A Portrait's Imperfection
Drag an eraser through your tears until the wet trails have all but disappeared A wooden pencil shall draw your lips up into a smile And paints may drop all sorts of bright colors of all shades and tints But not even a million Could blot out the memories The ones that cause self-hatred to churn deep in the pit of your stomach Shiny pastels may make up your exterior But what about the charcoal-colored past Back when your tears ruined all of your watercolor hopes and dreams Don’t be afraid to look your mistakes in the eye “I can do better” is not admitting defeat It’s recognizing your ability to overcome Don’t try ignoring what used to be Embrace the darkness Fully enjoy the light The most beautiful art consists of both light and dark shades A picture can never be perfect without both
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Light is essential,
Dark is beautiful.
Don't look for perfection,
Because you'll disappoint yourself.
It doesn't exist.
Look for truth.
Embrace your past,
Because it's all you have.
If you look on what you did before
And think, I can do better now,
You can know your strength
And have a little more hope
Of reaching truth
In the end.