgamation of battered looking curled hair; molds into a voluptuous eyelash; stealing your senses like streaks of thunder in the sky,
The amalgamation of variegated crinkly petals; gives rise to an exotic flower; wafting its enchanting fragrance for miles unprecedented,
The amalgamation of several solitary rooms rotting in realms of profound remorse; gives birth to a grandiloquent castle; through which transgressed the
jeweled prince,
The amalgamation of countless births as divinely as the heavens; produces Man; the most incredulously intelligent creation of Almighty Lord,
The amalgamation of unfathomable emotions fulminating rampantly in the soul; triggers the chords of imagination to crop up with a festoon of
unbelievable ideas,
The amalgamation of blood from all religions; produces the most indomitable of tribes; marching unflinchingly to knock the corridors of success,
The amalgamation of dusty books lost for centuries in obsolete wisps of neglected nothingness; produces a cherished library fostering a repertoire of
incomprehensibly priceless literature,
The amalgamation of varied breaths unanimously as one; produces the most tenacious spirit to survive; confronting an insurmountable battalion of satanic
devils without a ripple to the skin,
The amalgamation of unsurpassable sounds together; produces the most astoundingly beautiful song ever conceivable on the trajectory of this vast planet,
And the amalgamation of two passionately palpitating hearts in this Universe; produces the most worshipped gift which we all live and could unhesitatingly
relinquish breath this very minute for; a gift which even the greatest of
Gods salute as love.
Everyday I stared at the azure sky for long hours; admiring the fiery rays of the Sun in the morning; basking in the glory of the celestial blanket of stars well past after midnight,
While the other human of my kind; meticulously brushed their teeth with stringent toothpaste every morning; exited for monotonous office at the
tick of sharp 9.
Everyday I sat on the sordid wall chewing tangy gum and tantalizing chocolate; executing an armory of flirtatious smiles at every ravishing damsel in the
neighborhood who passed by,
While the other human of my kind; buried his face under a sheaf of bulky papers; listened patiently to the fleet of blatant abuse from his employer with
silent remorse.
Everyday I literally counted the number of cars traversing the streets from my divine balcony railing; drunk rum with uninhibited glee profoundly engrossed
in a voluptuously titillating fantasy of my own,
While the other human of my kind; incessantly engaged himself in apple polishing; ensuring that the company's profits augmented by leaps and bounds at the cost of his own life.
Everyday I rolled in green grass under the robust afternoon; gallivanted on horses through the meadows; devouring any morsel of food which was congenially offered to me by the farmers,
While the other human of my kind; evolved ingenious policies on the computer; wasted hours of time in sorting his meal with silver forks; and in the end
didn’t relish the slightest.
Everyday I slept till the time I wanted; waking up blissfully as the serene evening descended; leaping acrobatically with the wind as the enchanting night took a vicious stranglehold,
While the other human of my kind; started his preparations well before dawn had unveiled; hardly slept a single wink in the darkness; indefatigably worrying about his performance; and the evading salary cheques which were his only source to please his wife.
Everyday I counted boundless numbers of sheep philandering nimbly on the hills; danced in ecstatic jubilation as the peacock came from behind the trees
after exotic rain,
While the other human of my kind; inexorably cribbed about his destiny; the impoverished state he was in; as his boss didn’t consider him to be with the
contemporary times.
Everyday I went on learning and imbibing the language which I wanted; eccentrically penning down infinite lines of poetry the instants my mind commanded,
While the other human of my kind; peered through the keyhole of his boss's cabin; praying to God that his chance to enter inside came faster than the
speed of white light.
Everyday I cried uncontrollably; screamed in sheer hysteria whenever my heart felt asphyxiated; had an insatiable urge to pour its imprisoned agony out,
While the other human of my kind; conversed in overwhelmingly soft whispers; used the heaviest slang possible to make his bombastic presence felt amongst
the spurious crowd.
Everyday I walked barefoot; with at times torn rags engulfing my body and a necklace of spooky crabs enveloping my neck; whistling raucously in the air as
I marched gallantly without caring two hoods for the sanctimonious society,
While the other human of my kind; found himself deluged with an unending reservoir of tensions each unveiling hour of the day; craved miserably for an
opportunity to cling to the swanky mike; get his aching hands on the steering wheel of that status Mercedes.
And I went where I wanted; talked what I wanted; did what I wanted with gay abandon as I was thoroughly unemployed; treating each day as a fabulous Sunday although it was the peak of monstrous activity time,
While the other human of my kind; perhaps had tons of more money than I did; perhaps had insurmountable amount of pride in the society more than what I could have ever perceived; but didn’t enjoy even a single minute as the unsurpassable years crept by; infact it was profoundly sad to state that the last day of his life was his one and only Sunday
If I perceived myself as a king; then I was indeed perched on the embellished throne; with a festoon of diamonds glittering royally by my side,
If I perceived myself as a panther; then I was indeed the menacing beast on the jungle; trampling rampantly through the dense undergrowths; paving my own
inimitable way,
If I perceived myself as a mountain; then I was indeed the summit shimmering magnificently under the flamboyant rays of Sun,
If I perceived myself as a peacock; then I was indeed a pompous bird; blossoming my armory of vivacious feathers ingratiatingly towards the sky,
If I perceived myself as a beggar; then I was indeed the ragamuffin spreading my hands abominably on the streets; waiting for those indispensable coins of currency to flood my scared and impoverished hands,
If I perceived myself as a duck; then I was indeed the appeasingly dimpled monster; floating on the serene surface of tepid water,
If I perceived myself as an infinitesimal speck; then I was indeed the diminutive mosquito; irascibly buzzing around the divinely asleep eardrum,
If I perceived myself as the fortified castle; then I was indeed the invincible walls of iron which shrugged off the most mightiest of attack with nonchalant ease,
If I perceived myself as the grandiloquent Sun; then I was indeed the fountain of mesmerizing rays that illuminated every cloistered cranny of earth,
If I perceived myself as a criminal; then I was indeed the satanic hoodlum intransigently bent upon devastating blissful mankind,
If perceived myself as dumb; then I was indeed bereft of words and speech; stood like a retarded lunatic when infact I had a fathomless treasury of eloquence embedded in my soul,
If I perceived myself as a tear; then I was indeed disdainful depression insurmountably augmenting by the unveiling second,
If I perceived myself as a magician; then I was indeed the astoundingly inexplicable conjurer; metamorphosing all chunks of bland mud into biscuits of gold,
If I perceived myself as garbage; then I was indeed the pile of horrendously fetid sewage; lying dilapidated and decaying to rot,
If I perceived myself as a cloud; then I indeed a surreally fabulous fantasy; pelting down showers of flirtatious romance,
If I perceived myself as a needle; then I was indeed the minuscule strand of metal disgustingly poking people in their ribs,
If I perceived myself as darkness; then I was indeed a perpetually solitary ambience; enveloped from all sides by inevitably bizarre grief,
If I perceived myself as sick; then I was indeed suffering from astronomically high fever; with my forehead blazing more than blistering embers of sizzling fire,
If I perceived myself as happy; then I was indeed exuberant; embracing the absolute pinnacle of prosperity uninhibitedly with both arms,
If I perceived myself as a shark; then I was indeed the preposterously huge monster; ready to rip apart innocuous personalities into infinite bits of their
original form,
If I perceived myself as fearless; then I was indeed valiantly doughty; ready to confront the most deadliest of catastrophe; without flinching or faltering the slightest,
If I perceived myself as sheep; then I was indeed the fleet footed and daintily nimble animal; celestially existing amongst boundless of my kind,
If I perceived myself as love; then I was indeed a messiah profusely dedicated to propagating its different forms; to far and distant across this colossal Universe,
If I perceived myself as hatred; then I was indeed deceitful anecdotes of malice; snapping the cherished essence of sacrosanct life,
If I perceived myself as truth; then I was indeed an irrefutable idol of honesty; assisting countless individuals trapped in the dungeon of salacious lechery; with optimism seeming an overwhelmingly far cry,
If I perceived myself as ugly; then I was indeed the unfortunate possessor of distorted features; with every organ of my body gruesomely placed and
repugnantly grotesque,
If I perceived myself as beautiful; then I was indeed gorgeous; with my lips portraying that voluptuously pink and robust tinge,
If I perceived myself as a blabber mouth; then I was indeed an inexorably talkative individual; chattering tirelessly all throughout the day and for marathon hours of the sultry night,
If I perceived myself as a volcano; then I was indeed a fulminating stream of lava; erupting out with brute force from the compassionate belly of soil,
If I perceived myself as a bee; then I was indeed a rambunctiously chattering fly; profoundly engrossed in evolving pools of golden honey,
If I perceived myself as poignantly piquant; then I was indeed the ardent granules of spicy salt; which the swirling waves of the ocean flung with an
insatiable intensity upon the shores,
If I perceived myself as blind; then I was indeed without sight; stumbling pathetically on each pebble that came my way; inspite of having emphatic eyes,
If I perceived myself as unlucky; then I was indeed the man with a stone touch; converting each thing I caressed into rock hard boulder; when infact the stars
that shone on my birth were those befitting a prince,
If I perceived myself as thunder; then I was indeed streaks of electric silver lightening ready to strike ground & tremendously terrorize,
If I perceived myself as a candle; then I was indeed the uncertainly flickering flame; deluging the dreary ambience with a beam of vibrant hope and light,
If I perceived myself as a pig; then I was indeed the incomprehensibly fat and greedy beast; ready to gobble virtually whatever that I could lay my hands upon,
If I perceived myself as a fruit; then I was indeed a rubicund sapling; ready to placate the gluttony of those who indispensably wanted food,
If I perceived myself as a reflection; then I was indeed an ethereally appearing shadow; which cropped up in brightness and vanished completely
with dolorously Black light,
If I perceived myself as a bone; then I was indeed a dreadful skeleton; with absolutely not the tiniest trace of energy left in my countenance,
If I perceived myself as smile; then I was indeed an entity wholesomely blended with joy; basking in the unprecedented glory of pure ecstasy,
If I perceived myself as dead; then I was indeed buried unfathomable feet beneath soil; despite having my heart palpitating violently beyond
the boundaries of life,
And if I perceived myself as living; then I was indeed having life; irrespective of the unsurpassable battalion of hurdles that confronted me in my way; raring to ubiquitously spread the wonderful essence of my breath; raring to ubiquitously spread the most sacred word of all; called alive.
The royally striped lion although uncouthly imprisoned behind the bars of cage; simply denied to eat green chunks of grass,
The flamboyantly sizzling Sun although deceitfully imprisoned behind the clouds; simply denied to relinquish its dazzling rays of light,
The grandiloquently colossal ship although ruthlessly imprisoned on land; simply denied to walk,
The lethally slithering scorpion although pathetically imprisoned in a jar of water; simply denied to permeate its tail and sting,
The fabulously scented rose although gruesomely imprisoned amidst a heap of fetidly stinking garbage; simply denied to emancipate its wonderful fragrance,
The true soldier although surreptitiously imprisoned in the enemy territory; simply denied to divulge the secrets of his Motherland,
The brilliantly scintillating pearl although ominously imprisoned in a blanket of perpetual darkness; simply denied to abdicate its enchanting glimmer,
The sacrosanct mother although murderously imprisoned in the land of the devil; simply denied to feed her child satanic blood,
The boisterously vivacious bird although diabolically imprisoned behind walls of ghoulish ice; simply denied to lie on its back and sleep,
The audaciously crawling crocodile although forcefully imprisoned in a cave replete with pure vegetables; simply denied to open its armory of knife like jaws,
The overwhelmingly towering mountain although savagely imprisoned in the red ant's mole; simply denied to detach its oligarchic crown summit,
The immortally laughing clown although mercilessly imprisoned in the realms of the morbid graveyard; simply denied to shrug off his heavenly smile,
The ardently throbbing heart although barbarically imprisoned in the domains of the conventionally wretched society; simply denied to slacken the intensity of its passionately palpitating beats,
The gargantuan stomach although treacherously imprisoned in the fathomless deserts; simply denied to devour the appetizingly silver sands,
The insurmountably determined eyes although miserably imprisoned amidst an island of blood and horrendous impediments; simply denied to ooze even
a droplet of tear,
The irrefutably saintly body although inevitably imprisoned under the coffin; simply denied to embrace even the tiniest of evil,
The religion of humanity although perilously imprisoned amidst spurious norms of the world outside; simply denied to sell its omnipotent dignity,
The invincible arrow of truth although disastrously imprisoned in an ocean of insatiable lechery; simply denied to drift towards the luxurious cream of blatant
The astronomically resilient beams of courage although imprisoned behind black walls of despair; simply denied to succumb to the hopeless sorrow,
And the uninhibitedly divine virtue of love although cruelly imprisoned infinite feet beneath the barriers of baseless civilization; simply denied to fade away;
simply denied to die.
More Population; means more penalizing unemployment; baselessly victimizing even the innocent; into the webs of salacious drudgery and disparaging
More Population; means more cold-blooded crime; as the pangs of inevitably augmenting hunger; metamorphosed even the most impeccable into an ocean of gory bloodshed,
More Population; means more insidious disease; as the seed of ghastly infection proliferated astoundingly from traumatic sordidness; afflicting even the most
robustly sculptured with bizarre ailment and thunderous agony,
More Population; means more abhorrent manipulation; as people relentlessly fantasized a castle of their very own; to impregnably exist amidst an unfathomable horde of blood sucking wolves,
More Population; means more derogatory corruption; with even the most immaculately sparkling organism wholesomely blending with the winds of lechery; to ecstatically surge ahead in the chapter of life,
More Population; means more massacring war; as unsurpassable battalions of even the most holistic entities; indiscriminately fought for a speck of land;
for a place to survive,
More Population; means more snobbish abuse; as the stinkingly rich irrefutably digressed from the poor; whipping them with swords of dictatorial power and
overwhelmingly overpowering greed,
More Population; means more pugnacious renaissance; with heads being chopped off like brutal matchsticks; in the name of religion and meaningless discrimination of skin; caste and spurious creed,
More Population; means more invidious dissatisfaction; as each organism felt that he was savagely asphyxiated of his share of luck; while his counterparts
philandered for times immemorial in the aisles of glorious paradise,
More Population; means more disastrous hunger; as the fields of blossoming corn proved to be capriciously diminutive needles for the fathomless sky of famished children; eventually manifesting into their grotesque grave,
More Population; means more uncouth freezing of blood; as countless hapless urchins; uncontrollably shivered without a single cloth to encapsulate their supple flesh; every night after the chiming of sinister midnight,
More Population; means more lethally obnoxious frustration; as even the most infinitesimal of palpable entity; felt its relentless festoon of desires being torturously suppressed by whiplashes of the; mercilessly claustrophobic atmosphere,
More Population; means more ghoulishly abominable odor; as incomprehensibly gargantuan pools of perspiration; dribbled in painstaking tandem from drearily beleaguered and despicably staggering bodies,
More Population; means more staggering viciousness; as the graveyards of crippling fortune; led even the most harmoniously melodious of denizens to surreptitiously stab behind each other’s back,
More Population; means more barbaric slaining of sensuous fantasy; as the insurmountably vengeful monotony of the world around; ruthlessly plagued even the most evanescent trace of mesmerizing serenity,
More Population; means more gruesome blackness even in the most dazzling of Sunlight; as countless children got blinded and maimed since the very first cry of
sacred birth; to rot in the realms of the fetid dustbin for the remainder of their penurious lives,
More Population; means more degradation of wonderful humanity; as even the most unassailable emotions and religion; got preposterously traded for a wad of
sleazily derogatory notes,
More Population; means more ghastly solitude even in the midst of veritably augmenting boisterousness; as the remorsefulness of disdainfully sullen death
irrevocably overpowered everything in conceivable vicinity,
More Population; means more sordid rebuke on the quality of life; as human diabolically squelched human; in the malevolent rat race for baseless supremacy and existence,
More Population; means more despairingly bonding your spirit with the truculent devil; thrusting every iota of your celestial happiness into the mouth of ungainly anguish and horrific obsolescence,
More Population; means more ominous atrocities on spell binding mankind; tainting the fabric of eternal philanthropism with the corpse of debilitating
greed and inexplicable sadness,
More Population; means more heinous discordance with the laws of resplendent existence; profusely penalizing the enchanting carpet of mother earth with an unfathomable battlefield of forlornly crippling weight,
More Population; means more tensions to survive in this already adulterated planet; where every droplet of water already had a million mouths fervently waiting; even before it could tumble from fathomless sky,
More Population; means more horrendously regretful theft; with hell breaking free on the trajectory of scintillating earth; as man egregiously choked for
vital breath to survive,
More Population; means more pathetically unprecedented stagnation; as boundless innocent bundled in a lugubriously decaying heap; without the tiniest iota of comfort or Omnipotent compassion,
More Population; means more atrociously bellicose delinquency; as survival beneath bizarre poverty lines; had rendered even the most patriotically blazing soldiers; to stoop down like defeated rats,
More Population; means more unrelenting coffins of agonizing tears; as each stage of life became an unwanted curse; without integrally quintessential elements of fodder in the miserably bereaved stomach,
More Population; means more irascible atheism; with people believing more in money than in the Almighty Lord; viewing a bundle of worthlessly small and measly paper as the ultimate messiah to live; till times beyond eternity,
More Population; means more licentious betrayal of Omnipresent Love; as every individual tirelessly kept assassinating in order to catapult to the zenith of success; wholesomely forgetting that it was impossible to do that without the essence of benevolent togetherness,
O! Yes Population explosion was an uncontrollable menace; which eventually snapped the wings of Omniscient existence forever and ever and ever; with its venom of unemployment; poverty and inconsolable hunger,
So it is my humble plea to all families out there; as well as my comrades who have blissfully supported me on my every step; to please follow the most triumphant mantra of existence today: we are two; our’s are only two .
Inundate the barren landscapes sprawling over kilometers of territory; with lush green patches of grass and blossoming flower,
Inundate pallid regions of the lackluster wall; with flamboyant strokes of scarlet color,
Inundate the arid strips of desiccated desert land; with bountiful amounts of sweet water,
Inundate the mouth of a famished squirrel; with a plethora of succulent
kernel and brazen nuts,
Inundate the abysmally hollow foundation of an edifice; with an armory of bare and freshly baked bricks,
Inundate the rocky slopes of the lanky mountain; with crystal white globules of frozen snow,
Inundate empty canisters encapsulated in the car; with the aromatic elixir of petrol,
Inundate the raw bruises oozing blood from body; with fillings of stringent antiseptic powder,
Inundate the vacant spaces of white and long canvas; with panoramic scenes of view of the gorgeous valley,
Inundate gruesome darkness engulfing the tunnel; with austere beams of holistic sunlight,
Inundate the dilapidated stable of sacrosanct cow; with loads of salubrious forage and bunches of banana leaves,
Inundate the desolate and silken web suspended from between two trees; with scores of venomous spider,
Inundate the torn and disheveled persona of shirt; with heaps of thread and garish cloth,
Inundate the dying embers of red coal; with flames of a dynamic and crackling fire,
Inundate the demeanor of a rustic ring; with clusters of sparkling diamonds,
Inundate the gloomy silhouette of parched and despondent lips; with an everlasting laugh,
Inundate the forlorn and solitary streets in the city; with bustling jams of unruly traffic,
Inundate the fecund strips of black and loamy soil; with a granary of rich
pudgy seeds,
Inundate the feet of your god; mother; beloved; with all the wealth you can assimilate on this earth,
And inundate the lives of all those afflicted with bizarre pain and inexplicable distress; with unprejudiced love and immortal smiles.
The leaves of the tree withered at the onset of autumn; rendering it as bare
and a pathetic sight to witness,
Although the body and trunk were still alive; did scream passionately as the
wind slapped and caressed them.
The most majestic of reptile shed its skin while undergoing a metamorphosis
of seasons; partially annihilating its grandeur,
Although its slithering body still traversed in circuitous routes; and its fangs were ready to strike injecting lethal venom.
The mountain sheep had their fur sheared for weaving thermal contrivances;
leaving their appearance as shabbily disgraceful,
Although they still wandered in harmony on the colossal slopes; bleated in
unison as dusk stealthily encroached.
The austere sun god shed its brightness as nightfall took over; resembling an
insipid reflection of its original identity,
Although it still shone brilliantly the next morning; illuminating stringently
every bit of cloistered gloom.
The slender iron nail lost all its gloss as monsoon showers poured incessantly
from the sky; giving it a deplorable appearance,
Although it still maintained the capacity of being embodied in the wall; and
still had the hostility of piercing the inflated balloon.
The fermented barrel of milk lay bereft of immaculate white color; resembling
worthless chunks of flaccid curd,
Although it still produced an extremely piquant taste; had reasonably high
levels of salubrious nutrition.
The flying birds shed infinite numbers of feathers each day; looking
bedraggled after being stripped of their kingly plumage,
Although they still retained the power to fly; soaring high up in the air and
procreating their progeny.
The banana after peeling its intricate skin appeared as a dilapidated urchin;
shivering uncontrollably in the wind,
Although it was sumptuous and relishing to eat; and its pulp caused ravishing
sensations in the buds of taste.
The biscuits of gold after losing their shine; resembled the mundane coin;
failed to captivate attention,
Although they still had the same value; could fetch their owners an astronomical fortune when judiciously traded.
And all the old folks traversing the streets; looked a sight to profoundly
sympathize with; clinging tightly to their walking sticks,
Although they still had the power to love; the power to overwhelmingly
fantasize; as they were young and innocent at heart.
Be it from the most majestically compassionate palaces of glittering gold; or be it from the most acrimoniously impoverished streets; which hissed nothing else but asphyxiating poverty and treacherous dust the entire day,
Be it from the most opulently sensuous skies pregnant with rhapsodic rain; or be it from the most hedonistically torturous den of brutal scorpions; which spurted vindictive venom all night and day,
Be it from the most invincibly emollient lap of the venerated mother; or be it from the most pulverized treads of the haplessly devastated orphan; from whose
eyes radiated nothing else but tears of inexplicable helplessness,
Be it from the most indomitably royal apogee of the triumphant mountain; or be it from the most deplorably shattered mirrors; from which reflected nothing else
but unfathomably distorted imagery,
Be it from the most victoriously blazing of Omnipotent Sun; or be it from the most hideously sadistic cloak of devilishly crippling darkness; which sulked in the mortuaries of remorse for times immemorial,
Be it from the most effulgently symbiotic of meadows; or be it from the most cold-bloodedly infertile rocks; which unrelentingly and heartlessly smashed an
infinite bones; into inconspicuously worthless chowder,
Be it from the most Omnisciently blessed of silken palms; or be it from the most ghoulishly stinking corpses of stagnation; which did nothing else but jinx
every organism alive; beyond realms of holistic recognition,
Be it from the most lusciously ignited of blossoming lips; or be it from the most thorny terrains of preposterous wilderness; upon which feared to tread even the most peerlessly invincible of soul,
Be it from the most romantically undulating seas; or be it from the most pathetically smoldering ashes of the fires; which died a miserably parsimonious death countless hours ago,
Be it from the most ubiquitously egalitarian philanthropist’s eyes; or be it from the most robotically sleazy business tycoon; for whom the entire Universe just a insouciantly emotionless pendulum of tawdry give and take,
Be it from the most tantalizingly mesmerizing waterfalls of insatiable heavenliness; or be it from the most apocalyptically pugnacious cactuses of
malevolently barbarous abhorrence,
Be it from the most impregnably humanitarian of chests; or be it from the most heartlessly blood-sucking mosquitoes; which knew nothing else but to slowly and painstakingly suck every ounce of vibrantly enthralling life,
Be it from the most eternally replenishing bellies of panoramic mother nature; or be it from the most ostracized land of the devil; where solely rained the
holocausts of unimaginably penalizing prejudice,
Be it from the most regally insuperable streams of infallible truth; or be it from the most ominously desecrating skeletons of infidelity; from which wafted
nothing else but diabolically raunchy lavatories of betrayal and lies,
Be it from the most formidably unconquerable fortresses of righteousness; or be it from the most despicably demented dungeons of debauchery; which inexorably crucified every form of undefeated life; on the pretexts of baselessly bawdy religion,
Be it from the most passionately rejuvenated tunnels of the perennial nostrils; or be it from the most indiscriminately open jaw of the sadistically chortling ghost; who was the absolute epitome of incarcerated unmanliness,
Be it from the most Omnipresent abodes of the perpetually blessing God’s; or be it from the most lynched labyrinth of dismally imprisoning blackness a
countless feet beneath soil; which numbed even the most ephemeral trace of vitality and desire,
Be it from the most immortally passionate cocoons of the benign heart; or be it from the most despondently fretful feces meaninglessly rotting on the lavatory
seat; which inevitably perpetuated the last trifle of breath to indefinitely suffocate in the chamber of robust lungs,
O! yes; It could be from absolutely anywhere; anyplace; anyone on this limitlessly enamoring planet; I wouldn’t mind that the slightest; but I wanted love to desperately come to me; engulf my mind; body and crucified spirit this very instant; like the first princely rainshower of the monsoon; because without it I knew I would die; die and most certainly die.
Don’t worry if he had chosen you to be blind; depriving you of indispensable blankets of blissful sight,
For at the same time he had bestowed you upon with an extraordinary prowess of hearing; making you discern even the most sensitive sounds in the atmosphere; which your sighted counterparts had not the slightest of ability to ever conceive.
Don’t worry if he had chosen you to be deaf; divesting you of the most miraculous tenacity to intricately hear,
For at the same time he had bestowed you upon with an astronomical virtue of hawk sight; engendering you to witness even the most distortedly bleary images
floating in voluptuous space; which your mates with perfect ears; had not the slightest of ability to ever perceive.
Don’t worry if he had chosen you to be dumb; irrevocably refraining you to utter even the most inconspicuously infinitesimal sound,
For at the same time he had bestowed you upon with an unfathomably delightful virtue of expression; propelling you to magnificently divulge the inner most feelings of your heart; which your supremely tongued compatriots; had not the slightest of ability to ever imagine.
Don’t worry if he had chosen you to be maim; acridly crippled to the ground; without even the most minuscule of support to march on your own feet,
For at the same time he had bestowed you upon with the winds of profusely marvelous artistry; which your celestially fingered and fleet footed fellow beings; had not the slightest of ability to ever dream about.
Don’t worry if he had chosen you to be incomprehensibly weak; triggering you to collapse towards the soil every time you tried to get up; afflicted with inexplicable disease all over the blood in your impoverished body,
For at the same time he had bestowed you upon with ingratiating philosophy and an astoundingly overwhelming tenacity to face the most mightiest of
enemies; which your robustly complexioned mates; had not the slightest of ability to ever fantasize.
Don’t worry if he had chosen you to be horrendously Black; coating your entire diminutive countenance with a dungeon of hideous darkness,
For at the same time he had bestowed you upon with an incredulously augmenting wave of uninhibited compassion; which your frigidly snow white mates; had not the slightest of ability to ever posses.
Don’t worry if he had chosen you to be pathetically tiny; with every entity that traversed by your side; looming like an untamed giant over your ludicrously
stooping shoulders,
For at the same time he had bestowed you upon with a lion hearted chest to face the most treacherous of catastrophe that descended from the cosmos; which your belligerently towering and pistol clad friends; had not the slightest of ability to stand upto.
Don’t worry if he had chosen you to be illiterate; swooning ridiculously towards obdurate soil; the instant you heard an obsoletely alien accent lingering around,
For at the same time he had bestowed you upon with the intransigent rudiments of unity; peace and irrefutable truth; which your bombastically stylish and
manipulatively corporate city counterparts; had not the slightest of ability to ever inculcate.
And Don’t worry if he had chosen you to be poor; penuriously surviving each day of your unsurpassably marathon life; sporadically blending with sleazy
drawers of threadbare dust,
For at the same time he had bestowed you upon with the immortal island of love as you passionately throbbed till beyond the island of tantalizing eternity; which your stinkingly rich and opulently glamorous companions; had not the slightest of ability to ever belong to
Fantasizers were born to unrelentingly dream; frolic euphorically in a land
of surreally fabulous seduction,
Artists were born to vibrantly evolve; diffuse the most poignant infernos fulminating in the profoundly mesmerizing recesses of their soul,
Businessmen were born to dexterously manipulate; shrewdly weave webs of astute give and profitable take,
Birds were born to boisterously chirp; enshroud each arena besieged with insurmountable gloom; with the passionate fervor of life,
Frogs were born to disdainfully croak; creepily bounce in remorsefully stagnant water; with a despondently smug smile entrenching their snouts,
Parrots were born to fantastically emulate; replicate even the most inconspicuous tunes; of their tyrannically uncouth master,
Kings were born to royally rule; govern fathomless civilizations with great vigor and aristocracy; like beads of scintillating pearls cascading from voluptuous sky,
Oceans were born to spray tangy salt and ebullience; undulate into a ravishingly ecstatic fountain of perpetual enthrallment,
Vultures were born to hedonistically pluck at innocent flesh; feast and have the time of their lives; on a mountain of abominably rotting carrion,
Cows were born to yield sacrosanct festoons of impeccable milk; pacify the wails of every new born organism; on the trajectory of this gregariously
boundless planet,
Patriots were born to irrevocably defend their motherland; sequester the revered soil on which they tread; from even the most infinitesimal iota of lecherous betrayal,
Stones were born to sulk in ludicrously mock silence; remain more frozen than murderously white ice; even as the world took birth and died outside,
Roses were born to disseminate gorgeous clouds of scent; rekindle the rapidly extinguishing philanderer in insensitively plodding tycoons,
Sharks were born to irrefutably rule the sea; menacingly churn their way through hordes of small fish and fiercely turbulent rafts of white water,
Rats were born to mischievously munch at tantalizing cheese; infiltrate a myriad of scornful holes in embellished cloth and gargantuan fabric,
Leaves were born to euphorically rustle into mists of everlasting yearning; propel thunderbolts of exultating breeze; which made you soar above the realms of monotonously pragmatic space,
Rainbows were born to mystically enchant; trigger insurmountable cloudbursts of vivacious nostalgia; in your gruesomely commercial persona,
Dogs were born to intransigently bark; pierce the titillating iridescence of the night; with their unfathomably rambunctious flurry of disgruntled sound,
Nostrils were born to inhale and exhale precious air; inevitably carry on the chapter of gloriously exotic existence,
But all of us irrespective of caste; creed; or color; were born to immortally love; proliferate God’s incomprehensibly bountiful planet with countless more
of our kind; be integral elements of blessedly beautiful creation; be indispensable threads and religions of; unconquerable mankind
Who’s ordered you to embrace all humanity; hoist each orphaned child magnanimously upon your rubicund back ?
But at least don’t mercilessly annihilate innocent like squashed insects; ruthlessly manipulating lives of the immaculate millions in the swirl of your barbaric malice.
Who’s ordered you to worship every temple that you encountered on the streets; bowing down diligently to every impoverished beggar wailing incongruously
outside ?
But at least don’t pulverize philanthropic civilizations with your ominously lethal bombs; blowing up the blissful world; in non-chalant wisps of
derogatory smoke.
Who’s ordered you to indefatigably frolic in the lap of your mother; tirelessly floating in the aisles of impeccable childhood fantasy ?
But at least don’t impeach treacherously upon the territories of your revered motherland; lecherously molesting the innocuous in chains of utter devastation.
Who’s ordered you to dedicate your entire existence for the sake of those in inexplicable pain; apply the uninhibited ointment of your love on despicably oozing blood and wounds ?
But at least don’t rub salt in those eyes profusely crying; brutally lambasting those with your satanic whip; who had already relinquished breath and died.
Who’s ordered you to embellish each life with your unprecedented richness; shower upon an unprecedentedly bountiful blessings upon mankind; while you miserably shivered every instant and died ?
But at least don’t ridicule those gruesomely maimed and blind; penalize the already deprived with your baseless webs; of manipulatively blood sucking
Who’s ordered you to transport the disastrously trembling; to places of heavenly comfort; benevolently shouldering their weight upon your lone shoulders ?
But at least don’t indiscriminately run your car over those impoverishedly sleeping on cold pavements; as you basked in the glory of sleazy wine
and princely desire inside.
Who’s ordered you to be the ultimate messiah of this planet; metamorphosing every withering soul’s dream into a perpetual reality ?
But at least don’t stand like a demonic impediment in the way of those about to achieve the pinnacle of success; savagely sabotaging their hard earned share of ardent happiness.
Who’s ordered you to bond every passionately throbbing hearts ubiquitously across the Universe; disseminate the essence of immortal love in every philanthropic entity you met ?
But at least don’t mercilessly break harmoniously blossoming relationships; rendering countless bodies to exist without the slightest of purpose; without
the slightest of breath .
Who’s ordered you to feed every famished organism on earth with appetizing morsels of food; horrendously starving while your tottering mates marvelously
replenished their famished hides ?
But at least don’t trade their pathetically frugal skeleton of mere bones to tyrannically slave; for overflowing your treasury with a stinking wad of notes.
And who’s ordered you to instill the Omnipotent panacea of life in every dead; procreating boundlessdivine with the unsurpassable potential of your countenance ?
But at least don’t torturously kill and corrupt God’s impeccable fleet of organisms; at least don’t rise taller than skies; embedding your roots more
formidably every instant on the land of innocent blood
Unsurpassably yours were these eyes of mine; inexhaustibly endeavoring
their very best; to pave a way for you through the most horrendously
asphyxiating of your blackness,
Sensuously yours were these lips of mine; inexhaustibly endeavoring their
very best; to trigger an unending gorge of smiles in your tyrannically despairing life,
Compassionately yours were these fingers of mine; inexhaustibly endeavoring
their very best; to weave an endless civilization of regally triumphant artistry through every mundanely suffocating moment of yours,
Tantalizingly yours were these eyelashes of mine; inexhaustibly endeavoring
their very best; to embellish every drearily dwindling aspect of your existence with inimitably untamed mischief,
Blissfully yours were these shadows of mine; inexhaustibly endeavoring their
very best; to beautifully mollify every bit of traumatically scorching agony
in your frazzled soul,
Unflinchingly yours were these shoulders of mine; inexhaustibly endeavoring
their very best; to permeate your intermittently deteriorating strength; with the fortitude of blazing existence,
Gregariously yours were these palms of mine; inexhaustibly endeavoring their
very best; to cushion your miserably fatigued scalp; whenever it wanted to
eternally rest,
Passionately yours were these bloodstreams of mine; inexhaustibly endeavoring their very best; to eternally coalesce your inexplicably quavering spirit with the spirit of unshakably priceless humanity,
Intriguingly yours were these brain cells of mine; inexhaustibly endeavoring
their very best; to engender an unlimited ocean of burgeoning innovation in
your haplessly dejected and hopelessly demented stride,
Lusciously yours were these skin pores of mine; inexhaustibly endeavoring
their very best; to ignite the rays of unparalleled desire in your persona;
whenever it wanted to deliriously embrace the apocalypses of invidious infertility,
Robustly yours were these cheeks of mine; inexhaustibly endeavoring their
very best; to impregnate every disparagingly gloomy instant of your life
with vividly eclectic charm and charismatic color,
Earnestly yours was this signature of mine; inexhaustibly endeavoring its
very best; to unassailably stand by you like an unfettered rock; whenever
you felt that your identity was being pulverized to frigidly
inconspicuous ash,
Melodiously yours was this voice of mine; inexhaustibly endeavoring its very
best; to resplendently illuminate your every torturously lambasted second;
with the Omnipotent lullaby of symbiotic existence,
Peerlessly yours were these bones of mine; inexhaustibly endeavoring their
very best; to perennially sequester your nimbly sensitive form; from even
the most minuscule of atrocious vagary in the chapter of inscrutable life,
Unhesitatingly yours were these feet of mine; inexhaustibly endeavoring their very best; to pave a path of gloriously majestic victory for you; when you seemed to have entirely lost direction; neither had the power to stride,
Vivaciously yours was this belly of mine; inexhaustibly endeavoring its very
best; to ebulliently arouse you from the very depths of your ghoulish coffin; with its immeasurably seductive rhythm in the royally star-studded night,
Irrefutably yours was this humanity of mine; inexhaustibly endeavoring its
very best; to metamorphose even the most diminutive trace of salaciously decrepit treachery in your soul; into a fountain of fragrantly iridescent truth,
Ardently yours was this sweat of mine; inexhaustibly endeavoring its very
best; to tirelessly flow and without the tiniest of reproach; while you lazed and stretched your bones till the aisles of eternal eternity,
Fierily yours was this breath of mine; inexhaustibly endeavoring its very
best; to perpetuate the mantra of your survival to unrestrictedly blaze; everytime you were circumscribed by the gallows of hypochondriac death,
But Immortally yours O! Mate was this heart of mine; with its beats perpetually loving you; insuperably bonding with you; irrespective of your caste; creed or color; not only for this birth; for an infinite more births till the time the Creator wanted this earth to chime
As I surveyed the area sitting like a prince on the helicopter seat; sipping
with great relish; from a canister replete with chilled champagne,
The scenes that struck my vision were profoundly appalling; and a silent sob
escaped my breath; making me nostalgic about my blissful past.
When I trespassed the streets in the swanky Mercedes; a cavalcade of cars
following me in stringent unison,
I felt a cold shiver creep down my spine; disseminated a few bundles of scented currency chivalrously amongst the afflicted.
When I philandered through the village; royally seated on a horse; incessantly
pulling its reins; instigating it to gallop faster,
I felt nimbly moved by the situation that confronted me; made an appeasing
speech to the masses to keep their calm.
While I transgressed through the hutments; masticating sumptuous delicacies;
in the stupendously air-conditioned compartment of my train,
I could hear stifled wails kissing my ears; and I immediately instructed my
colleagues to investigate more scrupulously into the matter; act philanthropically with the tyrannized people.
As I sighted the land; soaring high in my luxurious gas balloon; with a silken
ensemble of clouds caressing me voluptuously; every unleashing second,
I saw a tiny conglomerate of people scampering in terror on the lanes; felt a
bit petrified at the sight of disaster; which in turn fomented me to drop multiple packets of food; to sanctimoniously assist those circumvented by bizarre anguish.
When I glimpsed the houses through my field glasses; nibbling at robust chunks
of apple; sitting on the deck of the majestic ship,
I saw hazy shadows of blood and panic; and incoherently babbled a message
through the loud speaker; appealing to the belligerent individuals to relinquish their swords.
As I peeked at the distraught scenario; eavesdropping on the brutal proceedings from the balcony of my grandiloquent bungalow,
I ordered my guards to tighten security; instructed them to transport ladies
and helpless infants to corridors of safety.
When I was apprised of the gruesome situation; after viewing it explicitly on
the monstrous monitor of the planetarium,
I dictated a nation wide alert; instantaneously dispatching battalions of army
and relief supply to cater to those rendered homeless.
While it was only sitting beside them; that I realized their veritable
grief; the devastation they had suffered after the killer earthquake,
And what had taken me infinite expeditions to imbibe; now became as clear to
me as the back of my palm; as I embraced them wholeheartedly; felt their moist
tears dribble down my cheek; candidly yet emphatically portraying the aftermath of disaster.
Some said it was empty; while some said that the glass was half full with water,
Some said that it was rising in the sky; while some said that the color of the Sun was insipid and weak,
Some said that it was standing tall and lanky; while some said that the tree was naked without leaves,
Some said that they were succulent and ravishing; while some said that the grapes were sour and had holes in them,
Some said that it was a twinkling star; while some said that it was a speck of
disdainful dirt; polluting the sky,
Some said that he sang splendidly; while some said that he didn’t give a chance for others to speak,
Some said that it was an exotic evening; while some said that it was an
unearthly hour past midnight,
Some said that it was gorgeously flowing river; while some said that it swept along with it tones of moist earth,
Some said that it was droplets of jubilation; while some said that it was tears of sadness dribbling slowly down,
Some said that it was voluptuous wisps of air; while some that it was an
ominous cloud hovering perilously around,
Some said that it was a mystical tunnel; while some said that it was a gaping and long hole in the wall,
Some said that it was a beautiful image; while some said that it was a gruesomely shattered mirror,
Some said that it was a scintillating key; while some said that it was the completely open lock,
Some said that it was mesmerizing yawn; while some said that it spread a
thunderous noise in vicinity,
Some said that it was a vast reservoir of empathy; while some said that they
were a squinted pair of eyes,
Some said that it was audaciously walking forward; while some said that the
soldier was trampling fragile leaves and twigs,
Some said that it was irrefutable truth; while some said that it stung them
like a quiver full of pugnacious arrows,
Some said that it was violently throbbing; while some said that the heart made a person weak,
Some said that she had given me birth; while some said that I had burdened the
earth still further,
And it’s simply the way you see it, So some said that it was wholesomely dead; while some said that its spirit was still living and bouncing alive
I live to savor the eternal fruits of Natures timeless creation; the astoundingly vivacious butterflies fluttering handsomely in fathomless bits of; majestically blue sky,
I live to savor the resplendently twinkling stars in the royal cosmos; the shimmering fountain of milky light that grandiloquently poured to enlighten the
ghastly corpse of dastardly night,
I live to savor the rejuvenatingly sparkling freshness of the aristocratic waterfalls; profusely blend my mind; body and soul in the cascade of exotically heavenly waters,
I live to savor the melodiously everlasting sound of the ravishing nightingale; profoundly assimilate each of its wonderfully tantalizing sounds; in the innermost recesses of my tumultuously frazzled soul,
I live to savor the winds of exuberance blowing my way; the beautifully mesmerizing feel that they vibrantly imparted to even the most
infinitesimally deadened of my nerve,
I live to savor the handsomely scintillating pearls of the enchantingly vivacious oceans; the blissfully unbelievably synergy that they instilled in every iota of
my; nervously devastated demeanor,
I live to savor the bountifully bouncing kangaroos in the mischievously philandering fields; the waves of impeccable innocence that they bestowed perennially upon; my murderously manipulative visage,
I live to savor the sensuously titillating dewdrops at ethereally magnetic dawn; the essence of ebullient freshness that they showered upon; every element of
my frantically beleaguered persona,
I live to savor the brilliantly flamboyant rays of the Omnipotent Sun; the unfathomable ocean of blazingly enlightening light that it ubiquitously disseminated; to every cranny of this Universe besieged with; inexplicably horrendous pain,
I live to savor the mystically enthralling whispers of the rustling trees; the unsurpassable entrenchment of exhilarating enigma that they placed me within; making me wholesomely oblivious to the preposterously snobbish vagaries; of the savagely realistic Universe,
I live to savor the royally swimming fish in the undulating sea; the ecstatically glorious leap in their stride; that made me feel that I had once again; and irrefutably transited into a jubilantly new born child,
I live to savor the regally glistening eagles soaring handsomely in the boundless sky; the uninhibited flapping of their poignant wings; freeing me of all my
waveringly bedraggled memories of disdainfully lecherous human kind,
I live to savor the torrentially pelting drops of seductively titillating rain; the globules of golden empathy which magically quelled all brutally traumatized mankind; of even the most minuscule of its pain,
I live to savor the indefatigably charismatic blanket of crimson roses; the marvelously spell binding scent that they unequivocally emanated; which perpetually pacified each remorsefully vengeful ingredient; of my
vindictive blood,
I live to savor the uniquely incredulous freshness of God’s evolution; the most amazingly eclectic chapter of endless procreation; that every organism on this
planet was beautifully endowed with,
I live to savor the vibrantly dancing rainbows soon after the passionate rains; the blissfully symbiotic wave of unprecedented excitement that they enshrouded my entire countenance with; for infinite more births yet to come,
I live to savor the voice of patriotically unassailable truth; the unshakable royalty with which it Omnisciently sunk; deep down in the walls of my viciously wavering conscience,
I live to savor celestially impeccable forms of new birth; the immaculate cries of the freshly born; unflinchingly imparting me with the strength to scrape even the most inconspicuous iota of diabolism; from the fathomless trajectory of
this planet,
I live to savor tireless gallons of enchantingly princely air; the piquant carpet of invincible life; that veritably made me embrace all mankind irrespective of creed and color; made me feel the richest being; humanitarianly alive,
And most importantly I live to savor the most immortal gift of Almighty Lord’s creation called; love; intransigently try my best to diffuse its ecumenically sacrosanct essence; to every dwelling without light; to every heart without euphoric beats
As each second unfurled into a wholesome minute; the winds of time gallivanted ahead at astoundingly incomprehensible speeds,
As each minute unveiled into a wholesome hour; the painstakingly persevering needles of the clock now; chiming in spell bindingly unanimous unison,
As each hour galloped into a wholesome afternoon; the brilliantly dazzling Sun blazing its Omnipotent shine full throttle,
As each afternoon speeded into the wholesome night; the resplendent blankets of moonlight casting an spell of eternal mysticism; upon the most horrendous of
blackness prevailing,
I felt more and more closer to my mission of alleviating bereaved humanity from realms of inexplicable anguish; I felt more resolutely invincible in my advancing footsteps; by the grace of Almighty Lord.
As each night unraveled into a wholesome dawn; the melodiously enchanting cuckoos; enshrouding each cranny of the beleaguered atmosphere; with their
celestially ingratiating sounds,
As each dawn sprinted into a wholesome week; the pragmatically meticulous routines of life now profusely consolidated to a mammoth extent,
As each week danced into a wholesome fortnight; the essence of ubiquitous sharing; now ardently creeping into the insatiably yearning quarters of the dwindling soul,
As each fortnight shot into a wholesome month; the vivaciously changing colors of the boisterous season; now imparting their profound sensuousness to the
mangled conglomerate of frazzled nerves in the body,
I felt more and more closer to my mission of metamorphosing all traumatized lechery on this planet once again into a divine paradise; I felt more overwhelmingly empowered in every word that I spoke; by the grace of Almighty Lord.
As each month raced into a wholesome year; the soil now astonishingly adept and handsomely blending; to the vacillating shades of flamboyant light; freezing
cold; and torrential rain,
As each year escalated into a wholesome decade; the battlefields of savage bloodshed now sprouting with the plants of ravishing freedom,
As each decade blossomed into a wholesome century; the good and diabolically bad of life now nostalgically reverberating in fathomless playgrounds of
open space,
As each century unfolded into a wholesome millennium; the inadvertently committed sins of past existence; now blissfully washed with the radiantly sparkling rays of a crimson tomorrow,
I felt more and more closer to my mission of irrefutably ensuring that no organism slept a famished night; I felt my conscience unassailably radiating
with nothing else but truth; by the grace of Almighty Lord.
As each millennium gushed into a wholesome birth; the most infinitesimal bits of lechery in the atmosphere now completely annihilated; by the cries of freshly
born Divine,
As each birth sprouted into a wholesome Era; the fields of contemporary modernity now frantically searching for their; scintillatingly simplistic rudiments,
As each era whirled into a wholesome civilization; the vividly striking newness of wonderfully mesmerizing creation; now radically replacing the stagnating dormitories of rusty past,
As each civilization eventually faded into wholesome timelessness; each element of the enthrallingly supreme sky beautifully blending with; bountifully
existing earth,
I felt more and more closer in my mission to save priceless humanity from the salaciously brutal clutches of the despairing devil; I felt more invincible in my perspective of sacrificing my entire life for the service of mankind; by the
grace of Almighty Lord.
There was no dearth of commercialism; as boundless humans salaciously paved their way ahead; insidiously suppressing countless innocuous of their own
kind; today,
There was no dearth of manipulation; as literally every 3rd person alive; tried his best to perniciously trick you; towards the realms of horrendously dwindling extinction; today,
There was no dearth of prejudice; as an unrelenting reservoir of greed glinted with pompous luminosity in millions of eyeballs alike; disparagingly robbing the
fabric of eternal humanity; of its most priceless rudiments of mankind; today,
There was no dearth of barbarism; as even the most civilized of organism’s savagely fought for each other’s blood; replenishing their sordidly disgruntled
lips at the cost of vital life; today,
And sadly if indeed there was any dearth; it was of the most immortal fountain of love which had been miserably ransacked by miscreants of spurious religion; it was of compassion which had sadly metamorphosed into a lecherous
devil; today.
There was no dearth of war; as virtually every continent viciously desired to be the ultimate superpower; a force even above the Omnipotent Lord
Almighty; today,
There was no dearth of depression; as even the most innocuously sparkling of youth; were horrifically buried under the juggernaut of abominably
suicidal education system; today,
There was no dearth of racialism; as even the most sagaciously educated of household’s; murderously discriminated between humanitarian sects of rich and
poor; today,
There was no dearth of crime; as the most scintillating stalwarts of irrefutable power themselves offered a flurry of unsurpassable incentives; for committing murder; extortion; blasphemous atrocities; today,
And sadly if there was indeed any dearth; then it was of the ocean of immortal love which had wholesomely evaporated in wisps of brutal adulteration; it was of priceless humanity which was tyrannically slashed even before it expelled its very first breath; today.
There was no dearth of slavery; as merciless powerhorses of bombastically infinitesimal wealth; torturously lambasted the oppressed to even the most
inconspicuous of their commands; today,
There was no dearth of morbidity; as an unendingly appalling gloom descended at all quarters; over the treacherously besieged atmosphere; today,
There was no dearth of starvation; as infinite infants having just emanated the first cry of birth; were uncouthly stuffed in garbage bins of despicable poverty for the rest of their lives; today,
There was no dearth of tragedy; as an unprecedented mass of immaculately sparkling living being; was remorsefully subjected to perilously raining bombs and gunpowder everyday; today,
And sadly if indeed there was any dearth; it was of the sky of immortal love which had been vindictively metamorphosed into the horizon of death by all those stinkingly corrupt; it was of an emotional empathy which had been lethally squashed to capricious pulp by artificial robots; today.
There was no dearth of revenge; as an incomprehensible ton of living beings devilishly slit their counterparts throat; just for being a shade better than
them; today,
There was no dearth of politics; as the so called unflinching leaders of the society languidly slept on a consortium of innocent bone and disgustingly
transient currency; all night and day; today,
There was no dearth of wailing; as virtually every dwelling under the flamboyantly sweltering and golden Sun; had become obnoxiously sensitive to its overtly fiery rays; today,
There was no dearth of death; as the most austerely abhorred tablet of preposterous suicide; had become a pragmatically routine fashion; today,
And sadly if there was any dearth; it was of the heart of immortal love which had been rendered to a sleazy machine by daggerheads of malice; it was of the
invincible adoration of the divine; which had been wholesomely alienated
by Nuclear war; today.
Whether it be clambering the footsteps that led to your dwelling; or whether it be exuberantly galloping to the summit of the Herculean mountain; in
lightening seconds of time,
Whether it be whispering your fears into your mother’s ear; or whether it be blazingly silencing the wail of derogatory corruption; with the power of unflinching righteousness in your exhilarated voice,
Whether it be plucking a singleton fruit for your existence; or whether it be indefatigably expending every element of your intrepid silhouette; to philanthropically feed all on this planet; one and alike,
Whether it be envisaging about what was going to unveil just an infinitesimal footstep beyond your body; or whether it be galloping your brain on an unrelenting rampage; to assimilate all panoramic beauty on this earth in your wandering soul,
Whether it be stooping and cleaning every iota of dust from your kitchen window; or whether it be patriotically baring your irrefutably sparkling
countenance; for the sake of your entire motherland,
Whether it be bathing your dreary bones under the measly trickle diffusing from your dilapidated tap; or whether it be gyrating in profound furor with the
ravishingly undulating ocean waves,
Whether it be straining your ear towards the sounds of the majestically mellifluous nightingale; or whether it be ebulliently absorbing the ingratiating
fascination of this gigantic world; like unbelievable darts of white
lightening through your ears,
Whether it be tanning the patches of profuse white in your skin as the first rays of Sun shone enchantingly outside; or whether it be audaciously facing the
mighty winds of the ferociously sweltering desert; singlehandedly,
Whether it be tracing the outlines of your quavering shadow with your curled fingers; or whether it be wholesomely coalescing even the most mercurial element of your mind; body and conscience with the religion of eternally insuperable mankind,
Whether it be embossing an inconspicuous alphabet on barren paper; or whether it be tumultuously inundating fathomless kilometers of disastrously bane canvas; with boundless volumes of spell binding literature,
Whether it be assisting your own kin in whatever way you could; or whether it be standing like an unconquerable fortress in the face of the most acrid
adversity; for handsomely mitigating every orphaned and blessed; alike,
Whether it be feeling exultated by just a globule of rain on your impoverished caricature; or whether it be uninhibitedly wandering through the lanes of
unfathomably radiant and celestial paradise,
Whether it be flirting with sensuously nubile maidens behind the sunset hills; or whether it be surrendering even the most fugitive beat of your heart to the
person your implacably loved,
Whether it be licking a parsimonious glob of holistic honey; or whether it be wanting the symbiotic sweetness of the unsurpassably iridescent atmosphere;
to nestle miraculously on the tip of your emaciating tongue,
Whether it be passing out your examinations at school to appease your revered parents; or whether it be royally acquiring every felicitation on this boundless
planet; even beyond they could ever perceive to magnificently come,
Whether it be a capricious craving to harness artistry with your very own scarlet blood; or whether it be a altruistic resolution to poignantly dedicate every day
of your life; to the benign service of innocuously bountiful mankind,
Whether it be an evanescent breath that you wanted to expunge from your beleaguered nostrils; or whether it be a vibrantly impregnable determination of your conscience to instill quintessential life in every extinguishing life; that you encountered in your way,
Whether it be your signature for a single humanitarian life; or whether it be your immortal pledge to take birth an infinite times; till the time you eradicated
every obnoxious trace of uxoriously depraving slavery and poverty,
Whatever benevolent you do; whether it be minuscule or whether it be more colossal than your timeless life; do it wholeheartedly; plunging every trace of your heart; blood; breath and body ardently into it,
And then you will find; that with the blessings of the Omnipotent Lord; there would be no salacious devil to impede you in your way; there would be no devil to stop you; invincibly succeed.
If you really wanted to spread ebulliently ingratiating happiness; then spread it amidst all those torturously lambasted; inexplicably bursting into a corpse of inconsolable sobs and traumatic misery,
If you really wanted to spread unflinchingly intrepid strength; then spread it amidst all those horrifically infirm; being baselessly blown away like a pack of
frigid matchsticks; for ostensibly no fault of theirs,
If you really wanted to spread irrefutably sparkling truth; then spread it amidst all those asphyxiated with parasites of derogatory corruption; inhaling each
breath of life viciously tainted with bellicose prejudice,
If you really wanted to spread Omnisciently benign light; then spread it amidst all those whose lives were brutally inebriated with malicious blackness;
even in the most brilliantly eternal of Sunlight,
If you really wanted to spread effulgently mellifluous voice; then spread it amidst all those who got nothing else from life; except insidiously penalizing gunshots of cacophonically treacherous despair,
If you really wanted to spread majestically vibrant smiles; then spread them amidst all those orphans who had nothing else; but an unfathomable battalion of
impediments to transcend; at every step that they staggeringly tread
on coldbloodedly barren soil,
If you really wanted to spread the spirit of symbiotically united oneness; then spread it amidst all those indiscriminately perpetuating blood in the name of spurious religion; truculently beheading their very own; just to please to pot-bellied politician,
If you really wanted to spread voluptuously intoxicating sensuousness; then spread it amidst all those incarcerated within gory jailhouses of rigid monotony; mechanically monitoring even their sleep; to the fecklessly coldhearted ticking of the clock,
If you really wanted to spread gregariously resplendent scent; then spread it amidst all those inevitably fretting in the dingily diminutive lanes of the gutter; even as opprobrious superpowers snored in castles of celestial gold outside,
It you really wanted to spread articulately rhythmic dexterity; then spread it amidst all those insanely imbecile; devilishly employing every bohemian part of
their visage; to salaciously destroy the essence of beautiful mankind,
If you really wanted to spread sagaciously bountiful literacy; then spread it amidst all those worthlessly whiling every unfurling instant of priceless life
staring dolorously at empty sky; dreadfully sinking into the corpse at even the tiniest innuendo of signing their name,
If you really wanted to spread boundlessly opulent coin; then spread it amidst all those uxoriously emaciating on the obstreperous streets; while their rich counterparts egregiously squelched them one by one; under their
pugnacious wheel,
If you really wanted to spread regally euphoric imagery; then spread it amidst all those preposterously stagnating in the dungeons of malicious deprivation; hysterically sobbing in self-inflicted tyranny; till the very last breath of their lives,
If you really wanted to spread poignantly tantalizing charisma; then spread it amidst all those carnivorously bound by chains of abstruse rigidity; infinite a time pulverizing their ravishing dreams; just because they didn’t follow the path of their decrepit ancestors,
If you really wanted to spread quintessentially scintillating employment; then spread it amidst all those aimlessly squandering in wastrel wheelchairs;
even after possessing the most rubicund persona that the Lord could ever have blessed,
If you really wanted to spread blazingly fearless patriotism; then spread it amidst all those invidiously betraying their mother soil; selling every cranny of their non-existent conscience for a capriciously sinful clutter of sanctimonious note,
If you really wanted to spread gloriously fructifying fruit; then spread it amidst all those horrifically stunted since times immemorial; wistfully slavering at even the most derogatory of stone viciously pelted towards their trembling skin,
If you really wanted to spread perpetually burgeoning breath; then spread it amidst all those haplessly stuttering for life; despairingly stuttering through
coffins of gory death; even in the most pristine prime of royal life,
And if you really wanted to spread immortally unconquerable love; then spread it amidst all those murderously slandered by every echelon of the murderous society; and yet the insatiable desire to ardently embrace glowing brightly in their; ruthlessly neglected eyes.
It took an infinite droplets of frosty salt; to evolve the majestically fathomless ocean; ravishingly undulating with unfathomable cocoons of tantalizing waves,
It took an infinite specks of salubrious soil; to evolve the unsurpassably towering mountain; handsomely kissing the clouds with its profoundly mesmerizing summits,
It took an infinite puffs of ebullient mist; to evolve the voluptuously crimson conglomerate of clouds; uninhibitedly pelting down cloudbursts of rhapsodically exuberant rain,
It took an infinite twigs of curled mysticism; to evolve the boundlessly enigmatic forests; regally harboring an indefatigable fleet of striped panthers and red ant; symbiotically alike,
It took an infinite blades of robust grass; to evolve the timelessly enchanting meadow; ingratiatingly blooming under golden rays of the; frolicking
afternoon Sun,
It took an infinite pinches of fortified cement; to evolve the incomprehensibly escalating spires of the marvelously magnificent edifice; pragmatically sequestering countless corporate offices in its colossal belly,
It took an infinite drops of profusely scarlet blood; to evolve the most indispensable nerve centers of the body; incessantly perpetuate the exhilarating elixir of vibrant life,
It took an infinite repertoire of dexterous variations; to evolve the miraculous mantra for irrefutably unconquerable success; perennially blazing forward
in uninhibitedly invincible glory,
It took an infinite brain cells; to evolve the most fabulously spell binding and intriguing innovations; possessing the vivacious piquancy to blissfully metamorphose the complexion of this mammoth planet,
It took an infinite threads of satiny silk; to evolve the fascinatingly titillating web; in which gloriously danced the charismatically vivid legs; of the pot-bellied tarantula,
It took an infinite rays of blistering light; to evolve the profusely fulminating island of the Sun; Omnisciently placating the traumatized agonies of one
and all alike; with its unassailable festoon of brilliant hope,
It took an infinite shades of impeccable compassion; to evolve the fountain of pricelessly sacrosanct milk; royally oozing the most impregnable panacea to
lead; inexplicably enthralling life,
It took an infinite sky of tumultuous spice; to evolve the endless field of euphorically green chili; inundating worthlessly lackadaisical lives; with the
reinvigorating expedition of existence,
It took an infinite entrenchment of surreptitious seduction; to evolve the inscrutably ardent shadows; sweeping like the princess of eternity; across every
beleaguered cranny of this gigantic Universe,
It took an infinite draughts of boisterously optimistic wind; to evolve the fabulously torrential maelstrom; encapsulating every drearily lugubrious
soul; in the magic of its insatiably redolent artistry,
It took an infinite compendium of incredulous solutions; to articulately crack the tyrannically penalizing maze; rhapsodically free all incarcerated innocent from; the aisles of horrifically unprecedented treachery,
It took an infinite elements of undefeatable righteousness; to evolve the most spectacularly aristocratic fireball of glorious truth; looming unconquerably large over every other thing; on this boundless planet,
It took an infinite balloons of replenishing breath; to evolve the most divinely chapter of beautiful life; mesmerizing one and all on this unending planet with
the spirit of; splendidly Omnipotent creation,
But believe me for it was not I; but the Almighty Lord who said; that it just took a single beat of the passionately palpitating heart to fall in immortal love; eternally embrace all living kind with the essence of equality and alike,
So what are you waiting for ? Just open your hearts a trifle; and let all astounding beauty and heavenly love on this earth; be forever always be yours and mine.
I sowed a cluster of poignant seeds in the soil; digging a
trench conducive in depth,
Diligently watered the mud at the onset of every dawn; and in brilliant sunshine;
sprinkling the enclosure with salubrious manure,
After a few years the tree grew tall and handsome; and showered upon me
succulent fruits; free of cost.
I provided it tones of green leaf; kept a festoon of immaculate coconut in its
Obliterated it from acerbic rays of the sun; and sweltering heat; providing it
an island of hay to sleep,
In return the rustic cow bestowed upon me gallons of frosty milk; free of cost.
I manoeuvred the canvas at astronomical heights in the sky; dexterously
plucking at its nimble string,
Violently tugging the same; when confronted with swashbuckling draughts
of breeze,
In return the kite swayed phlegmatically in the air; gave me gargantuan gratification; free of cost.
Several of my ancestors fought gruesome battles in their lives,
Audaciously massacring prevalent evil; clashing swords to drive away the obnoxious enemy,
In return they left me marathon years of perpetual bliss and freedom to live; free of cost.
I used portable water parsimoniously in winter; preserving every droplet that
I could,
Educated the society about the indispensable need to store and relinquish
In return when the tyranny of summer took its acrimonious toll; I received colossal amounts of water; free of cost.
I procured a battalion of children; playing with them for incessant
hours of the day,
Incorporating their persona with the essence of humanity; teaching them to
march straight without leaning their weight,
In return when they transited to youth; their philanthropic deeds spread far
and wide; and they bestowed upon me the pride of being their father; free of cost.
I built mammoth sanatoriums for those afflicted with disastrous pain,
Assisted the blind; crippled; and the impoverished to cross the street; doing the best I could within my affordable means,
In return I got the benevolent and unprejudiced blessings of the same; free of cost.
I lived the entire of my life intensely loving the girl of my dreams,
Devoting Herculean amount of time towards those in tribulation; unrelentingly
attempting to fulfill my earthly tasks,
In return when I relinquished life and breath; the Creator gave me a place in blissful heaven; free of cost.
I was completely brown when I was born; emitted my first cry,
As my mother hoisted me high in the air towards the almighty; asking him to bless me with fairer complexion.
I was completely brown when I matured into youth; shedding all innocence of childhood,
And didn’t possess the faintest streak of white on my demeanor; making it easy for people to sight me in the crowd.
I was completely brown in sunlight; as acrimonious rays of the sun struck my persona,
Refrained to impregnate a darker texture in my skin; stood unfazed as the tumultuous heat took its tyranny.
I was completely brown when I had an attack of severe cold; with loads of mucus dribbling down my nose,
And every unleashing minute that unfolded; prompting me to thunderously sneeze.
I was completely brown when burglars entered my dwelling; pilfering handsome amounts of currency,
Threatening me to divulge secrets; marauding my intricate documents placed by the golden lamp.
And I remained completely brown when I died; relinquishing my final terrestrial breath,
Simply didn’t change color; nor did allow any other shade to blend with my perpetual brown.
While when you were born; you had a snow white complexion of the skin,
And your mother praised you in elders with bombastic flattery; feeling blessed to have you white.
When you matured to youth; you acquired a silken tan to contrast with
your white,
Making you the darling of furtive philanders; with a battalion of young men dying to court with you.
When you were in dazzling light of the celestial sun; you acquired a distinctive tan,
Coating your supple face with profound lines of black; inundating your skin with yellow freckles.
When you had an attack of severe cold; prompting you to blow your nose umpteenth times in an hour,
Your skin turned crimson red; with infinite patches in your neck developing disdainful allergy.
When nefarious burglars invaded your house; your face transited to a deathly white,
Seemed immensely pallid; with your resplendent color fading like the day unveils itself into the morbid night.
And when eventually you departed for your heavenly abode; your complexion changed to nimble blue,
Kept changing to darker perspectives of blue; with your fairness now converted to obnoxious filaments of variegated color.
and yet after all this; you had the impetuous audacity to call me colored !
In reality I felt like kicking him straight in his face; but in the end I found myself saying that You're looking amazing sir,
In reality I felt like savagely retaliating to his volley of abuse; but in the end I found myself admiring the cadence of his voice,
In reality I felt like munching the same meals laid ravishingly on his plate; but in the end I found myself sipping plain water which he had profusely used to wash his hands,
In reality I felt like wearing the same designer clothes which he adorned himself in every minute; but in the end I found myself wearing rags which he had discarded after they became a trifle tight,
In reality I felt like possessing the scintillating Mercedes nestling splendidly in his driveway; but in the end I found myself driving the same at his
commands; transporting him safely to office,
In reality I felt like spraying the same scent that he used in gay abandon on his armpits; but in the end I found myself inhaling the same from kilometers apart;
busy sweeping the majestic corridors before the guests arrived,
In reality I felt like bashing him left, right and center in his belly; but in the end I found myself cleaning the dirt adhering to the lining of his shoes,
In reality I felt like strolling as domineeringly in the lawns as he did, but in the end I found myself following him at close quarters; of course as his shadow,
In reality I felt like exposing his blatant lies to the world; but in the end I found myself nodding my forehead in poignant consent to whatever he uttered,
In reality I felt like disseminating all his illegally earned wealth amongst the impoverished masses including myself; but in the end I found myself investing it prudently in ingenious schemes; to ensure him maximum returns,
In reality I felt like banging the telephone receiver on his balding head; but in the end I found myself attending to every call; and amicably transferring him the line,
In reality I felt like sitting in the conference room in his place; with the cool air of the air-conditioner putting me off to blissful slumber; but in the end I found myself serving glasses of cocktail and appetizing delicacies; at the slightest command of his crisp voice,
In reality I felt like drinking apple juice every hour as he did; but in the end I found myself peeling open the tin; for him to tantalizingly gulp the same,
In reality I felt like speaking in American slang as he did; but in the end I found myself silencing the unruly crowds around; to thereby facilitate him to speak,
In reality I felt like hurling every object in proximity as he did when agitated; but in the end I found myself collecting the shattered remains; molding them into toys again for him to break,
In reality I felt like laughing all day as he did with my lips stretched to the most extreme limits; but in the end I found myself learning new jokes everyday; in
order to trigger off his smiles,
And in reality I felt like owning all what he did; but in the end I felt myself completely helpless; as I was born naked in the dustbin; thoroughly deprived of
wealth; and to feed myself and my family of ten children; he would always have to remain my master; and I his obedient slave
On every morsel of food scattered in distant territories of the earth,
there lies a name inscribed of; the person about to consume it.
On every bit of fertile clay projecting from hard land,
there lies a name embossed of; wild grass about to grow.
On every bit of bare bruise sprouting on the surface of skin,
there lies a name riveted of; the magical technology of healing.
On every bit of undulating water containing tones of salt,
there lies a name embedded of; the aquatic fish and spongy coral.
On every bit of flaming sun and celestial moon,
there lies a name embodied; of the supreme creator.
On every bit of perspiration dribbling down with tenacity,
there lies a name pressed of; the onerous amount of hard work.
On every bit of succulent looking barren tree branch,
there lies a name firmly stapled of; the fresh buds about to take birth.
On every bit of crystal water plummeting from crystalline tips of the mountain,
there lies a name dogmatically printed of; the living organism dying of thirst.
On every bit of charisma inhabiting oblivious regions of the globe,
there lies a name emphatically glued of; the human eye.
On every heart that throbs with a benevolent disposition,
there lies a name imprisoned of; the person it loves.
And on every bullet of lead that ricochets after striking the air,
there lies a name of the person living; about to die.
The best thing that the eyes could do; was to stare indefatigably into free space; relentlessly admire the mesmerizing treasures of this earth,
The best thing that the feet could do; was to walk tirelessly on the path leading towards victory,
The best thing that the flower could do; was to disseminate its aroma as far and wide as the world existed,
The best thing that the clouds could do; was to pelt down furiously;
gargantuan droplets of rain,
The best thing that the tongue could do; was to move vivaciously in the chamber of the throat and produce sound,
The best thing that the birds could do; was to spread their wings to wide angles; and then sweep buoyantly across the sky,
The best thing that the soil could do; was to proliferate millions of grains; evolve all the food which was necessary for existence,
The best thing that the scorpion could do; was to viciously swish its hideous fangs; and lethally strike,
The best thing that the snow could do; was to melt at lightening speeds under the celestial sun; and thereby cascade down the mountain in rivulets of
sweet water,
The best thing that the sea could do; was to rise high and swirling towards the sky; impetuously crash its massive assemblage of froth on the chain of
scintillating rocks,
The best thing that the sun could do; was to sizzle darkened areas on this planet with its brilliant shine,
The best thing that the dolphins could do; was to leap acrobatically in the ocean; add vibrancy and color to the otherwise pallid atmosphere,
The best thing that the telephone could do; was to passionately ring; portray the voice of the person opposite; crisp and crystal clear,
The best thing that the mosquito could do; was to hover pertinently in the vicinity of the eardrum; suckle ripe and youthful blood,
The best thing that the shirt could do; was to completely engulf the bare chest; sequester it from bizarre cold and shivering,
The best thing that the owl could do; was to keep awake all night; prudently watch the activities going on; without uttering the slightest,
The best thing that the gutter could do; was to accumulate tones of fetid sewage; diffuse a stench more obnoxious than the pig,
The best thing that the frog could do; was to gleefully skip around; croak discordantly to pollute the mystical ambience around,
The best thing that the poet could do; was to pen down infinite lines of enchanting verse,
The best thing that the stars shining in the cosmos could do; was to illuminate every person's fading night,
The best thing that the child could do; was to incessantly play; bang its innocent wrists demandingly into its mothers belly,
The best thing that the dog could do; was to bark vigilantly; petrify the ominous assailants to the last bone of their spine,
The best thing that the shoe could do; was to indiscriminately trample all that it tread upon,
The best thing that the pen could do; was chisel intricate calligraphy; emboss the surface of bonded paper with exquisite literature,
The best thing that the ball could do; was to bounce as soon as it struck the
hard floor,
The best thing that the candle could do; was to profoundly brighten the atmosphere with its escalating flames,
The best thing that the spider could do; was to ooze out sticky juice from its body; spin silken threads of its web in a matter of seconds,
The best thing that the glue could do; was to stick parchments of dispersed paper into a complete and single sheet,
The best thing that the binocular could do; was to facilitate the evanescent tip of the mountain to appear like a gas balloon,
The best thing that the king could do; was to judiciously govern his empire; drown himself into the aisles of uninhibited wine and pleasure,
The best thing that the wall clock could do; was to keep ticking all day and night; move its hands tirelessly in round circles to depict accurate time,
The best thing that the eraser could do; was to scrap across jumbled lines of dirt; magically transform the paper with a hundred blemishes into one; sparkling and
brand new,
The best thing that the mind could do; was to keep fantasizing; perceive the most exotic; spinning in countless different directions; even while in deep sleep,
The best thing that the lips could do; was to stretch themselves freely; smile and kiss,
The best thing that the muscles could do; was to swell themselves into a perfect curve; and forcefully punch the air,
The best thing that the key could do; was to dexterously break open through the mechanism of the iron lock,
The best thing that the diamond ring could do; was to amicably occupy a place on the engagement finger,
The best thing that the matchstick could do; was to ignite the entire warehouse; into a blazing ball of flames,
The best thing that the rope could do; was to hoist the pail of water from the unfathomable depths of the well,
The best thing that the towel could do; was scrupulously scrub all the dirt and water adhering to the skin; metamorphosing an unruly devil into an angel,
The best thing that the tortoise could do; was to recede its neck back into its cozy shell; and live for a thousand years,
The best thing that the fountain could do; was to catapult high in the air; shower all across into boundless droplets of delectable froth,
The best thing that the scissors could do; was to articulately chisel shapes through cloth and paper; chop all unnecessary bits extruding out extravagantly,
The best thing that the worms could do; was to glow radiantly at night; while pertinently trespassing through the jungle,
The best thing that the saliva could do; was to rot after being spat on the ground; decay all palpable life in proximity; capsizing it in the wrath of disease,
The best thing that the drapery could do; was to sequester the castle from sweltering heat; ensure that the shadows lingered longer in acrimonious summer,
The best thing that the calculator could do; was to decipher enigmatic sums of arithmetic; evolve solutions to the most mind-boggling of puzzles,
The best thing that the toothbrush could do; was to poignantly caress the armory of teeth; extricate the last bit of dirt stuck in their cavity,
The best thing that the mouse could do; was to nibble gaping holes into the silken floss of cloth,
The best thing that the coffin could do; was to house the dead; impart heavenly peace to those tragically bereaved,
The best thing that the businessman could do; was spend hours on the floor of the stock market; adroitly contemplating the prices of rising and falling shares,
The best thing that the heart could do; was palpitate thunderously; romancing every instant of life,
And the best thing that a human could do; was to love till the time he lived; try and embody the same in each entity he confronted or was about to encounter
39. LOVE
There were various sounds in this world which you didn't like; one of them was the sound of the discordantly wailing eunuch,
There were various truths in this world which you didn’t like; one of them was the inevitable arrival of death,
There were various places in this world which you didn’t like; one of them was the island of ghastly hell,
There were various things in this world which you didn’t like; one of them was starvation to unprecedented limits,
There were various heights in this world which you didn’t like; one of them was the abnormally long height of the dinosaur,
There were various situations in this world which you didn’t like; one of them was the arrival of devastating earthquake,
There were various delays in this world which you didn’t like; one of them was waiting at a claustrophobic traffic signal,
There were various liquid's in this world which you didn’t like; one of them was the venom oozing from tail of the scorpion,
There were various words in this world which you didn’t like; one of them was a phrase that abused your mother,
There were various speeds in this world which you didn’t like; one of them was that of sinking sand,
There were various holes in this world which you didn’t like; one of them was the burrow which lead to the red ants,
There were various clouds in this world which you didn’t like; one of them was the blackest of them all; engulfing blissful territories of this earth
with overwhelming flood water,
There were various colors in this world which you didn’t like; one of them was the appalling color of cold blood,
There were various birds in this world which you didn’t like; one of them was the savagely croaking vulture,
There were various dreams in this world which you didn’t like; one of them was the perception of a loudly laughing devil,
There were various waters in this world which you didn’t like; one of them was a sea laden with a million sharks,
There were various tree's in this world which you didn’t like; one of them was an ugly cactus embedded with a battalion of pugnacious thorns,
There were various animals in this world which you didn’t like; one of them was the menacing alligator,
And inspite of all this there was only one thing in this world; which I am definitely sure that all of you liked; and for those of you who didn’t I really pity;
for the thing I am talking about was infact the very first reason that made you read all the lines in harmony till this line; O! yes what I am about to convey;
is already at the top of your minds; for it is none other than love
One shouldn't sleep more than necessary; as extra sleep induces paramount laziness; ruins the ability of a person to work diligently,
One shouldn't eat more than necessary; as extra food lying dumped in the stomach; reduces your ability to have fun; fantasize and sizzle in the corridors of
One shouldn't dance more than necessary; as extra gyrating the body; weakens the stem of mesmerizing ideas in the brain; instilling the legs with inevitable sleep,
One shouldn't whistle more than necessary; as extra whistling causes the air in the mouth to exhaust; and makes a person falter in his speech; grasp for
breath; immediately after it,
One shouldn't cry more than necessary; as extra shedding of tears makes the eye bloodshot and and swollen; rendering a person unfit to walk on the streets,
One shouldn't write more than necessary; as extra penning down of words creates a disdain for majestic art; and the fragile fingers then intractably refuse
to even emboss down your name,
One shouldn't swim more than necessary; as the poignant spray of the saline sea causes erratic allergy to the entire skin; also there is always the danger of the monstrous shark creeping in,
One shouldn't drink wine more than necessary; as the alcohol has a profoundly inebriating effect on the nerves; makes a person loose complete control of his
actions; body and speech; after consuming a few sips,
One shouldn't blow one's nose more than necessary; as excessive sneezing; engenders the moisture in the nostrils to amazingly evaporate; and a person ends up inhaling bellows of hostile fire; instead of compassionate air,
One shouldn't shout more than necessary; as unprecedented screaming; foments the chords in your throat to wear out; and you eventually find yourself unable to even mew as softly as the cat; after a few minutes,
One shouldn't talk more than necessary; as baseless talk yields plenty of secrets; and a person sometimes in his inexorable urge to talk; doesn’t notice the bored yawns becoming eminent and clear in the vicinity,
One shouldn't clean more than necessary; as unsurpassable amount of cleaning; leads to scraping away the oils of nature; the rudiments of color which add loads of vibrancy to life,
One shouldn't spend more than necessary; as exorbitant expenditure results in dismal bankruptcy; and suddenly the accounts replenished with surplus money till yesterday; seem to be like veritable ghost towns today,
One shouldn't fight more than necessary; as incessant war leads to lots of bloodshed; and what started as just a test of nerves and skill; now ends up being a battle of blood,
One shouldn't read more than necessary; as overwhelmingly browsing through the books night and day; has disastrous aftermaths on robust sight,
One shouldn't kick more than necessary; as ferocious kicking evokes heaps of tension; perpetuates hurling of a volley of abuses at each other; and thereby
disrupting the placid environment,
One shouldn't spit more than necessary; as continuous spitting produces squalid streaks of dirt in the area's you tread; and sometimes you find yourself tripping head on; in the same slime you ejected out on this earth,
One shouldnt't preach more than necessary; because at times you tend to become a victim of your own ideals; rather than having an impact and changing the lives of other humans,
I think I have bored you enough with this unending list of shouldnt's, but before emancipating I would like to tell you; that there is indeed a thing that
you should do more than necessary; and which does not have anything such as necessary or unnecessary in the dictionary of its existence,
O! yes the thing I am talking about is none other than your all time favorite, and which you must be dying to proclaim at the moment as passionate love .
I admit that I didn’t have the ability to save all those dying in the war just sitting on my couch in the dining room; but the best I could do was to sincerely pray to God in my mind; to save the innocent from brutal atrocity and death,
I admit that I didn’t have the ability to predict what was going on behind the solid brick wall; but the best I could do was to try and evacuate; the person trapped therein; scared and petrified to the last bone down his spine; in an ambience enveloped with stinging scorpion and black cockroach,
I admit that I didn’t have the ability to perceive whether it would be my wife or a complete stranger as I hoisted the telephone receiver; but the best I could
do was to patiently listen; and then retort back with the most consummate answers that came to my conscience,
I admit that I didn’t have the ability to cognize as to what depths would I strike water beneath the soil; but the best I could do was to tenaciously plough the
same using both my hands; till the time my perspiration yielded those crystalline droplets I was so frantically searching for; to pacify my thirst,
I admit that I didn’t have the ability to contemplate upon the exact number of apples hidden within the dense foliage of the gigantic tree; but the best I
could do was to sedulously clamber up the same; dexterously use my fingers and thumb to nimbly pluck them; before consuming them with unprecedented gusto
and relish,
I admit that I didn’t have the ability to envisage the number of humans which the diabolical shark had chewed up alive; but the best I could do was warn as many people as possible whom I encountered on the beach; about the staying away from the perilous sea; and keeping their eyes open and wide for the big fish,
I admit that I didn’t have the ability to meticulously visualize the color of the cloth stashed in the godown's; but the best I could do was to onerously rummage through all the piles one by one; in search of that perfect fabric I
had always dreamt of,
I admit that I didn’t have the ability to prognosticate as to who would be the first individual I would confront when commencing the first hour of my morning; but the best thing I could do was greet him with a smile and congenially say Good Morning,
I admit that I didn’t have the ability to recite the exact percentage of obnoxious gases circulating perniciously in the atmosphere; but the best I could do was to grow a new tree every day; in order to blissfully exist and protect the environment,
I admit that I didn’t have the ability to immediately quote the name of the author who had written the scriptures which were more than a thousand years old; but the best I could do was to scrupulously read through his verse; pay my homage and due admiration to him for the pearls he had embossed,
I admit that I didn’t have the ability to decipher what exactly the mad man was saying; as he kept opening his mouth without the slightest of sound; but the best I could do was to help him express his ideas better; endeavor to understand the essence of the agony; that he might have been going through,
I admit that I didn’t have the ability to forecast as to whether it would rain or not; but the best I could do was to assist my fellow beings afflicted with bizarre drought; disseminate surplus water accumulated in my backyard to as far and distant as I could; along with softly praying to the Creator,
I admit that I didn’t have the ability to predict the exact second of the day; without even looking at my watch; but the best I could do was to gauge the hour
with the rising positions of the Sun & Moon; thereby carry on my activities incessantly without any negligence,
I admit that I didn’t have the ability to imagine as to how much cash was stored in the villagers account; but the best I could do was to safeguard it at the
cost of my life; standing tall like a formidable fortress in the path of the evil and satanic eye,
I admit that I didn’t have the ability to prudently discern the nature of an individual only a few seconds after I met him; but the best I could do was to
establish an amicable relationship with him over a period of time; accept his pro's and con's as a part of erring humanity; and progressing life,
I admit that I didn’t have the ability to accurately count all the blades of grass protruding from the fields; but the best I could do was to free a battalion of cows and famished sheep into the same; allow them to have the time of
their lives,
I admit that I didn’t have the ability to know whether the milk I was about to gulp had traces of lethal poison in it or not; but the best I could do was to swallow it down my throat with my eyes blindfolded; if someone offered it to me with loads of empathy and love in his heart,
I admit that I didn’t have the ability to comprehend what was lingering in her eyes; but the best I could do was to wholesomely blend with the flames of her
romance; intermingle my breath completely in the swirl of her love,
And I admit that I didn’t have the ability to precisely speak out my destiny; intricately know as to what event was going to unveil before my eyes at what
time; but the best I could do was to execute each activity of my life with stupendous fervor;
Try and help as many people as I could in the remaining years of my future set apart by Almighty Lord; and lead life to its fullest possible; every day; every hour; every minute; every second.
Some had beautifully mesmerizing lips; with a voluptuously silken sheen enveloping their periphery,
Some had astoundingly sharp eyes; able to sight marathon distances; even in the most obfuscated and bleariest of light,
Some had robust muscled legs; running for astronomically long hours in the cold despite the armory of barricades and odds,
Some had exquisitely sculptured fingers; sketching and evolving a fleet of shapes encompassing all mankind,
Some had tenaciously hard fists; which could drill a hole through the acrid mountain; defend the country against salacious demon,
Some had a stupendously sparkling complexion; resembling the fairies and angels residing in Omnipotent realms of heaven,
Some had a delectably black color entrenching their entire face; a shade of dark impregnated in their demeanor which made them more enchanting than
every night,
Some had a height as tall as the ceiling; walking with profound authority and domination through the verdant countryside,
Some had a tongue which indefatigable spoke; sung; whistled and chirped sweeter than the melodious nightingale,
Some had a stature shorter than the shrub; appearing like divinely Moon Gods trespassing on the body of this planet,
Some had a memory as astonishing as the contemporary computer; deciphering mind boggling sums of arithmetic with incredulous efficacy,
Some had the remarkable talent to emulate any voice; entertained people for countless decades with the overwhelming manipulation of their sound,
Some had an insurmountably supreme command over vocabulary; spoke and wrote any language with ultimate command and grace,
Some had the amazing ability to acrobatically leap in the air; juggle several balls for boundless seconds at a time,
Some had the adroit skill of negotiation; were able to succeed in any
professional venture of life which they decided to undertake,
Some had the prowess to cook delicious morsels of enticing food; deluging the morbidly gloomy atmosphere with the aroma of freshly baked corn,
Some had the art of imparting knowledge; taught and dexterously handled children of all ages in innocuous school,
Some had the fiery flamboyance of the Sun; propelled the air jet at lightening speeds through vibrant carpets of floating air,
Some had a passionately beating heart; which fell in love the instant it witnessed the person of its dreams; the person of its kind,
Some had breath which ardently drifted down the nostrils; ignited the still ambience in vicinity; triggering it with their unsurpassable intensity into a fireball of vivacious flames,
O! yes. Every individual was a beautiful individual in some respect or the other; in some form or the other; and I have absolutely no inhibitions whatsoever in disclosing; of course with the mutual consent of Almighty God, that every human was indeed beautiful.
I wanted to live till that day; when all darkness submerging the earth metamorphosed into brilliant light,
I wanted to live till that day; when all misery engulfing the people converted into immortal happiness,
I wanted to live till that day; when all the impoverished starving for food converted into Kings residing in grandiloquent palaces,
I wanted to live till that day; when all the preposterously smelling dirt in the globe converted into a bed of voluptuous roses,
I wanted to live till that day; when all deserts and patches of soil dying for water converted into gargantuan oceans,
I wanted to live till that day; when all acerbic thorns strewn randomly in the jungles converted into golden couches impregnated with silk,
I wanted to live till that day; when all fires indiscriminately gobbling the entire townships; converted into slabs of tantalizing ice,
I wanted to live till that day; when each barren patch of sky converted itself into an opalescent and rain yielding cloud,
I wanted to live till that day; when every illiterate individual converted into prudently literate,
I wanted to live till that day; when all naked flesh around was converted into a robust body with clothes,
I wanted to live till that day; when all hostility and repugnant war would convert itself into spell binding utopia,
I wanted to live till that day; when anecdotes of deliberate lechery converted themselves into sacrosanct temples,
I wanted to live till that day; when all evil existing in this Universe converted itself into the omnipotent aura of God,
I wanted to live till that day; when all religions existing under the cosmos; converted themselves into the religion of humanity,
I wanted to live till that day; when all hearts broken and badly betrayed converted themselves into passionate and holistic love,
I wanted to live till that day; when all those people who were wholesomely blind converted into angels with sparkling sight,
I wanted to live till that day; when each horrific accident occurring converted itself into an occasion of colorful festivity,
I wanted to live till that day; when every infant who was christened as orphan; converted itself to being born in the most complete of family,
I wanted to live till that day; when all skeletons buried at unfathomable distances beneath the soil; converted themselves again into blissful living beings,
I wanted to live till that day; when the planet which had currently become a commercial hell to live today; converted back again into the enchanting paradise it was when it had been just created,
And I knew for me to witness all this in just this birth of mine was simply impossible; but don’t you worry as I will take infinite births; being born in some form or the other as per the wishes of the Creator; will definitely see that paradise come again; come once again
The flower on its own looked nonchalant; an inconspicuous entity amidst infinite stalks of lanky grass and wild roots,
Although when I put it in a jar embellished with intriguing designs; plucking it gently from its roots; people admired it profoundly; fervently longed to smell its lingering redolence.
The red pails of wine bubbling in colossal drums of wood; appeared disparaging; inundating the placid air around with a ghastly odor, Although when I poured the same into delectably chiseled glasses; the liquor sparkled magnificently under scintillating rays of the sun; and there was an insatiable urge in my body to consume the same at lightening speeds.
The dusty granules of rice incarcerated in ragamuffin bags looked appalling; a meal to obnoxious to consume,
Although when I spread it commensurately in a plate of shimmering silver; topping the same with ravishing red cherries from the forest; the food suddenly ignited dormant pangs of hunger in my famished stomach.
The opalescent fishes swimming in the ocean appeared pretty infinitesimal; when compared to the preposterously huge sharks and whales,
Although when I placed the innocuous creatures in a grandiloquent aquarium; they seemed stupendously enamouring; instantly averted the eyes the eyes of passing philanderers; to feast on the majestic movement.
The chips of gold impregnated in deep coal mines; looked grotesque; sandwiched in an ambience of hideous black walls all around,
Although when I adroitly extracted the same; molded it into a pendant of glittering yellow; the burglars outside as well as the commoners trespassing; stood nonplussed by its royal splendor.
The ruffled sprouts of cotton stashed in the cloistered godown; looked obnoxious; with incongruous threads lurking from the bundle; engendering all in vicinity to thunderously sneeze,
Although when I knitted the same into a glossy shirt; the fabric sold like hot cakes amongst the people; fetching prices one could never have envisaged.
The century old dial of wristwatch seemed outlandish; a contraption with crusts of disdainful rust,
Although when I entwined the same in an intricate chain of scintillating silver; it looked incredibly alluring; acquiring the status of being placed in the topmost shelves of the country museum.
The plain slab of ivory appeared absolutely nondescript; resembling sordid chalk powder; concealed beneath a colossal mountain of mud, Although when I washed it stringently with water; chiseled the same into a embellished statue; it was an awe-inspiring sight which unfurled; winning the hearts of the affluent as well as the poor.
The baby lying still without motion looked an island of gloom; with his lids tightly shut giving a dull look to his naked face,
Although when I flocculent silk; tickled his flabby skin making him loudly laugh; embedded his impeccable ears with a tinkling ornament; the infant looked mesmerizing; an entity to cherish in ones arms till eternity.
And life by itself appeared abysmally drab; minutes unveiling into marathon hours without the slightest trace of activity,
Although when I blended it with the color of adventure; drowned myself into the rhapsody of music; evolved my desires in the arms of my beloved; that was the time it glistened immortally; it really looked beautiful.
Wasn’t it better to give those left over chunks of dough to the stray dogs on the street; rather than pugnaciously stuffing them into the heart of the dolorously fetid dustbin ?
Wasn’t it better to use those extravagantly superfluous ingredients of your wealth to enlighten the lives of all those inexplicably impoverished; rather than spuriously abandoning them to increase the weight of gold in your bathroom chair ?
Wasn’t it better to mold those pieces of sordid rubber to cushion some destitute scalp; rather than winding them pretentiously to make them your pompous pet cat’s string ?
Wasn’t it better to marvelously share the bountiful beauty of your garden with the tyrannically famished Universe outside; rather than ruthlessly incarcerate
the flowers to be your sanctimonious bedroom delights ?
Wasn’t it better to philanthropically donate your blood to all those gruesomely debilitated; rather than indiscriminately burning it in a world of satanically
manipulative lechery ?
Wasn’t it better to uninhibitedly about all gorgeously ebullient beauty of this colossal planet; rather than insipidly wasting the dormitories of your fertile
brain to the web of insanely cold-blooded drudgery ?
Wasn’t it better to enchantingly deluge the lives of countless disastrously orphaned with the melody in your heavenly voice; rather than uncouthly expurgating it only for irate abuse ?
Wasn’t it better to Omnisciently donate your eyes after you relinquished your last iota of breath; rather than allowing them to horrendously decay infinite feet beneath your veritable grave ?
Wasn’t it better to embrace uncontrollably shivering organisms in the swirl of your compassionately invincible chest; rather than diabolically pulverizing
innocent bones with its Herculean strength ?
Wasn’t it better to sagaciously utilize your knowledge to blissfully enlighten the haplessly illiterate; rather than malignantly drifting it to evolve bombs; which could mercilessly devastate the entire living kind ?
Wasn’t it better to allow your enchantingly shimmering shadow to celestially rejuvenate bizarrely frazzled human kind; rather than lugubriously blending with the realms of meaningless hell ?
Wasn’t it better to tirelessly admire the astronomically aristocratic beauty of this unsurpassably regale Universe with each of your senses; rather satanically dictating them to parasitically suck immaculate blood ?
Wasn’t it better to admirably use your robust shoulders to hoist unfortunate urchins and make them ecstatically fly; rather than disgustingly shrug them
towards the very entities; who gave you miraculous birth ?
Wasn’t it better to amiably spend your spare moments in the company of those penuriously bereaved who needed you the most; rather than drain them like a
lackluster skeleton in the corpse of sleazily adulterated wine ?
Wasn’t it better to speak the irrefutably unconquerable just once; rather than indefatigably hide your ludicrously trembling skin; under the curtain of a boundless derogatory lies ?
Wasn’t it better to eternally use your lips to kiss the fragrance of everlasting humanity; rather than criminally bite all with abominably proliferating hatred ?
Wasn’t it better to impart all your short clothes to those existing beneath the preposterously mortifying poverty line; rather than torch them in a bonfire to
worthlessly tingle; your already opulent night ?
Wasn’t it better to Omnipresently utilize those extra puffs of your breath to revive the morbidly dying; rather than trying to impossibly store them in your
lungs; in the baseless hope of surviving a countless more lives ?
And wasn’t it better to uninhibitedly free the beats of your heart to bond with their immortal soul mate; rather than clinically imprisoning them in the center
of your chest; in the feckless fear that you might lose them ?
I drenched myself with golden honey liquid, sped to jungles to feed famished insects
I had crisp currency notes stashed in cloth cellars of trouser, distributed knives with razor blades, to my fellow beings in heart breaking agony.
I slept in luxury on cushioned foam of air cooled palace,
opened lock proof doors, inviting masses residing in tumbledown huts.
i wore grey linen suit studded with infinite beads of gold,
shed bits of cloth, sprinkled balls of thick silver,
as I trespassed through victimized regions of the globe.
I drank mammoth bottles of rich brown rum,
supplied a fleet of tankers, with gallons of water,
to scorched population, on dry flaming land.
I consumed pungent slices of bacon, tore greedily through chunks of
chocolate bread,
inaugurated a king sized food plaza, offering plain rice and curry,
to those shrunk to mere skeleton skins, all throughout the day.
I roamed round the clock in bullet proof silver sedan,
with an army of helicopters hovering above,
I reserved glass facaded showrooms full of high powered bike,
for bare feet trampling needle shaped weeds emanating from soil.
I attended school offering elite courses in management,
reclined on plush chair, while copying notes,
built school monasteries to educate the girl child.
I bathed in luke warm water,
drizzling from multiple pores of modern shower assembly,
supplied electric geysers with aluminum coil,
to those freezing in chilly currents of winter wind.
this is my pledge to all affluent existing,
try and emulate, a fraction of my benevolent deeds,
the creator will bless you with more than you could ever foresee.
Without those two pinches of vermilion; she was ruthlessly ridiculed at every quarter of this conventionally acrid society,
Without those two pinches of vermilion; she was treated worse than what people could have treated barbaric dogs on stray streets; shrugging her entirely
from the fabric of blissful existence,
Without those two pinches of vermilion; she hopelessly staggered on every step towards a painstaking defeat; with literally every door slamming tyrannically shut upon her impeccable persona,
Without those two pinches of vermilion; she became the subject of indefatigable abuse; with all males in vicinity; salaciously devouring every bit of her untainted innocence,
Without those two pinches of vermilion; she lost even the most infinitesimal trace of her integrity in the air outside; with people preferring to bleed; rather
than look at her cursed face,
Without those two pinches of vermilion; she frantically searched all night and day for an unassailable friend; but what she got was the uncouthly coldblooded whiplash instead,
Without those two pinches of vermilion; she was disastrously decimated in her conquest to be self sufficient; with powerhouses of wealth in this Country; devilishly using her innocence to their savage advantage,
Without those two pinches of vermilion; she had become a ravishingly ingratiating persona all right; but morbidly devoid of an irrefutably moral conscience; which led to righteously blazing light,
Without those two pinches of vermilion; she had remorsefully frozen the poignantly scarlet streams of blood in her veins; in her hopeless mission of trying to savor empathy and blankets of compassionate love,
Without those two pinches of vermilion; she had become a statue vengefully divested of even the tiniest of emotion; as she into a life of lecherous nothingness; for times immemorial,
Without those two pinches of vermilion; she had lost her pristine chastity the moments she stepped outside; with the winds of diabolical prejudice shattering her into an infinite pieces; of bizarre worthlessness,
Without those two pinches of vermilion; she had become a mere commodity; being insidiously traded on the dais of depravation; to yield to the viciously abhorrent cry of the devil,
Without those two pinches of vermilion; she left her immaculate children in the malicious orphanage; rather than having them witness her being gorily mutilated
every unfurling second of the day,
Without those two pinches of vermilion; she alighted from bed every morning all right; but with the flaming light outside; seeming to be worse than the corpses; of dolorously dead light,
Without those two pinches of vermilion; she incessantly cursed her destiny all night and day; for yet keeping her so tirelessly breathing and discerningly alive,
Without those two pinches of vermilion; she felt as each instant stabbing her with a whirlpool of heinous atrocity; with the word hope disappearing forever from the thesaurus of the; murderously ungainly planet,
Without those two pinches of vermilion; she was exonerated from all relationships; with even those bonded by blood; snobbishly failing to recognize the blissful contours of her; innocuous face,
Without those two pinches of vermilion; she had even stopped praying to the Almighty Lord; knowing it perfectly well that she would be satanically kicked by
the conventionally ritualistic priests; from the very first of the sacred
Temple steps,
O! Yes for once upon a time it was indeed those two pinches of vermilion glistening profound between her hair; that had granted her the status of an
embellished queen; with this same society saluting her with loads of respect,
While today she felt that the worst sin she had committed was to marry; for after her husband unfortunately quit his last breath; she had become the
same treacherous word on everyone’s mouth; which she forever wanted to forget; she had become just one another in the devastatingly augmenting list of Indian widows .
P stands for PATRIOTISM; an insatiably untamed gusto in the demeanor; to uninhibitedly relinquish life; for the sake of the sacrosanct motherland,
P stands for PITY; wholesomely blending with the sentiment of the tyrannically terrorized; flooding their abode with beams of astronomical courage,
Not for hideously dictatorial POWER; indiscriminate trampling of the innocuously timid; with swords of manipulative greed and beguiling prejudice.
O stands for OBEDIENCE; a flamboyantly stringent ray of discipline; to scrupulously metamorphose all deplorably malevolent lies; into the irrefutably
blazing island of invincible truth,
O stands for OPERATIONAL; a perennial yearning to march on the path of righteousness and duty; be the most scintillating stalwarts of the society,
Not for barbaric OSTRACISM; overwhelmingly castigation of the oppressed tribes; ominous massacring of the deprived; to dig the foundations of spuriously
glittering wealth.
L stands for LISTENING; philanthropically lending the ear to the cry of disastrously lecherous pain; gallantly marching forward to swipe all traces of
crime from this colossal planet,
L stands for LEADERSHIP; being the very first to plunge into the unfathomable sea of ungainly turbulence; transforming it into an island of
benevolence; with the most sagacious use of law,
Not for salacious LANGUISH; insidiously feasting on nubile flesh and opulent wine; while the destitute got soaked in ghastly blood by the
diabolical demons.
I stands for INTELLIGENCE; astoundingly discerning and punishing the horde of heinous parasites; out of the gigantic civilization blissfully existing in tranquil peace,
I stands for INTREPIDITY; a never-ending spirit of confronting the bizarrely unknown; staying awake as the sentinels of peace all invidious night; while the
innocent slept to their hearts delight,
Not for impudent INEPTNESS; profusely dedicated to culinary delights of the preposterously protruding stomach; while hell rained in torrentially uncontrolled frenzy; from the fathomless sky outside.
C stands for COMPASSION; a blissful synchronization with the hearts of the common man; truly commiserating with their agony; while at the same time removing them from the disdainfully abominable muddle; of savage corruption,
C stands for COMMAND; a vibrantly dynamic volcano of blistering authority; which imparts the Omnipotent fortitude to; wholesomely vanquish the
most lethal of devil,
Not for cowardly CORRUPTION; accepting bribe to polish even the most infinitesimal speck of dirt on the shoe; a stain that would ironically take decades to gather.
E stands for EQUALITY; judiciously catering to the sorrows of all caste; creed; and tribes; with an insatiable fervor of sparkling benevolence; and alike,
E stands for ENERGY; an unrelenting euphoria to unitedly rise to the cause of the Nation’s prosperity; tirelessly strive to eradicate the most tiniest trace of lethal doing; forever from the trajectory of this boundless earth,
Not for forced ENMITY; using the devastatingly maimed as a stick to walk forward; on the powerhouse politicians; irately meaningless demand.
What is life without spell binding fantasy; the unprecedented exhilaration to incessantly dance in the valley of untamed adventure ?
What is life without marvelously exotic flamboyance; the insatiably perennial desire to be none other than; magnificently bedazzling Sunshine ?
What is life without mystically voluptuous enchantment; the milky rays of moon seductivelyenthralling; every iota of your disastrously famished skin ?
What is life without tantalizing rain; golden globules of heavenly water tumbling torrentially from the fathomless sky; pacifying every iota of your devastatingly frazzled senses with overwhelming magic and serenity ?
What is life without mesmerizing scent; a boundless entrenchment of blissfully celestial rose; tinglingyou majestically on every benign step that you took ?
What is life without unrelenting charisma; the bountifully ever green fruits of Mother Nature; divinely greeting you every dawn you ravishingly awoke ?
What is life without indefatigable strength; an intrinsically Herculean stamina; which tirelessly propelled you to march unflinchingly; on the path of sagacious righteousness ?
What is life without intransigent perseverance; a blazing inferno of patriotic solidarity; beautifully camouflaging every iota of your; fabulously silver sweat ?
What is life without your revered ancestors; the intriguing island of profuse nostalgia that they stupendously transited you into; recounting the tales of unending hundred’s of years ?
What is life without royally fructifying carpet of enamoring grass; the titillatingly divinely stalks; that surreptitiously flirted with the surrendering energy in your beleaguered soles ?
What is life without the blissfully sacrosanct cow; the oceans of impeccable milk which she uninhibitedly oozed; to miraculously fortifying every element of your penuriously staggering countenance ?
What is life without perpetually augmenting desire; an unsurpassable yearning to romance with resplendently tinkling goodness; for infinite more births yet
to unfurl ?
What is life without the vivaciously boisterous rainbow; the countless myriad of eclectic shades in vibrant life; which made you bask in the full glory of your priceless existence ?
What is life without ebulliently compassionate artistry; the unbelievably fantastic aura of the entire Universe; so brilliantly portrayed upon the trajectory of the; emphatically silken canvas ?
What is life without ingratiatingly twinkling stars; the magically opalescent fountain of shimmer that eternally radiated; after the heart of charmingly
gracious midnight ?
What is life without enigmatically evoking intuition; the uncanny forest of inexplicable dreams; which blended so splendidly with every ingredient of your
poignant blood ?
What is life without ubiquitously blooming humanity; the thread of everlastingly benevolent empathy; which so euphorically coalesced all religions; caste; creed;
and tribes in whirlpools of mankind; alike ?
What is life without ecstatic fireballs of breath; the astoundingly tumultuous reinvigoration which it endlessly imparted; to march forward as a messiah of
invincibly divine peace ?
What is life without diligently bestowing prayer; the unassailable mantras of humanity; that harmoniously metamorphosed the manipulatively bedraggled planet once again; into a Godly paradise ?
And over and above all; what is life without immortally unconquerable love; which was the only Omnipotent panache to timelessly live; and let forever
and ever and ever symbiotically survive.
If you’re perennially smiling; don’t feel sorry at all for all those whose innocuous cheeks were inundated with nothing else; but an unsurpassable whirlpool
of tears,
If you’re blazingly intrepid; don’t feel sorry at all for all those whose uncontrollably quavered at even the most inconspicuous whisper of
the evanescently cowardly wind,
If you’re stupendously white; don’t feel sorry at all for all those whose skins were jinxed with a color; more acrimoniously blacker than the most
pathetically blackened of charcoal,
If you’re bountifully virile; don’t feel sorry at all for all those who couldn’t proliferate into even a mercurial shadow of their own; even in the most astoundingly pristine of their youth,
If you’re unbelievably creative; don’t feel sorry at all for all those whose brains were in a state of amorphously stony inertia; right since the very first cry of euphorically resplendent birth,
If you’re invincibly strong; don’t feel sorry at all for all those whose frigid veins disdainfully popped out of their impoverished skins; whose stomachs shriveled into recesses of nothingness forever and ever and ever,
If you’re amazingly eclectic; don’t feel sorry at all for all those whose robotic footsteps; led them to nowhere else but the most blasphemously delinquent graves of nonsensical monotony,
If you’re incomparably wealthy; don’t feel sorry at all for all those who spent every unfurling instant of their horrifically dismantled lifetime; within the lecherously incarcerated confines of the parsimonious gutterpipe,
If you’re spell bindingly robust; don’t feel sorry at all for all those who were afflicted with the most invidiously penalizing of cancer/aids; for whom death was the most inevitably sadistic signature of life,
If you’re ebulliently athletic; don’t feel sorry at all for all those whose bodies were indescribably maimed; tawdrily thwarted into disparaging oblivion for ostensibly no fault of theirs,
If you’re unfathomably sensitive; don’t feel sorry at all for all those whose ears weren’t anything but jewels without the slightest of luster; as brutal strokes of destiny had limitlessly rendered them stone deaf,
If you’re miraculously hawk-eyed; don’t feel sorry at all for all those who could sight nothing but a corpse of crucifying blackness infront of their eyes; even under the most Omnipotently brilliant of Sunlight,
If you’re mellifluously sweet-tongued; don’t feel sorry at all for all those whose tongues blurted nothing but inanely incomprehensible balderdash; as the thorns of decrepit dumbness had stung them right in the center of their spines,
If you’re beautifully sculptured; don’t feel sorry at all for all those whose faces; inadvertently resembled the most preposterously distorted of dinosaurs,
If you’re inevitably magnetic; don’t feel sorry at all for all those whose countless zillion efforts; still miserably floundered to entice the heart of even an ethereally insouciant fly,
If you’re brilliantly patriotic; don’t feel sorry at all for all those who preferred to sell their mother’s and souls; instead of mustering the tenacity to take the onslaught of the rampaging devil on their barren chests,
If you’re altruistically sacrosanct; don’t fell sorry at all for all those who spent almost every unleashing second of their devastated lives; on the ultimate precipices of mental retardation and in a dilapidated mental asylum,
If you’re unassailably breathing; don’t feel sorry at all for all those whose life was just for the sake of the externally worthless physical form; whose soul had died the most ghastliest of death at the hands of torturous fate; an infinite births ago,
If you’re immortally in love; don’t feel sorry at all for all those whose beats did quintessentially liberate into the atmosphere like yours; but unfortunately failed to coalesce with the eternally fructifying and ultimate love of their life,
Because. The instant you started to feel the least sorry for all these kind of organisms and countless more hopelessly deprived of their kind; you’d be infact giving them an instantaneous death which would be more gory than the most goriest of death could ever be; a death caused by sympathetic disdain; a death caused by your attitude of crumbling weakness; a death caused by your feeling of sheer helplessness; a death caused by your inability to accept them as blessedly normal entities alive,
Whilst the instant you stopped feeling sorry for them; wholeheartedly embracing them instead; as just one of your blessed kind; the instant you selflessly reached out to even the most infinitesimal aspect of theirs; the instant you tried and did your very best for them blending each of your gregarious breath with theirs; that very instant and by the grace of God; you’d not only be attaining the most supreme epitome of divinity; but commencing upon an expedition united with them; to exist as the most pricelessly unconquerable form of celestial living kind.
Cover it with the most ethereal traces of clouds; insouciantly dying in the wisps of nonchalantly lugubrious oblivion,
Cover it with the most pathetically shriveled of twigs; sprawled in treacherous incoherence amidst the most non-existently disappearing of forests,
Cover it with most fugitive rays of the rainbow; vanishing into the realms of infinite infinity; even before they could fall on the trajectory of celestial earth,
Cover it with the most invisibly deadened of grass blades; indiscriminately trampled into wisps of parasitic nothingness; by the sacrilegiously
marauding devil,
Cover it with the most ghastily painful shards of glass; which stabbed even the most infinitesimal pore of your body; at a billion kilometers per minute,
Cover it with the most disdainfully crinkled of petals; escaping faster than the speed of light; towards the valley of ruthlessly unsparing decay,
Cover it with the most sordidly ignominious gutter water; which inevitably fomented you to vomit out every ounce of your goodness; into a dustbin of
horrific animosity,
Cover it with the most incongruously shattered of blighted beaks; that impregnated such an inexplicably incurable fever in your body; which augmented beyond the realms of eternity; every unfurling minute,
Cover it with the most fecklessly inane bits of feces; which rendered you with such a squalidly bellicose odor; that you were mercilessly rejected by even the
very closest of your compassionate kin,
Cover it with the most inconspicuous strands of the eyelash; which hardly possessed even the most transiently comprehensible identity of their very own,
Cover it with the infant’s very first nascent cry; which perhaps needed an infinite times more of your support; rather than your sadistically leaning upon it,
Cover it with the virgin yolk of the haplessly smashed egg; venomously depriving another woman of her yet unborn child; in order to sequester your unimpeachable identity,
Cover it with the absolute epitome of the jagged mountain; even though it meant that you had indefatigably clamber up its slope; bearing the brunt
of the most viciously slandering of storm and adversity; upon your diminutively shivering chest,
Cover it with the most miserably collapsing threads of the spiders web; which commenced to slip with more and more unstoppable fervor from your shoulders; even before you realized it was actually there,
Cover it with the most undesirably wastrel streams of oil; which sardonically ensured that you could never ever invincibly grip; your loved ones to your
soul’s content,
Cover it with most unceremoniously wailing voices of the eunuch; which made you feel an anomalously wanton mixture; of being both; pugnacious man and salacious woman,
Cover it with the most abnormally glittering caves of gold; which incarcerated every iota of your uninhibitedly ravishing sensitivity; with corpses of unlimited prejudice,
Cover it with the most cadaverously jinxed mud of the morbidly fretful graveyard; which haunted even the most unflinchingly blazing of your premonitions; with the sole desire to die,
Cover it with most cursedly vespered feathers of the lifeless bird; which left every pore of your body almost immediately; with the tiniest draught of whistling wind,
O! Yes do whatever and even the most deliriously demented that you could; but please for heaven sake don’t leave even an indefinable fragment of your flesh
naked; O! sensuously blessed Woman; for it is this very voluptuously igniting nakedness of yours; that metamorphoses even the greatest of saints; philosophers; devotees; and every other old and young man on this limitless Universe; into unforgivably sinful rapists; tormentors; chauvinists and
immoral devils
I wanted a man who could perpetually share my creative energies; my perpetual desire to evolve unendingly magical newness; out of inanely shriveled
I wanted a man who could perpetually share my rhapsodic fantasies; my indefatigably resurgent brain; culminating into a the most celestial cistern
of uninhibitedly velvety imagination,
I wanted a man who could perpetually share my nubile flesh; my every endlessly emaciated strand of hair; standing up in unprecedentedly fervent anticipation;
towards the triumphantly blazing sky,
I wanted a man who could perpetually share my sensuously rubicund tongue; my intransigently unflinching urge to discover the apogees of excitement and unparalleled sensuality,
I wanted a man who could perpetually share my intrepidly dancing feet; my timelessly fragrant valley of fearlessly fructifying adventure; at every single
step that I nimbly alighted,
I wanted a man who could perpetually share my ravishingly ecstatic belly; my eternally augmenting wishes; of interminably slaving at the footsteps
of inimitably priceless joy,
I wanted a man who could perpetually share my silken palms; my inevitably inexplicable tryst with enigmatic destiny; the winds of change that unabashedly
confronted me every unfurling minute,
I wanted a man who could perpetually share my uncanny shadow; my tireless drowning into a gorge of untamed enchantment; profoundly embracing the start-studded night as my sole savior,
I wanted a man who could perpetually share my poignant lips; my irrevocably undefeated ardor in life; to unshakably coalesce with the winds of lusciously
compassionate belonging,
I wanted a man who could perpetually share my philanthropic shoulders; my intrinsically altruistic feelings to ameliorate every fraternity and sect of living kind; from the clutches of hedonistically chauvinistic depravation,
I wanted a man who could perpetually share my magnetic ears; my boundlessly intricate ability to discern even the most ethereal ounce of goodness; from amidst an unlimited corpse of diabolical ghastliness,
I wanted a man who could perpetually share my bountifully glistening sweat; my undying zest to romanticize in the aisles of pristine beauty; for an infinite more births of mine,
I wanted a man who could perpetually share my jubilantly unconquerable smiles; my ever-pervading spirit to remain forever cheerful; even in the face of
the most goriest of extinction or massacring death,
I wanted a man who could perpetually share my flirtatious eyelashes; my tendencies of mystically inborn mischief; which smooched the ultimate crescendo of intimacy as the Sun sank behind the fathomless horizons,
I wanted a man who could perpetually share my virgin thighs; my cloudbursts of potent fertility; which erupted into an unassailable forest of ebullient creation; every unleashing instant of destined life,
I wanted a man who could perpetually share my humanitarian blood; my uncurbed fires to conquer the ultimate epitomes of truth; undefeatedly unite every caste; creed and tribe on this earth; into the religion of mankind,
I wanted a man who could perpetually share my passionate breath; my victoriously emollient desire to royally Live and Let Live; for a countless more
brilliantly enlightening lifetimes,
I wanted a man who could perpetually share my immortal heartbeats; my every signature of Omnipotently true love; on the pricelessly enamoring fabric of
ubiquitous virility,
O! Yes; I’ve always wanted a man O! Omnipresent Lord; who could perpetually share even the most infinitesimal aspect of Mine for centuries immemorial; but definitely not a man who worthlessly shared Me with a countless more of his tawdrily satanic and sacrilegiously gluttonous kind
We’ve all been sent on this bountifully eclectic earth; to tirelessly adventure; and not to pathetically stagnate in the corpses of miserably penalizing and delirious depression,
We’ve all been sent on this celestially fantastic earth; to interminably consecrate the virtues of benign goodness; and not to preposterously bend down to the indiscriminately vengeful footsteps of the massacring devil,
We’ve all been sent on this fantastically virile earth; to blaze in the Sun of unconquerable optimism; and not to inexplicably wither like a shriveled leaf in the mortuaries of asphyxiating blackness; without any
ostensible reason or rhyme,
We’ve all been sent on this blessedly emollient earth; to limitlessly desire in a paradise of heavenly symbiosis; and not to be wretchedly thrashed by the wantonly non-existent gallows of maiming negativity,
We’ve all been sent on this vivaciously wonderful earth; to uninhibitedly embrace every caste; creed; color and race with egalitarian love; and not to
relentlessly assassinate countless innocent; on spurious pretexts of feckless religion,
We’ve all been sent on this resplendently robust earth; to enlighten the lives of all those unfortunate with every smile of our destined existence; and not to
rapaciously gobble even the last bone of their crumbling spine; to sadistically inundate our already bulging stomachs,
We’ve all been sent on this jubilantly fathomless earth; to indefatigably march forward in the corridors of unflinching courage; and not to let the germs of
meaninglessly inscrutable fear; reign supreme on every ingredient of our blood,
We’ve all been sent on this gloriously unbridled earth; to invincibly unite in the threads of royal compassion; and not to uncouthly separate the very fabric of existence; and thereby be a beleaguered slave of our prejudiced brains,
We’ve all been sent on this unbelievably enamoring earth; to altruistically heal even the most treacherously ghastliest of wound with the wand of eternal friendship; and not to leave an unending sea of ruthless blood; at every step that we traversed,
We’ve all been sent on this romantically effulgent earth; to mellifluously sing the tunes of brotherhood; and not to cadaverously dumb our God gifted throats;
into the hell of lugubriously intolerable decay,
We’ve all been sent on this spell-bindingly ardent earth; to timelessly sleep in the lap of our Omnipotent mothers; and not to dementedly rape and sell innocuously venerated women; right under the broadest of flaming daylight,
We’ve all been sent on this ecstatically vibrant earth; to beautifully harness; conserve and augment the fruits of pristine mother nature; and not to ruthlessly chop trees and iridescent vegetation; in order to erect tombstones of robotic monotony,
We’ve all been sent on this bounteously philanthropic earth; to fearlessly feed every hungry destitute stomach in whatever capacity we ever could; and not to
sacrilegiously orphan boundless; right infront of their kin,
We’ve all been sent on this incredulously magnetic earth; to interminably continue the chapter of amazingly virile existence; and not to render ourselves meekly impotent; to even the most obsolete insinuation of the passing maelstrom,
We’ve all been sent on this handsomely impregnable earth; to pay due homage and respect to our elders/ancestors/heritage; and not to make our own parents sweep the threadbare household floors; whilst we abominably lazed into an inexplicable labyrinth of languid nothingness,
We’ve all been sent on this royally emollient earth; to nimbly prostrate infront of the power that created us all alike; which was irrefutably the Omnipresent
Creator; and not to sanctimoniously consider only our ownselves; as the greatest and the most powerful of all,
We’ve all been sent on this magnetically poignant earth; to unstoppably relish every droplet of rain that fell from the Omnipotent skies; and not to
insidiously adulterate the same with gory bloodshed and abhorrently
devastating war,
We’ve all been sent on this spectacularly harmonious earth; to disseminate the ideals of immortal love and peace in even the most obliviously fading cranny of
the Universe; and not to lethally stab each heart throbbing beside us with the poison of castrated hatred,
And we’ve all been sent on this fabulously sparkling earth; to timelessly triumph in a heaven of goodness and; win; and not to worthlessly succumb to the
mortuary of evil; lose everything of ours even before the slightest innuendo of the devil miserably floundered to loom upon the gigantic Universe.
I might be perpetually blind; being wholesomely oblivious to even the most cloistered beam of optimistic light; but does that in anyways stop my heart from throbbing for all that is ecstatically torrential and uninhibited; on
this fathomlessly enamoring Universe?
I might be perpetually diseased; being lambasted by the tyrannical maelstroms of cancer since my very first cry; but doest that in anyways stop my heart from throbbing for all that is beautifully panoramic and garnished; on this ebulliently limitless Universe?
I might be perpetually maimed; inconsolably licking worthless grime and dust without those robust legs; but does that in anyways stop my heart from throbbing for all that is symbiotically benevolent and humanitarian; on this resplendently eternal Universe?
I might be perpetually dumb; hopelessly unable to utter even the most ethereal of sound; but does that in anyways stop my heart from throbbing for all that
is seductively inebriating and royal; on this unbelievably untainted Universe?
I might be perpetually orphaned; thrown into the most acrimoniously slandering of gutter; immediately as I crawled out of the womb of my mother; but does that in anyways stop my heart from throbbing for all that is jubilantly triumphant and righteous; on this incredulously proliferating Universe?
I might be perpetually illiterate; ludicrously using the whole of my preposterously bohemian foot to sign when need be; but does that in anyways stop my heart from throbbing for all that is undefeatably truthful and pristine; on this marvelously majestic Universe?
I might be perpetually deaf; not flinching the slightest even as the most atrocious bombs of death exploded right at the tip of my earlobe; but does that
in anyways stop my heart from throbbing for all that is invincibly serene and celestial; on this unassailably vivacious Universe?
I might be perpetually unfortunate; wholesomely metamorphosing even the most glittering gates of gold into tawdrily meaningless shit with my touch; but does that in anyways stop my heart from throbbing for all that is poignantly compassionate and gregarious; on this merrily proliferating Universe?
I might be perpetually impoverished; without possessing the tiniest of robe to engulf body; even in the most ruthless of squall or unrelenting cold; but does that in anyways stop my heart from throbbing for all that is wholeheartedly embracing and liberated; on this fantastically iridescent Universe?
I might be perpetually famished; with every cranny of my severely dilapidated intestines puking out nothing else but exasperated blood; but does that in anyways stop my heart from throbbing for all that is benevolently ameliorating and emphatic; on this divinely unprejudiced Universe?
I might be perpetually devastated; with everyone of my kin being barbarously assassinated by terrorists right infront of my innocent eyes; but does that in anyways stop my heart from throbbing for all that is astoundingly fresh and virile; on this timelessly burgeoning Universe?
I might be perpetually rebuked; with every caste; creed; color and fraternity on this earth spitting upon my unconventional ways; but does that in anyways
stop my heart from throbbing for all that is intrepidly exhilarating and innovative; on this endlessly ebullient Universe?
I might be perpetually floundering; miserably failing to make even the most infinitesimal of impact in every single sphere of destined life; but does that in
anyways stop my heart from throbbing for all that is candidly sparkling; on
this interminably vibrant Universe?
I might be perpetually weeping; uncontrollably culminating into an unsurpassable ocean of tears as I couldn’t ever forget the dead corpse of my mother; but does that in anyways stop my heart from throbbing for all that is synergistically fragrant and spell-binding; on this vividly emollient Universe?
I might be perpetually castrated; rendered hopelessly impotent against the inevitably unstoppable race of time; but does that in anyways stop my heart from throbbing for all that is enchantingly twinkling and enigmatic; on this unceasingly beautiful Universe?
I might be perpetually paralyzed; not able to move my hands or feet an inconspicuous inch even in the most mesmerizing paradise; but does that in anyways stop my heart from throbbing for all that is stupendously intimate and befriending; on this victoriously unabashed Universe?
I might be perpetually jailed; incarcerated in the prisons of maliciously unforgivable politics for no ostensible rhyme or reason; but does that in anyways stop my heart from throbbing for all that is sensuously passionate and tantalizing; on this insuperably unfettered Universe?
I might be perpetually neglected; with not a soul on this unending globe ready to sight the contours of my inherently ugly face; but does that in anyways stop my
heart from throbbing for all that is blessedly innocuous and natural; on this Omnisciently infallible Universe?
And I might be perpetually betrayed; with every single anecdote of relationship salaciously stabbing me like a zillion venomously parasitic thorns; but does that
in anyways stop my heart from throbbing for all that is Immortal love and fresh; on this gloriously holistic Universe?
The boisterously bumbling bees cast an enchanting spell upon this effulgently colossal Universe; with their royal cisterns of pristinely golden honey,
The handsomely crimson roses cast an unbreakable spell upon this beautifully panoramic Universe; with their whirlpools of uninhibitedly enamoring scent,
The resplendent festoon of stars cast an enlightening spell upon this marvelously gigantic Universe; with their gloriously eternal fountain
of; ecstatically twinkling light,
The timelessly Omnipotent Sun cast an everlasting spell upon this unbelievably mystical Universe; with its unstoppably victorious beams of unflinching
The ecstatically fructifying forest cast a mesmerizing spell upon this gorgeously romantic Universe; with its endlessly astounding proliferation into a
civilization of unparalleled newness,
The serenely emollient meadows of grass cast an invincible spell upon this eternally ebullient Universe; with their aristocratically heavenly river of incredulously blessing dew-drops,
The jubilantly kingly eagles cast a euphoric spell upon this boundlessly benign Universe; with their uninhibitedly altruistic and symbiotically vibrant flight,
The ingratiatingly milky Moon cast a formidable spell upon this wonderfully vivid Universe; with its indefatigably impregnable illumination of the cadaverously gory and blackened night,
The blearily wide eye owl cast its spell upon this eclectically inimitable Universe; with its tales of unsurpassably philanthropic wisdom; even after the striking of invidiously sinister midnight,
The tantalizingly undulating sea cast its spell upon this inscrutably effervescent Universe; with its magically frosty and sensuously rejuvenating waves,
The newly born infant cast its spell upon this blessedly vast Universe; with its unadulterated winks of supremely unassailable mischief; and virgin cries,
The chocolate brown deserts cast their spell upon this limitlessly enthralling Universe; with their unitedly synergistic sands charismatically glimmering for
infinite more births yet to unveil,
The seductively emerald crested nightingales cast their spell upon this immaculately fathomless Universe; with their mellifluously astonishing
and Omnipotently mitigating voice,
The luminescent mountains cast their spell upon this unendingly harmonious Universe; with their indomitably Herculean and tirelessly blazing peaks,
The sacrosanct cow cast its spell upon this supremely garnished Universe; with its pearly streams of quintessentially life-yielding and Omnipresent milk,
The flaming candle cast its spell upon this timelessly serenaded Universe; with its tantalizingly reinvigorating flicker of hope; amidst apocalypses of pathetically dolorous darkness,
The compassionate tufts of sheep skin cast their spell upon this patriotically flowering Universe; with their magnetically electrifying caverns of unprecedented warmth,
The inferno of Omnisciently indispensable breath cast its spell upon this dexterously varied Universe; with its triggering of pricelessly princely life even in the most ghoulishly lackadaisical of graves,
And the perpetually passionate heart cast their spell upon this robustly exhilarating Universe; with its beats of immortally insuperable and selflessly
infinite love.
I will not rest; until all those disastrously impoverished; kiss the unprecedentedly jubilant corridors of prosperity; until every philanthropic desire of theirs metamorphoses itself into an immortal reality,
I will not rest; until all those treacherously enslaved; uninhibitedly dance in the aisles of mesmerizing desire; handsomely soar above the clouds of bountiful prosperity; for times immemorial,
I will not rest; until all those murderously devastated; replenish their lives back with astounding tranquility and ardent belonging; blissfully bond under the resplendent blanket of gregariously twinkling stars,
I will not rest; until all those penuriously kicked and brutally lambasted; blossom into a wave of enthrallingly wonderful newness; grandiloquently dance in symbiotic unison; for boundless more births to unveil,
I will not rest; until all those ludicrously condemned and ignominiously ostracized; irrefutably retrieve back their lost integrity; rise as a marvelously
united wind of togetherness; to add gloriously harmonious dimensions to; vibrant life,
I will not rest; until all those despairingly withering; flower exuberantly into euphoric spurts of vivacious existence; embracing fathomless more of their kind; in the swirl of compassionate sharing,
I will not rest; until all those deplorably orphaned and disastrously rebuked; tower to the zenith of rhapsodic happiness; deluging every cranny of their
despicably dwindling countenance; with fireballs of poignantly optimistic light,
I will not rest; until all those viciously massacring at will; transform themselves benevolently into synergistic saints; becoming the ultimate harbingers of peace and ubiquitously everlasting solidarity,
I will not rest; until all those manipulatively sucking blood; learn the art of holistically surviving; lead infinite more of their kind; into caverns of gloriously celestial peace and benign happiness,
I will not rest; until all those mercilessly pulverized under diabolical footsteps of prejudice; spawn formidably from beneath the inconspicuous ashes; to harness unsurpassable civilizations of philanthropic goodwill; with their very own blood,
I will not rest; until all those baseless terrorist masterminds; bend in due obeisance before the Almighty Lord; not only asking for abnegation from their
uncouth sins; but uplifting the lecherously bereaved to a world of fabulously divine enchantment,
I will not rest; until all those satanically starving urchins; were blessed with opulently charismatic fodder in their tottering stomachs; snoozed like angels of congeniality; under the golden rays of the blazing midday Sun,
I will not rest; until all those ungainly whipped with swords of bizarre commercialism; romance in the dormitories of untamed yearning; fantasize the most incredulously innovative philosophies; to emphatically change the complexion of despondent mankind,
I will not rest; until all those stinking in gutters of gloom; exuberantly bask under a carpet of unparalleled ecstasy; ebulliently gallop forward to conquer; their affably perpetual missions in life,
I will not rest; until all those innocuous squelched to a barbaric submission; patriotically gallivant with an unfathomable ardor to save their motherland in
their intrepid hearts; convert all indiscriminate racialism; into the one and
only Religion of Humanity,
I will not rest; until all those insidiously tainted with spots of untouchable banishment; scintillatingly sway in gorgeous unison under the vivid rainbow;
imbibing and globally disseminating the eclectically never-ending colors;
of perennially endowing life,
I will not rest; until all those traumatically cheated under broad daylight; escalate as a symbiotically coalesced fabric to alleviate dolorously staggering humanity; become a profusely bonded force to impregnable success,
I will not rest; until all those ghastily dumped under their venomous corpses; sprout up formidably to become the absolute messiah’s of humankind; evolving a countless more altruistic lives; on every step that they graciously tread,
And I will not rest; until all those tyrannically broken and tumultuously aggrieved hearts; bond in the chapters of unassailably heavenly love; incessantly
throbbing with a sensuousness to live; incessantly throbbing with a longing to perpetually romance.
If someone slaps you viciously on your face; slap him back; but only to irrefutably ensure; that he was never able to slap any innocently celestial cheek; on this boundlessly poignant Universe; once again,
If someone kicks you ominously on your hindside; kick him back; but only to irrefutably ensure; that he was never able to kick any innocuously divine organism; on this colossally bountiful Universe; once again,
If someone bites you diabolically on your flesh; bite him back; but only to irrefutably ensure; that he was never able to bite any frigidly impoverished
countenance; on this vivaciously mesmerizing Universe; once again,
If someone spits venom deplorably on your nape; spit back at him; but only to irrefutably ensure; that he was never able to spit abhorrence on any immaculately symbiotic entity; on this marvelously enchanting Universe;
once again,
If someone stabs you surreptitiously on your back; stab back at him; but only to irrefutably ensure; that he was never able to stab any impeccably righteous
human; on this fabulously compassionate Universe; once again,
If someone ridicules you satanically on your rudiments; ridicule back at him; but only to irrefutably ensure; that he was never able to ridicule any holistically truthful entity; on this gloriously effulgent Universe; once again,
If someone pummels you murderously in your stomach; pummel him back; but only to irrefutably ensure that he was never able to pummel any intricately harmonious molecule of God; on this ubiquitously benign Universe; once again,
If someone incarcerates you ruthlessly in treacherous bars of heinous slavery; incarcerate him back; but only to irrefutably ensure that he was never able to
incarcerate any uninhibitedly symbiotic existence; on this panoramically fathomless Universe; once again,
If someone yells at you thunderously to deafen all your blissful sense of understanding; yell at him back; but only to irrefutably ensure that he was never
able to yell at any romantically poignant angel; on this bloomingly
gigantic Universe; once again,
If someone abuses you treacherously in the name of your sacrosanct parents; abuse him back; but only to irrefutably ensure that he was never able to abuse any helplessly maimed organism of Almighty Lord; on this resplendently enigmatic Universe; once again,
If someone strangulates you devilishly on your neck; strangulate him back; but only to irrefutably ensure that he was never able to strangulate any unfortunately destitute orphan; on this astoundingly everlasting Universe; once again,
If someone pulverizes you to infinitesimal ash; pulverize him back; but only to irrefutably ensure that he was never able to pulverize any haplessly trapped innocent individual on this Omnisciently scintillating Universe; once again,
If someone whipped you to devastatingly bizarre submission; whip him back; but only to irrefutably ensure that he was never able to whip any cripplingly
mutilated beggar; on this unsurpassably timeless Universe; once again,
If someone poisoned your food with lecherously lethal snake venom; poison him back; but only to irrefutably ensure that he was never able to poison any morsel of indispensably priceless life; on this endlessly proliferating Universe; once again,
If someone chopped your fingers with swords of hideously manipulative commercialism; chop him back; but only to irrefutably ensure that he was never able to chop any heavenly child; on this exotically flamboyant Universe;
once again,
If someone blinded your eyes horrendously with rods of uncouthly blistering iron; blind him back; but only to irrefutably ensure that he was never able to blind any messiah of peace; on this brilliantly fascinating Universe; once again,
If someone starved you perilously of inevitable granules of nature’s fruit; starve him back; but only to irrefutably ensure that he was never able to starve any unequivocally embracing human; on this royally enamoring Universe;
once again,
If someone raunchily shattered your heart into an infinite pieces; shatter him back; but only to irrefutably ensure that he was never able to shatter any immortal lover’s beats; on this wonderfully majestic Universe; once again,
And if someone deliberately asphyxiated the last iota of rhapsodic breath from your nostrils; asphyxiate him back; but only to irrefutably ensure that he was never able to asphyxiate any synergistically surviving organism; on this stupendously radiant Universe; once again.
Lets pray with our fingers invincibly clasped; for UNITY; a wave of perpetual solidarity to descend charismatically all over the monotonously
bedraggled planet,
Lets pray with untamed fires blazing in our eyes; for PROSPERITY; uplifting all those tottering with relentlessly acrid pain; to the ultimate realms of bountifully enamoring paradise,
Lets pray with divine obeisance enshrouding our souls; for HARMONY; the winds of celestial symbiosis to emphatically deluge; every treacherously shattered life,
Lets pray with Herculean energy in our shoulders; for RESILIENCE; an unflinching attitude to confront the most mightiest of disaster; by all those miserably shivering and pathetically deprived,
Lets pray with overwhelming bliss enveloping our senses; for PEACE; the immortal cloud of rhapsodically contented happiness; to shower its heavenly blessings; upon the rich; poor; and devastatingly orphaned; alike,
Lets pray with insatiable nostalgia in our blood; for INNOCENCE; all lecherously satanic life loitering insidiously upon this boundless Universe; to
metamorphose into a garland of Godly childhood,
Lets pray with unrelenting ardor in our conscience; for TRUTH; the wholesome overshadowing of satanic evil on the trajectory of this enchanting planet; with the threads of unassailable righteousness,
Lets pray with stupendously everlasting belief in our veins; for EQUALITY; the profusely uninhibited virtue of compassion; unfathomably entrenching all souls
pathetically staggering; for volatile traces of indispensably vital life,
Lets pray with insurmountable glory in our voice; for FREEDOM; an irrefutably unconquerable spirit to unequivocally exist; amidst the diabolically
tyrannical lingering reflections of the bizarre devil,
Lets pray with unparalleled eloquence in our impoverished visage; for BEAUTY; an unsurpassably redolent flower of humanity; engulfing all webs of
maliciously manipulative and rotten prejudice,
Lets pray with an unprecedented shimmer upon our lips; for BROTHERHOOD; all disastrously orphaned destitute coalesced synergistically together; to handsomely evolve into a wonderfully endowing and a majestically
sparkling tomorrow,
Lets pray with indefatigable strength in our palms; for SYMBIOSIS; a profound melanging of all tribes; caste and religion on this fathomless planet; to scrap
the very essence of ignominiously rebuking devil; from its worthlessly non-existent rudiments,
Lets pray with incomprehensibly melodious charisma in our lashes; for SOLITUDE; an irrevocably unshakable tenacity to exist in a land of supreme pacification and heavenly joy descending torrentially from all sides,
Lets pray with unfazed belonging in each pore of our skin; for WISDOM; the bells of an invincible triumph over despicably despairing sadness; ringing loud and poignantly stringent through the frigid cocoons of lackadaisical atmosphere,
Lets pray with joyously swirling desire in our blood; for BENEVOLENCE; an evergreen carpet of marvelously Omnipotent showering; upon all those entities
murderously encompassed by gruesomely ominous hopelessness,
Lets pray with magnificent majesty in our shadows; for TOGETHERNESS; a spirit of pricelessly augmenting passion; to wholeheartedly circumvent all those
miserably divested; of their revered mates in penalizing life,
Lets pray with altruistic faith in our innocuously glorious countenances; for SUCCESS; the pearls of sagaciously benign wisdom to perpetuate a serenely
satisfying chapter of existence; in the lives of those uncouthly engulfed by savage blood; indiscriminate crime and horrific lies,
Lets pray with an intransigently sacrosanct propensity in our breaths; for LIFE; a prolific dissemination of its fathomlessly fabulous repertoire of spell binding
forms; and its perpetually Omnipotent spirit to philanthropically survive; reigning supreme in every birth it was bequeathed; from the Almighty Lord,
And lets pray with an immortally royal fervor in our hearts; for LOVE; its miraculously healing touch; proving as the ultimate panacea for harmoniously
surviving and blossoming into; a countless more wonderful lives.
Love me; so that I perpetually forget to indiscriminately hate; embrace one and all in the perpetual religion of humanity; alike,
Love me; so that I perpetually forget to treacherously suck blood; ubiquitously diffuse the fragrance of immortal peace; to the most fathomless quarters of this mesmerizing Universe,
Love me; so that I perpetually forget to uncouthly lambaste; unite with the spirit of everlasting mankind; and wholesomely blend with the rudiments
of irrefutably holistic truth,
Love me; so that I perpetually forget to gorily excoriate all innocent shivering; perennially gallivant in the aisles of uninhibited rhapsody and ecstatically augmenting melody,
Love me; so that I perpetually forget to ruthlessly abuse; disseminate all unequivocal goodness of the atmosphere; to all those miserably tottering
hutment’s; besieged with inexplicably morose hopelessness,
Love me; so that I perpetually forget to barbarically exploit; swirl in a mist of ebulliently benevolent fantasy with my impeccable comrades; towards the
island of blissful paradise,
Love me; so that I perpetually forget to satanically murder; heal despicably wounded infants; with the ointment of unassailable caring and sharing,
Love me; so that I perpetually forget to speak horrifically deplorable lies; perennially raise the flag of invincible honesty; to blend with clouds of
celestial harmony; in fathomless sky,
Love me; so that I perpetually forget to manipulatively tyrannize; compassionately bond with my fellow compatriots; irrespective of their
caste; color or kind,
Love me; so that I perpetually forget to aimlessly loiter; indefatigably pursue the path of symbiotic righteousness in every time I was born; put in my most tumultuous endeavors to save the dwindling planet; and then leave the rest; to Almighty Lord,
Love me; so that I perpetually forget to torrentially exploit; harbor all my despondently trembling mates; in blankets of unconquerably grandiloquent
Love me; so that I perpetually forget to ignominiously castigate; profoundly appreciate the unfathomably enamoring beauty of this resplendently boundless
Universe; harnessing the fruits of goodwill with my very own poignant blood,
Love me; so that I perpetually forget to baselessly adulterate; march synergistically forward with countless more of my diminutive kind; to spawn a
wholesomely bountiful and gregariously blossoming tomorrow,
Love me; so that I perpetually forget to maniacally devastate; exist in stupendously serene patriotism with redolently fabulous nature; disburse the
unprecedented richness of humanity; to all those camps flourishing with diabolical terrorists,
Love me; so that I perpetually forget to worthlessly wither; resiliently contribute my best to fathomlessly proliferate God’s most sacrosanct chapter of existence; procreate incomprehensible more of my impoverished kind,
Love me; so that I perpetually forget to indefatigably cry; unsurpassably deluge the lives of orphaned children; with an unrelentingly endless festoon of impregnable smiles,
Love me; so that I perpetually forget to ominously massacre; maneuver the heinously conventional and astronomically rigid society; to the summits
of unflinchingly pristine unity,
Love me; so that I perpetually forget to break hearts; romance in the realms of untamed desire and tantalizing fantasy; pacify the thirst of opprobriously whipped humanity; with oceans of Omnipotent light,
Over and above all; Love me; so that I perpetually forget to despairingly die; stay alive for countless more robust births yet to unfurl; but only to be a messiah of the underprivileged; an apostle of divinely peace; and an inconspicuous molecule of God but a harbinger of humanity.
Countless times in my entire life I’ve experienced; that try as hard as I could to celestially rest; sleep still immutably refrained to blissfully perpetuate into my devastatingly beleaguered lids,
Countless times in my entire life I’ve experienced; that try as hard as I could to scrumptiously relish; hunger just didn’t arouse an infinitesimal spark in
my traumatically subjugated stomach,
Countless times in my entire life I’ve experienced; that try as hard as I could to intrepidly clamber the mountain slopes; my feet just dwindled into a disheveled trash and without the tiniest of passion towards lackadaisical soil,
Countless times in my entire life I’ve experienced; that try as hard as I could to splendidly memorize; the synchronization just didn’t happen articulately in my bizarrely mumbled brain; with all sagaciousness dissolving into a mayhem of meaninglessness,
Countless times in my entire life I’ve experienced; that try as hard as I could to blazingly triumph; the winds of victory ran just further and further away from me; leaving me flummoxed and licking preposterously fetid garbage,
Countless times in my entire life I’ve experienced; that try as hard as I could to mischievously flirt; even the most inconspicuous ant in my vicinity sported a dreadfully sonorous look; and the broomsticks of acrimonious monotony kicked me left; right and dead center,
Countless times in my entire life I’ve experienced; that try as hard as I could to adventurously swim; even the most inanely mercurial of wave hurled me like a sadistically pulverized mosquito; towards the disappearing shores,
Countless times in my entire life I’ve experienced; that try as hard as I could to artistically spawn; the knots in my fingers just kept curling tirelessly into a vindictively closed fist; into a graveyard of morbid hopelessness,
Countless times in my entire life I’ve experienced; that try as hard as I
could to sensuously slither; every pore of my decrepit body started to chant mundane rhymes of stereotypical arithmetic; and the atmosphere around me
evaporated itself into a ball of arid nothingness,
Countless times in my entire life I’ve experienced; that try as hard as I
could to astoundingly procreate; every part of my body found itself besieged
with diabolically aggrandizing stagnation; withering into wisps of vespered
Countless times in my entire life I’ve experienced; that try as hard as I
could to earn wealth; the atrociously sodomizing whiplashes of the manipulatively commercial world; buried me an infinite feet beneath soil;
although I was robustly alive,
Countless times in my entire life I’ve experienced; that try as hard as I could to execute magic; each ounce of tantalizing mysticism metamorphosed into a lunch box of practicality around me; and the mysterious destiny lines on my palms started to seem like robotic squares and triangles drawn with bland chalk,
Countless times in my entire life I’ve experienced; that try as hard as I could to wholesomely cleanse; obnoxiously irrevocable dirt still invidiously camouflaged my fragrant persona; at times rendering it one befitting a dreadfully
unwashed pig,
Countless times in my entire life I’ve experienced; that try as hard as I could to endlessly preach; my tongue intractably stuck in the deepest corner of my throat; and all that came out of my mouth was ludicrous balderdash; which attracted every fraternity of stray dog,
Countless times in my entire life I’ve experienced; that try as hard as I could to intriguingly emulate; the society around me amorphously transited into a state of baffling atrophy; deserting me with none to copy except gutless air,
Countless times in my entire life I’ve experienced; that try as hard as I
could to mellifluously sing; it rained bombs and unprecedentedly deafening
noise all around; making my voice seem like a mocking pin dropping in an
ocean of uncontrollable activity,
Countless times in my entire life I’ve experienced; that try as hard as I
could to adapt truth; the ignominiously victimizing devil deliriously infiltrated my conscience; with the wrath of profanely dilapidated lies,
Countless times in my entire life I’ve experienced; that try as hard as I could to bountifully breathe; the fangs of wholesomely silencing death seemed nearer and nearer to my silhouette; torturously asphyxiating me beyond the final thresholds of redemption,
But never in my entire life have I ever felt that I wasn’t able to love
when I’ve ardently and altruistically wanted to; with the Omnipotent Lord
Almighty transforming every tangible and intangible object in my vicinity
into a paradise of unconquerable friendship; the very instant that I merely
uttered it; the very instant its beats leapt uninhibitedly from my heart
61. LOVE –PART 2
Neither did it become more stupendously extraordinary than yesterday; Nor did it transform into more flagrantly dwindling than ever before,
Neither did it become more blissfully fragrant than yesterday; Nor did it transform into more despicably cadaverous than ever before,
Neither did it become more triumphantly brilliant than yesterday; Nor did
it transform into more treacherously defeated than ever before,
Neither did it become more truthfully emollient than yesterday; Nor did it
transform into more sinfully satanic than ever before,
Neither did it become more exuberantly ecstatic than yesterday; Nor did it
transform into more forlornly decrepit than ever before,
Neither did it become more unflinchingly unfettered than yesterday; Nor did
it transform into more parasitically coward than ever before,
Neither did it become more timelessly liberating than yesterday; Nor did it
transform into more hideously incarcerating than ever before,
Neither did it become more mellifluously ebullient than yesterday; Nor did
it transform into more salaciously cacophonic than ever before,
Neither did it become more beautifully panoramic than yesterday; Nor did it
transform into more ruthlessly ugly than ever before,
Neither did it become more royally inimitable than yesterday; Nor did it
transform into more ludicrously floundering than ever before,
Neither did it become more astoundingly proliferating than yesterday; Nor
did it transform into more hilariously impotent than ever before,
Neither did it become more unbelievably devoted than yesterday; Nor did it
transform into more hedonistically agnostic than ever before,
Neither did it become more optimistically enlightening than yesterday; Nor
did it transform into more deplorably discouraging than ever before,
Neither did it become more euphorically gallivanting than yesterday; Nor did
it transform into more lugubriously morbid than ever before,
Neither did it become more beautifully evolving than yesterday; Nor did it
transform into more grotesquely stagnant than ever before,
Neither did it become more resplendently radiating than yesterday; Nor did
it transform into more blackened depravation than ever before,
Neither did it become more holistically learned than yesterday; Nor did it
transform into more perniciously illiterate than ever before,
Neither did it become more incredulously tangy than yesterday; Nor did it
transform into more lackadaisically staunch than ever before,
Neither did it become more spell bindingly passionate than yesterday; Nor
did it transform into more aimlessly amorphous than ever before,
Neither did it become more eternally fructifying than yesterday; Nor did it
transform into more cynically rotten than ever before,
Neither did it become more extraordinarily priceless than yesterday; Nor did
it transform into more egregiously penurious than ever before,
Neither did it become more Omnipotently Life-yielding than yesterday; Nor
did it transform into more gorily corpselike than ever before,
Neither did it become more jubilantly blossoming than yesterday; Nor did it
transform into more pathetically disheveled than ever before,
Neither did it become more vivaciously sparkling than yesterday; Nor did it
transform into more acerbically rustic than ever before,
Neither did it become more magnanimously benevolent than yesterday; Nor did
it transform into more vindictively venomous than ever before,
Neither did it become more charismatically adorable than yesterday; Nor did
it transform into more dismally cancerous than ever before,
Neither did it become more jauntily versatile than yesterday; Nor did it
transform into more indiscriminately jinxed than ever before,
Neither did it become more fantastically artistic than yesterday; Nor did it
transform into more vapidly monotonous than ever before,
There was no question of it altering itself to something “More” or something
“Less” with the fading of time or “Ever Before”; There was no question of it
being “More Blooming” or “More Decaying” as time sped through the chapters
of Omnipotent existence or “Ever Before”; because “Love” was; is and shall
perpetually remain pricelessly unconquerable; because “Love” was; is and
shall forever reign every sphere of earth and altruistically symbiotic existence as “Omnipresently Immortal”.
That very same blood which seemed so pricelessly scarlet in your veins; looked disdainfully pugnacious and unfathomably repelling; when removed from your
body and sighted on lackadaisically indolent ground instead,
That very same sweat which seemed so Omnipotently golden in your armpits; looked parsimoniously orphaned and lugubriously opprobrious ; when removed
from your body sighted on parasitically threadbare ground instead,
That very same saliva which seemed so sensuously enticing on your tongue; looked penuriously decrepit and acrimoniously forlorn; when removed from your body and sighted on baselessly wanton ground instead,
Those very same teeth which seemed so charismatically twinkling in your mouth; looked disastrously broken and uncontrollably shivering; when removed from your body sighted on ethereally nonchalant ground instead,
Those very same hair which seemed so astoundingly ravishing on your scalp; looked fretfully wanton and inanely diminishing; when removed from your body and sighted on worthlessly barren ground instead,
That very same wax which seemed so uninhibitedly artistic in your ears; looked disgustingly deplorable and fetidly acrid; when removed from your body and
sighted on dolorously blackened ground instead,
That very same moisture which seemed so royally Omniscient in your eyes; looked pathetically variegated and ominously jinxed; when removed from
your body and sighted on remorsefully wasting ground instead,
Those very same bones which seemed so indomitably Herculean in your arms; looked frigidly hapless and intractably deteriorating; when removed from your body and sighted on despairingly delinquent ground instead,
That very same mucus which seemed so superbly befitting in your nostrils; looked desolately cursed and deliriously ignominious; when removed from your
body and sighted on insatiably cringing ground instead,
That very same brain which seemed so ingeniously unparalleled in your skull; looked treacherously diabolical and perilously stagnating; when removed
from your body and sighted on stupidly obdurate ground instead,
Those very same eyelashes which seemed so Omnipresently mischievous on your eyelids; looked diminutively hopeless and brutally pulverized; when
removed from your body and sighted on fugitively identitiless ground instead,
Those very same nails which seemed so unbelievably artistic on your fingers; looked demonically astray and despicably trembling; when removed from your body and sighted on monotonously stony ground instead,
That very same birthmark which seemed so invincibly prestigious on your skin; looked atrociously sinister and hedonistically isolated; when removed from your body and sighted on tempestuously quavering ground instead,
That very same smile which seemed so Omnipresently magnificent on your lips; looked inconsolably shriveled and disastrously fading; when removed from
your body and sighted on emotionlessly crumpled ground instead,
That very same food which seemed so marvelously replenishing in your stomach; looked satanically vomiting and unforgivably stinking; when removed from your body and sighted on worthlessly balderdash ground instead,
Those very same destiny lines which seemed so unassailably resolute on your palms; looked unbearably disgruntled and vapidly excoriated; when removed from your body and sighted on horrifically bland ground instead,
That very same conscience which seemed so righteously Omnipotent in your soul; looked sadistically tyrannized and inevitably adulterated; when removed
from your body and sighted on mundanely reverberating ground instead,
That very same breath which seemed so unconquerably life-yielding in your lungs; looked amorphously non-existent and invisibly wailing; when removed from your body and sighted on truculently lambasted ground instead,
Paradoxically to the above; those very beats which seemed so bountifully passionate in your heart; looked more Immortally Godly; looked more unflinchingly powerful and perpetually uniting than ever before; when removed from your body; and sighted not only on colorless ground; but even the most evanescently mercurial cranny of this Universe instead.
You might have fearlessly adventured through an infinite enigmatic “Forests” all throughout an infinite resplendent lifetimes of yours; but always remember that the swirl of the unhindered “Forests” would still and forever remain an infinite times bigger than any form of your impoverished life,
You might have unflinchingly encountered an infinite treacherously lambasting waves of the stormy “Ocean” all throughout an infinite effulgent lifetimes of yours; but always remember that the majesty of the untainted “Oceans” would still and forever remain an infinite times bigger than any form of your diminutive life,
You might have wholeheartedly replenished and relished an infinite fruits
of “Mother Nature” all throughout an infinite symbiotic lifetimes of yours;
but always remember that the panorama of blissful “Mother Nature” would still and forever remain an infinite times bigger than any form of your truncated life,
You might have inimitably spoken an infinite pearls of blazing “Truth” all
throughout an infinite triumphant lifetimes of yours; but always remember
that the chapter of unassailable “Truth” would still and forever remain an
infinite times bigger than any form of your infinitesimal life,
You might have royally inhaled an infinite puffs of the synergistic “Atmosphere” all throughout an infinite dazzling lifetimes of yours; but always remember that the enchantment of the tantalizing “Atmosphere” would still and forever remain an infinite times bigger than any form of your flickering life,
You might have intrepidly walked through an infinite blistering “Fires” all
throughout an infinite enamoring lifetimes of yours; but always remember
that the tenacity of the infallible “Fire” would still and forever remain an infinite times bigger than any form of your ethereal life,
You might have victoriously played an infinite types of uncanny “Games” all
throughout an infinite iridescent lifetimes of yours; but always remember
that the magnetism of the unfathomable “Game” would still and forever remain
an infinite times bigger than any form of your transient life,
You might have unflinchingly absorbed an infinite rays of Omnipotent “Sunlight” all throughout an infinite bountiful lifetimes of yours; but always remember that the propensity of the Omnipresent “Sunlight” would still and forever an infinite times bigger than any form of your destitute life,
You might have unceasingly assimilated an infinite words of aristocratic
“Language” all throughout an infinite synergistic lifetimes of yours; but
always remember that the richness of fathomless “Language” would still
and forever remain an infinite times bigger than any form of your slavering
You might have unconquerably stared for an infinite hours into the whiteness
of the “Mirror” all throughout an infinite ebullient lifetimes of yours; but always remember that the candidness of the honest “Mirror” would still and forever remain an infinite times bigger than any form of your subjugated life,
You might have peerlessly conquered an infinite peaks of the indomitable
“Mountain” all throughout an infinite rhapsodic lifetimes of yours; but always remember that the visage of the invincible “Mountain” would still and forever remain an infinite times bigger than any form of your molecular life,
You might have fearlessly shed an infinite droplets of priceless “Blood” all
throughout an infinite blessed lifetimes of yours; but always remember that
the compassion of humanitarian “Blood” would still and forever remain an
infinite times bigger than any form of your mercurial life,
You might have domineeringly played and slurped at an infinite globules of
crystalline “Water” all throughout an infinite jubilant lifetimes of yours; but always remember that the inevitability of divine “Water” would still and
forever remain an infinite times bigger than any form of your minuscule life,
You might have majestically whipped through an infinite lanes of untamed
“Wilderness” all throughout an infinite effervescent lifetimes of yours; but
always remember that the inebriation of the ravishing “Wilderness” would
still and forever remain an infinite times bigger than any form of your parsimonious life,
You might have indefatigably romanced and philandered an infinite moonless
“Nights” all throughout an infinite glorious lifetimes of yours; but always
remember that the stupor of the celestial “Night” would still and forever
remain an infinite times bigger than any form of your miserly life,
You might have been an infinite apostles of insuperable “Peace” all throughout an infinite spell binding lifetimes of yours; but always remember that the magnificence of heavenly “Peace” would still and forever remain an infinite times bigger than any form of your faltering life,
You might have unquestionably fertilized an infinite “Women” all throughout
an infinite ubiquitous lifetimes of yours; but always remember that the motherhood of Omniscient “Women” would still and forever remain an
infinite times bigger than any form of your extinguishing life,
You might have effortlessly tolerated an infinite cisterns of glistening
“Sweat” all throughout an infinite lifetimes of yours; but always remember
that the fragrance of righteously persevering “Sweat” would still and forever remain an infinite times bigger than any form of your obsolete life,
And you might have uninhibitedly romanced an infinite Immortal “Heartbeats”
all throughout an infinite undaunted lifetimes of yours; but always remember
that the fervor of the Godly “Heartbeat” would still and forever remain and
infinite times bigger than any form of your destined life.
Show me a single candle on the trajectory of this fathomlessly enchanting
Universe; which doesn’t pathetically melt; when its emotionlessly obdurate
wick glares and brilliantly glows?
Show me a single patch of soil on the trajectory of this boundlessly effulgent Universe; which doesn’t lividly wet; even as torrential cloudbursts of rain ferociously plummeted upon it from the carpet of crimson sky?
Show me a single eyelid on the trajectory of this extraordinarily majestic
Universe; which doesn’t subserviently bat; as the profoundly blazing rays of
the Mid-day Sun; permeated right through its impeccable whites?
Show me a single insect on the trajectory of this royally resplendent Universe; which doesn’t meekly yield; even as the unsurpassably indiscriminate dinosaur wholesomely tread upon it?
Show me a single river on the trajectory of this unbelievably burgeoning
Universe; which doesn’t impoverishedly evaporate; as the inexhaustibly sweltering rays of acrimonious Summer fell upon it for marathon
hours of the day?
Show me a single brick on the trajectory of this unfathomably mesmerizing
Universe; which doesn’t profusely lament all night and day for being brutally asphyxiated in the realms of the cadaverously dark foundation?
Show me a single bird on the trajectory of this miraculously ameliorating
Universe; which doesn’t fall on the callously stony ground; as the mercilessly tyrannical hunter shot it straight through it exuberant wings?
Show me a single vein on the trajectory of this marvelously blossoming Universe; which doesn’t tawdrily freeze; when buried several feet beneath
the frigidly Herculean avalanche?
Show me a single stomach on the trajectory of this limitlessly enthralling
Universe; which doesn’t unrelentingly cry; when flagrantly emaciated for
countless hours without even an infinitesimal morsel of food?
Show me a single rock on the trajectory of this insuperably redolent Universe; which doesn’t get forlornly slapped and humiliated in the midst of the ocean; as the undulatingly choppy waves unsparingly splashed against its naked
black breasts?
Show me a single infant on the trajectory of this optimistically Omnipresent
Universe; which doesn’t unstoppably wail; when hedonistically snatched from
the inimitably compassionate belly of its invincible mother?
Show me a single shard of naked iron on the trajectory of this incredulously
igniting Universe; which doesn’t disdainfully rust; when uninhibitedly exposed to the profusely moisture laden atmosphere?
Show me a single artist on the trajectory of this celestially stupefying Universe; who doesn’t feel sacrilegiously hanged till death; when asked to work from a mechanically monotonous 9 to 9; in the coffins of the robotically
commercial office?
Show me a single tortoise on the trajectory of this eclectically bountiful
Universe; who doesn’t tirelessly starve for priceless life; at being atrociously kicked into the 1000 M superfast athlete race?
Show me a single soldier on the trajectory of this iridescently vivacious
Universe; who doesn’t feel like instantaneously committing suicide; rather than being shamefully tortured by the bombastically chauvinistic enemy camp?
Show me a single nightingale on the trajectory of this vibrantly spectacular Universe; which doesn’t feel like an amorphously deadened stone; after being
forced to only stay with the cacophonically groaning frogs in the well?
Show me a single sweat laden armpit on the trajectory of this incomprehensibly spell binding Universe; which doesn’t shrink to the size of a lugubriously inconspicuous mosquito; as the monstrously impotent air of the artificial air-conditioner indefatigably blew over it?
Show me a single nostril on the trajectory of this fantastically proliferating Universe; which doesn’t despairingly strangulate; when ruthlessly held under water without any contraption; for over a few minutes of time?
And I know it before hand; that try as hard as you may; and even if you spent an infinite lifetimes of yours dogmatically searching for the same; you would never be able to find it or for that matter reach even an inane trace near its non-existent scent,
Therefore forget it. Instead I can easily show all of you on the trajectory
of this jubilantly palpitating Universe; a countless hearts still and immortally radiating the tunes of perpetual love for an infinite more births even after the physical body had veritable died; this very blessed instant.
Every summit blazing intrepidly through the satiny entrenchment of clouds; irrefutably deserved to be kissed by brilliantly golden Sunshine,
Every grass blade standing unflinchingly all throughout sweltering afternoon; irrefutably deserved to be kissed by a tantalizing festoon of celestially shimmering dewdrops; as dawn transcended all ghastly darkness,
Every patriot relentlessly fighting to save his revered motherland; irrefutably deserved to be kissed by invincibly everlasting victory,
Every flower ubiquitously disseminating the scent of unconquerable humanity; irrefutably deserved to be kissed by exuberantly vivacious blankets of
blissful breeze,
Every philanthropist intransigently diffusing the perpetual virtue of uninhibited brotherhood; irrefutably deserved to be kissed by a wave of perennial
goodness and overwhelming bliss,
Every innocuous eye flickering drearily after a tumultuously fatiguing days work; irrefutably deserved to be kissed by mesmerizing curtains of heavenly sleep,
Every blind organism ebulliently endeavoring its best to relish the unfathomable beauty of this boundless Universe; irrefutably deserved to be kissed by divinely enamoring fireballs of sight,
Every orphan tenaciously fighting its righteous way through a pack of satanically hostile and manipulative wolves; irrefutably deserved to be kissed by unequivocally wholehearted success,
Every mirror candidly divulging even the most inner most arenas of the immaculate conscience; irrefutably deserved to be kissed by the impregnably Omnipotent image of vibrant honesty,
Every minuscule bone unsurpassably determined to scrap the complexion of evil from the trajectory of this fathomless planet; irrefutably deserved to be kissed by blessedly Herculean power,
Every road mystically winding into a cloud of unparalleled newness; irrefutably deserved to be kissed by the romantically philandering and fantasy traveler,
Every cake stupendously enthusiastic about consecrating the child’s birthday; irrefutably deserved to be kissed by a profoundly enlightening and poignantly glistening candle,
Every ideal that harbored the perennial scent of service to devastatingly deprived mankind; irrefutably deserved to be kissed by the sparkling clock of
Omniscient timelessness,
Every granule of soil undetteringly facing the onslaught of acrimonious storm and gruesomely exonerating drought; irrefutably deserved to be kissed
by compassionately blossoming crop,
Every palm incomprehensibly determined to propagate the formidable rays of peace to each iota of space lingering in pallidly uncouth darkness; irrefutably
deserved to be kissed by a map of royally unfazed destiny lines,
Every lip inundating hopelessly shattered lives with overpowering words of supreme encouragement; irrefutably deserved to be kissed by a
Omnipresent smile,
Every artist who incredulously fulminated even the most intricate arenas of his heart and soul to appease his lifeless audiences; irrefutably deserved to be kissed by flames of bountiful prosperity,
Every soul inherently encompassing the insatiable desire to propagate the divinity of unchallengable existence; irrefutably deserved to be kissed by never-ending seeds of majestic life,
And every heart passionately throbbing to indefatigably bequeath upon the world its beats of everlasting charisma; not only irrefutably deserved to be kissed by the immortal ocean of love; but be born infinite times once again as love; love and only love
The most irrefutably perpetual privilege for the mother; was to feed her baby; with gallons of uninhibitedly sacrosanct milk,
The most irrefutably perpetual privilege for the flower; was to disseminate its spell binding fragrance; to those quarters of the earth; despondently besieged with horrifically despicable doom and unsurpassable gloominess,
The most irrefutably perpetual privilege for the star; was to inundate the complexion of the drearily exhausted night; with unprecedented whirlwinds of
captivating mysticism,
The most irrefutably perpetual privilege for the clouds; was to incessantly shower upon its globules of celestial water; upon miserably slithering cocoons of
ominously entrenched and overwhelmingly parched soil,
The most irrefutably perpetual privilege for the lips; was to trigger maelstroms of invincible passion; in fatigued bodies treacherously engrossed; in digging
their very own graves,
The most irrefutably perpetual privilege for the singer; was to divinely pacify its colossal battalion of penuriously staggering audiences; with overwhelmingly melodious music,
The most irrefutably perpetual privilege for the dwelling; was to impregnably grant shelter to the insidiously deprived; heal the most lecherously devastated senses with the ointment of compassionate sharing,
The most irrefutably perpetual privilege for the pen; was to emboss exquisite lines of majestic artistry upon boundlessly barren sheets of paper; weave an
unsurpassable trail of magical enigma with scarlet ink incarcerated in its congenial belly,
The most irrefutably perpetual privilege for the tree; was to bequeath an incomprehensible tunnel of bountiful fruits; upon organisms remorsefully
curled in famished malice,
The most irrefutably perpetual privilege for the sheep; was to unequivocally bestow its amiably cozy tufts of wool; engulfing all those malevolently orphaned; in blankets of poignantly swirling warmth,
The most irrefutably perpetual privilege for the newspaper; was to ubiquitously keep its readers apprised about the latest global happenings unveiling; timelessly and all round the clock,
The most irrefutably perpetual privilege for the mountain; was to unrelentingly tower above all on the trajectory of this mesmerizing Universe; undisputedly
be the first one to kiss the golden Sun; as it marvelously blazed through; azure carpets of blissful sky,
The most irrefutably perpetual privilege for the monkey; was to scrupulously teach its inherent art of astounding emulation; to its freshly born repertoire
of flirtatiously mischievous siblings,
The most irrefutably perpetual privilege for the soldier; was to free his immaculately revered motherland; from the clutches of insatiably murderous
The most irrefutably perpetual privilege for the arrow; was to strike its barbarically savage target head-on; even before it could dare to bat
an infinitesimally single eyelid,
The most irrefutably perpetual privilege for the stream; was to celestially placate the thirst of countless bleary eyed travelers; magnificently rejuvenate every element of their bedraggled senses; propelling them to
philanthropically triumph in life,
The most irrefutably perpetual privilege for the doctor; was to benevolently cure his patients of their most inexplicable ailments and despairing pain; scrap stinking debilitation and disease; from its very non-existent roots entirely from the trajectory of this eternally infinite planet,
The most irrefutably perpetual privilege for the saint; was to ensure that his unending entrenchment of diligent disciples; perennially disseminated the
immortal essence of peace; love and sagacious truth; to even the most remotest corners of this mammoth Universe,
The most irrefutably perpetual privilege for the body; was to unsurpassably accomplish its optimum quota of benevolent deeds and desire in the tenure of its transiently stipulated life; afford the same to its fellow compatriots in
irascible distress,
And the most irrefutably perpetual privilege for the heart; was to immortally shower upon its pricelessly vivacious beats of love on every soil that it handsomely gallivanted; instilling the most supremely royal gift of Almighty Lord; in every entity existing; and those yet to evolve into; fragrantly vibrant
Ladies & Gentlemen. Far away from optimistic light; slithering a world of
desperate malice; was the abominably vindictive scorpion for you.
Ladies & Gentlemen. Far away from hedonistically decaying stench; blossoming
in an atmosphere of celestially redolent harmony; was the poignantly
pink Lotus for you.
Ladies & Gentlemen. Far away from despairingly deteriorating lies; triumphantly dancing till times immemorial in sacred paradise; was the chapter of gloriously pristine truth for you.
Ladies & Gentlemen. Far away from veritably pragmatic civilization; indefatigably trying to flagrantly jinx all blissful humanity; was the treacherously satanic ghost for you.
Ladies & Gentlemen. Far away from dismally forlorn barrenness; spawning into
a cloudburst of newness every unfurling instant of life; was the blessedly
silken raindrop for you.
Ladies & Gentlemen. Far away from fecklessly wanton boredom; enriching every ingredient of the atmosphere with the ultimate fabric of ecstasy; was the
vivaciously virgin rainbow for you.
Ladies & Gentlemen. Far away from the chains of asphyxiating depression;
cascading into an endless stream of unbelievably sensuous beauty; was the timelessly majestic waterfall for you.
Ladies & Gentlemen. Far away from the agonizingly traumatic teardrop; uninhibitedly plunging into a gorge of unsurpassably emollient victory; was
the blissful smile for you.
Ladies & Gentlemen. Far away from the parasitic bombardment ghastly war;
unassailably towering against the most gigantic of devils on this Universe;
was the fortress of unconquerably handsome unity for you.
Ladies & Gentlemen. Far away from the clutches of the insanely pulverizing
monster; fearlessly ruling the entire planet from within its diminutive cradle; was the new born baby infant for you.
Ladies & Gentlemen. Far away from the seeds of astounding fertility; wailing
in unceremonious angst upon the haplessly deserted streets; was the vociferously clapping eunuch for you.
Ladies & Gentlemen. Far away from the desolately maiming night; magically
ameliorating every tyrannized organism wits its Omnipotently sizzling rays;
was the exuberantly Omnipresent Sun for you.
Ladies & Gentlemen. Far away from cursedly diminishing oblivion; unceasingly
ticking its way with every shade of changing light on earth; was the stupendous clock of immutable reality for you.
Ladies & Gentlemen. Far away from the unsparingly devastating hurricane; caressing every organism with miraculously rejuvenating rest; was the heaven
of wonderfully resuscitating sleep for you.
Ladies & Gentlemen. Far away from the horizon of spell binding memory; amazingly harnessing every untold truth and lie; every voice that floated inconspicuously on earth; was the inscrutably boundless
subconscious mind for you.
Ladies & Gentlemen. Far away from the peerlessly liberated forests; heartlessly subjugating even the most pricelessly insuperable of emotion; was the manipulatively robotized corporate world for you.
Ladies & Gentlemen. Far away from gorily invidious death; culminating into
freshness every unfurling minute of kingly existence; was undefeatedly Omniscient breath for you.
Ladies & Gentlemen. Far away from every anecdote of pugnacious savagery;
limitlessly rendering invincibly compassionate warmth for an infinite more
lifetimes; was the inimitably venerated lap of the Mother for you.
Ladies & Gentlemen. Far away from salaciously beheading betrayal; immortally
embracing one and all with unlimited power to procreate a countless lives;
was the flame of godly love for you.
And Ladies & Gentlemen. Far away from mundanely decrepit reality; romancing
in a whirlpool of seductively tantalizing fantasy; although there wasn’t the
tiniest insinuation of currency coin in my pockets; the tiniest morsel of
food in my severely emaciated stomach; was me; yes me; exactly as Lord
Almighty had wanted me; just for you
No tree; should never ever be indiscriminately felled; replacing its astoundingly symbiotic breeze and compassionate fertility; with threadbare pieces of frigidly skewed twigs; instead,
No conscience; should never ever be acridly tainted; replacing its irrefutably unassailable spirit of divine righteousness; with abominable coffins of derelict corruption; instead,
No lip; should never ever be vindictively stitched; replacing its inimitably
unparalleled ocean of smiles and eternal happiness; with bizarrely dastardly
sorrow; instead,
No scalp; should never ever be barbarously tonsured; replacing its sensuously vivacious flock of hair; with cadaverously invidious baldness; instead,
No finger; should never ever be horrifically curled; replacing its uninhibitedly fathomless artistry; with dungeons of claustrophobically remorseful hell; instead,
No sweat; should never ever be robotically stopped; replacing its emolliently glorious essence of perseveringly truthful existence; with the cynically emotionless ice of the monotonously mechanical air-conditioner; instead,
No blood; should never ever be perniciously distilled; replacing its unsurpassably poignant ardor; with the drudgery of unceremoniously unsympathetic manipulation; instead,
No eye; should never ever be deliberately blinded; replacing its impeccably panoramic and limitlessly holistic capacity to sight; with amorphously gory
mortuaries of crippling darkness; instead,
No stomach; should never ever be torturously emaciated; replacing its robustly celestial capacity to feed the entire body; with impoverished stones of reproachfully stymied emptiness; instead,
No ear; should never ever be vituperatively deafened; replacing its unbelievably unfathomable sensitivity to every form of Lord’s sounds; with horribly stagnating dilapidation till times immemorial; instead,
No eyelash; should never ever be sadistically clipped; replacing its unceasingly enchanting and flirtatiously mischievous flashing; with a inanely wastrel and traumatically iconoclastic stare; instead,
No tongue; should never ever be cold-bloodedly tied; replacing its inexhaustibly reinvigorating chirpiness; with the unbearable devils of irretrievably distraught dumbness; instead,
No Sun; should never ever be insidiously jailed; replacing its Omnipotently
optimistic glimmer; with the maelstroms of sinfully debilitating darkness;
No Mother; should never ever be tyrannically adulterated; replacing her fabric of Omnipresently insuperable belonging; with licentiously ribald parasites of unforgivable prostitution; instead,
No shoulder; should never ever be ruthlessly compressed; replacing its unflinchingly royal wave of selfless camaraderie; with intolerably deteriorating debauchery; instead,
No breath; should never ever be inexorably choked; replacing its timelessly
burgeoning enlightenment of effulgent life; with the gallows of depravingly
ostracizing extinction; instead,
No body; should never ever be deliriously tortured; replacing its triumphantly righteous exuberance to undauntedly surge ahead; with the winds of impoverishedly crumbling and lividly maniacal worthlessness; instead,
No heart; should never ever be salaciously betrayed; replacing its immortal
beats of perpetually bonding love; with infinite dinosaurs of
devilishness and deceit; instead,
And No mind; should never ever be wasted; replacing its boundless cocoons of
unrestrictedly silken fantasy and indefatigably proliferating innovation;
with the wails of the cacophonically howling skeleton; instead.
If you don’t know how to swim; then please don’t plunge yourself into the ferociously choppy seas; or else you’d unsparingly drown to the
ominously uncouth rock bottom,
If you don’t know how to spell; then please don’t inexhaustibly yearn to become a writer; or else you’d be ruthlessly lambasted by whiplashes of mercilessly
ignominious contempt and unfathomable disdain,
If you don’t know how to fly; then please don’t plummet from the summit of the indomitably Herculean mountain; or else you’d find it’ll be impossible for
you to collect your countless shattered bones; after you hit emotionlessly hard ground,
If you don’t know how to tune; then please don’t sing; or else you’d have boundless hordes of rancidly rabid dogs endlessly chasing you; pugnaciously responding to your cadaverously cacophonic wails,
If you don’t know how to chew; then please don’t uninhibitedly eat; or else you’d miserably choke and horrendously stutter to a terribly torturous and
diabolically cold-blooded death,
If you don’t know how to admire; then please don’t pretentiously sight; or else you’d be solely gobbled by corpses of prejudiced sorrow; amorphously
sauntering in the earth and atmosphere,
If you don’t know how to imbibe; then please don’t tirelessly learn; or else you’d be wasting pricelessly limitless moments of your life staring into balderdash nothingness; whilst infinite more of your kind resplendently bloomed till
times beyond eternal eternity,
If you don’t know how to humanize; then please don’t pray; or else you’d be righteously penalized by Omnipotent Lord Almighty; for disrespecting his quintessential principles of majestic creation,
If you don’t know how to symbiotically mélange; then please don’t procreate; or else you’d indiscriminately pulverized by your very own kin; in the murderous
rat-race of survival of the fittest,
If you don’t know how to be happy; then please don’t smile; or else you’d feel like a parasitically sanctimonious leech; a hedonistically pertinent thorn in the fabric of celestially selfless jubilation,
If you don’t know how to be a magnanimously philanthropic cloud; then please don’t rain; or else you’d be heartlessly emptying every ingredient of scarlet blood from your body; metamorphosing into a graveyard instead,
If you don’t know how to flirt; then please don’t wink; or else you’d be considered a delinquently salacious and tawdry traitor; by every fraternity of
holistically surviving living kind,
If you don’t know how to fantasize; then please don’t stretch your brain; or else you’d be wholeheartedly inviting the truculently hideous devil; to thrash you
left; right and center instead,
If you don’t know how to protect; then please don’t adapt the haplessly orphaned; or else you’ll be digging dual graves for both you and him; egregiously
losing to the carnivorously maiming parasites; loitering on every side,
If you don’t know how to walk; then please don’t exuberantly run; or else you’d taste inanely hateful dust; even before you could dare to alight a single foot; in the most obsolete of your dreams,
If you don’t know how to respect all humanity; then please don’t ostentatiously preach; or else you’d become the first victim of that vituperatively blood-stained war of racialism; that you were so pompously trying to quell,
If you don’t know how to patriotically blaze for your mothersoil; then please don’t declare unendingly volatile war; or else you’d be inevitably massacred by
your own men; who’d embed their own flags of victory upon your
bereaved throne,
If you don’t know how to synergistically live; then please don’t breathe; or else you’d be placed the lowest in the chain of indispensable survival; ready to be taken for the unholy devil’s supper anytime,
But if you don’t know anything at all on this earth; are even oblivious to your very own voice and name; then please get ready to love; for Immortal Love
doesn’t demand any status; caste; creed or wealth; it just perpetually embraces you making you feel the most Omnipotently blessed organism alive; and mind you; unlike everything else; it never has; ever had; or will ever have; any pre-requisite
There was color after color had forever finished; when you uninhibitedly winked; under the Omnipotently steaming rays of the majestically
afternoon Sun,
There was excitement after excitement had forever finished; when you
paraded barefoot on sensuous mud; and commanded the clouds to
inexhaustibly thunder and rain,
There was empathy after empathy had forever extinguished; when the whites of
your eyes moistened in profound concern; at the tiniest cry of eternal living kind,
There was strength after strength had forever dissolved; when you unflinchingly paraded in the most vindictively devastating of maelstrom; brilliantly metamorphosing all ghoulishly subjugated misery into an immortal love paradise,
There was hope after hope had forever deteriorated; when you symbiotically
smiled towards the boundless heavens; royally liberating every tense pore of
your fantastically enamoring skin,
There was peace after peace had forever vanquished; when you celestially
chanted the mantra’s of harmoniously proliferating existence; in blistering
day and enchanting midnight; wonderfully alike,
There was fertility after fertility had forever crumbled; when you sowed the
first seeds of timelessly synergistic existence; in every ingredient of the
atmosphere and charismatically poignant soil,
There was optimism after optimism had forever ended; when you royally stared
for just a fraction of a second; towards every conceivable dimension of haplessly staggering planet earth,
There was humanity after humanity had forever collapsed; when you compassionately embraced every organism; irrespective of caste; creed or
color and perpetually in your invincibly Omnipotent swirl,
There was beauty after beauty had forever vanished; when you miraculously
rejuvenated every dying leaf of mother nature; with the Omnipotently unassailable power in your redolent palms,
There was oneness after oneness had forever died; when you unequivocally
hoisted even the most despicably beleaguered orphan as well as the most
wealthiest of organism; in your Godly palms; Omnisciently alike,
There was triumph after triumph had forever drowned; when you ubiquitously
entwined your Omnipresently unassailable fingers; with every haplessly tormented organism’s palms; on this limitless earth,
There was truth after truth had forever evaporated; when you uttered even
the most faintest of whisper; from the realms of your mellifluously unfettered and tirelessly blessing throat,
There was fantasy after fantasy had forever massacred; when you perennially
metamorphosed even the most tiniest trifle of gory suffering; into an entrenchment of exuberantly golden dewdrops,
There was brotherhood after brotherhood had forever desecrated; when you
left the impressions of your insuperably sacred persona; upon every perceivable cranny of delinquently derelict soil,
There was passion after passion had forever shriveled; when you perpetually
ignited the fires of blazingly undefeatable righteousness; in every lividly flaccid and victimizingly dilapidated corner of this limitless planet,
There was belief after belief had forever faded; when you spell-bindingly
expounded upon the fantastically egalitarian principles of inevitably symbiotic life and death,
There was breath after breath had forever diminished; when you miraculously
mitigated every stonily dead corpse; towards the mists of eternally jubilant paradise,
There was innovation after innovation had forever gone; when you created an
infinite virile and regale earth’s out of sheer vapid nothingness; even as
you transited into unshakably deep sleep,
And there was love after love had forever dissipated; when you ardently looked at every organism on this boundlessly effervescent Universe; letting a singleton beat of your heart; wholeheartedly and eternally spawn into a cosmos of unbreakable friendship; beauty and philanthropic desire.
Out of the clutches of societal desperation,
Out of the realms of spurious religious conflict,
Out of the gutters of frustratingly penalizing politics,
Out of the traditionally barbarous mindsets of the typical chauvinist,
Out of the tunnels of superficially illiterate darkness,
Out of the battlefields of fanatically baseless bombarding and war,
Out of any brutal offerings of flesh and life to the feet of the Omnipotent God,
Out of the stinkingly deplorable hell of feckless dictatorship,
Out of the monstrously malaise mansions of tyrannical rules and regulations,
Out of the sinister dungeons where definitions of 'caste', 'creed', 'color', remained jailed,
Out of any frigidly exploiting caves of 'tantra', 'yantra', 'mantra' and
astrological drama,
Out of any evil spirit trying its maniacal best to forever taint the fabric of humanity,
Out of any impractical preachings which ludicrously seemed applicable only after death,
Out of any anecdote of self inflicted loneliness which only led to dementia at its very best,
Out of mush-mushy candy floss romances which only led to shattering of the
heart into an infinite pieces,
Out of the dusty roads of laziness and foolhardy stagnation,
Out of the holocaustic perverted mindset- which massacred at random in the robes of a holy priest,
Out of the non-existent shadows of anarchy—which'd cast a pall of morbid gloom across each aspect of our priceless senses,
Out of the blackness of ignorance which let us breathe only to the song of strangulating death,
We're here. We're back. We're roaring n alive as the generation of the new millennium—as the generation which never loses—as the generation of now— as Generation Y .
The cry of the lion was majestically thunderous; although it died as the minutes rapidly unveiled; with the stupendous tranquility of the forests taking wholesome control,
The cry of the clouds was insatiably voluptuous; although it faded after a while; as the Sun Omnipotently enlightened even the most infinitesimal entity in neighboring vicinity,
The cry of the shark was royally piercing; although it diminished almost as soon as it had come; with the unfathomably undulating wave wholesomely drowning it into an ocean of mesmerizing froth,
The cry of the eagle was exuberantly aristocratic; although it vanished surreptitiously from the sky in an ethereal flash; as cyclonically untamed maelstroms perpetuated the canvas of the panoramic valley,
The cry of the nightingale was melodiously enchanting; although it blended with the aisles of nothingness after a while; as the triumphantly trumpeting elephants insatiably marauded the meadows; left; right and rampant center,
The cry of the gloriously unflinching warrior was supremely ecstatic; although it coalesced with threadbare mud in an ethereal instant; as an unsurpassably unending tirade of pugnacious bombs; brutally plummeted upon him from the enemy camp,
The cry of the waterfalls was harmoniously enchanting; although it dried up as quickly as flashes of lightening thunder; as the tyranny of the acrimoniously sweltering day evaporated every bit of it; into wisps of obsoletely disappearing oblivion,
The cry of the bee was boisterously swarming; although it soon mellowed to an inconspicuous trace of its original self; as the scent of the magnanimously
everlasting lotus unconquerably enshrouded everything above hard ground,
The cry of the seductress was ebulliently tantalizing; although it disappeared into the ingredients of nothingness like a trice of a bullet; as the silken magic of the titillating night soon gave way to the hideously monotonous day,
The cry of the clocktower was stringently meticulous; although it quickly subsided into a corpse of morbid meaninglessness; as the lanky arm struck past the wonderfully reverberating hour,
The cry of the rainbow was resplendently vivacious; although it fleetingly hid in its shell of sequestered oblivion; as the blanket of poignantly crimson clouds
soon took a insurmountably bountiful grip of the fathomless sky,
The cry of the dewdrops was beautifully exhilarating; although it pathetically evaporated into bits of open space; as soon as the Sun blazed to its domineeringly profound radiance in the boundless sky,
The cry of the leaves was mystically seductive; although it transformed into a diminutively subdued mellow; as the victoriously advancing gusty wind now
became a song of charismatic love,
The cry of the newly born was Omnisciently effusive; although it became a fugitive impression of its ownself; as the years advanced and the web of
inevitably insidious commercialism took disgusting control,
The cry of the brain was fantastically unfathomable and incessantly exploring; although it transited into an inferno of lackadaisical disparagement; as the
savagery of uncouth society salaciously overpowered every intricate arena of survival,
The cry of the conscience was irrefutably honest; although it sporadically manipulated itself every now and again; as existence was of the most quintessentially paramount importance amidst the pack of satanically lecherous wolves,
The cry of breath was charismatically sensuous; although it veritably finished in limited amounts of unfurling time; as the strokes of destiny eventually had
their unavoidably final say,
But the cry of the heart was immortally unassailable; come what may; passionately shuddering even centuries immemorial after wholesome diminishing of the bodily form; perpetually uniting with God’s most pricelessly
Omnipotent beats of love.
The End .