Porch Light
with the forlorn smile
I didn’t think you would stay with her
She died a million deaths in a day
Yet you never told her to just hold on
You knew her silent ways
About the unrest inside her mind
And the cracked road she’s traveled
To where she is today
You know she has traveled alone
And there were winding roads
And so many false homes
So you keep this porch light on for her
You keep it on for the days she’s lost
When the world is a little too gray
For the times she is lost outside
And wants to go away
She is her own island
And no one is allowed on it
It’s hard even for her to survive
But you are her rescue boat
And all this time
The porch light has been on
Signaling to her like a lighthouse in the storm
If you’ve aged she won’t complain
You’ve always been older than you look
She will sometimes wonder if she’s aged you
But laugh lines cause wrinkles
She wonders and she wanders
Always a prisoner of her body and mind
But she comes back for you every time
Even when the porch light dims and flickers
Because there is no place brighter
Than next to