Growing up on Dragon Ball Z
and on it's only a fairy tale
and bro look at that weirdo
why's he running like that
Maybe it's the spinach I ate
or the Pop I drank
but we're on another level
We beat the whole game matter of fact
Me and my brotherhood of assasisans
It was our destiny,
because it was the last of us,
we were all that was left
Or maybe those are all plastic memories
Maybe we were hypnotized to believe all this
Maybe they left us in the dark,
in the sunken place to be forgotten and washed away
Maybe we are all just searching in the wrong places
for that one piece of humanity that is still left
Maybe it's a fairy tale
Or maybe it's all a bizarre adventure
All I know is I'm here
and they left me here
in the hidden leaf village
and so I write a note of death,
no, a death note saying
You Clompse Ste Odont
translated your fight is over