Point of View
The vines underfoot try to grab your feet
The puddles of water bubble from each step
Creatures from the bottom
Living in fear
They scurry to safety when they hear the danger
The ant march in order to the mound of life
But when that drum of foot steps are heard
They scurry away with not a leader to follow
The beauty that surrounds them is forgotten in the panic
The food that they carry is lost in the shuffle
The loved ones are lost
The hungry are not fed
The creature that prowls and steps on their homes
Is a danger to all even those that are feared
In protection the snakes bunch up their coils
Jump up in fear with head poised at danger
The scent of danger lurks in their nostrils
They strike out in blindness
Glad they hit their target
Opposite opinions bash in contradiction
A child screams in pain and agony
The father picks a rock
Throws it at the danger
In fear of more the children scream
The mothers nurture
The fathers protect
It is is the same story
For the same reason
One must view both sides because both are correct
It just depends on the "point of view"