From Point 'A', to Point 'Unlimited'
I am a fetus. My living space is small, and my body is even smaller.
The world is dark, but warm and life beyond conception is not guarunteed for me.
I grow and form and wait for the world to call on me to become existant.
I am 3 years old. I love toys and EVERYTHING is mine.
I throw an occasional tantrum and I am learning new words in my language everyday.
My country is the only place in the world and people who live in my country look like this everywhere. I want to be with my mommy when I grow up.
I am 6 years old. I've just started school. Apparently, the world is a big place and is full of many types of people.
I am learning that "sharing is caring" and "you get what you get, and you dont throw a fit". I have learned the Pleadge of Allegiance and my state plant is the saguaro cactus flower.
Opportunities are endless and I want to be a veterinarian when I grow up! I am happy to be alive because life is beautiful.
I am 9.
I had my first experience with racism. I didnt know that people could hate me for simply being born.
My parents are fighting over custody of me. Things are not looking so good.
But despite this, I am still happy and I still want to be with my mom.
I am 12. People my age suck.
All they do is gossip and fight. I just want to make friends and be happy.
My mom is never home, and I am always watching my little sister.
I am starting to feel depressed. I want to live with my dad.
I am 15.
I am a sophomore in high school. I'm not very confident.
I feel out of place in my own body. I see my mom on the weekends.
I want to be a Forensic Scientist.
I am 16, almost 17. I have just begun not to care about what people think.
Whether with mom, or dad, I understand that I need to be happy by myself.
I love myself and who God created me to be. I am dating someone who I care about.
Things are looking to be positive because I told myself not to be so negative.
Regardless of what happens, I have my own back and I know happy endings are not absoloute.
From point 'A', to point 'unlimited', I will always be evolving.
I am not the same as I was when I was 3, 6, 9, 12, or 15. I wont be the same in the future. My past makes me who I am and my future makes me who I will become.
I'm not perfect and i'm okay with that.