Poetry from a teenagers perspective
I was first introduced to poetry in my kindergarden class, when i read my first Dr. Suess book. I didn't really start to understand the true meaning of poetry until i started middle school. I decided to challenge myself and take a honors literature class, and from that day i've always been in honors classes. I discovered my favorite poet, E.E Cummings when i had to do my first research paper. E.E Cumming broke the rules of poetry and ignored capatilzation. E.E Cummings wrote poetry in his own way, because in my opinion, thats exactly how poetry is supposed to be. He wrote poetry because his mom had a big influence on him, and now E.E Cummings has a big influence on me. Writing poetry taught me how to express my feelings in a whole new way. The more i expressed my feelings, the easier it became. Everyone has their own reasons for writing poetry and mine is to express my emotions through symoblism and irony. In poetry, one simple word or object can have so many different meanings. This pertains to everyday life, because when people say things, it can mean so much more if you actually look deep into it. I think poetry is good fore an teenager because not most teenagers feel comfortable expressing how they feel, and with poetry you can do it in so many different ways. I cant really talk to anyone about how im feeling, wether its anger or happiness so i go to poetry. By the use of metaphors, simlies, and symbolism, i'm taken somewhere else in my mind, and i absolutely love it. One day, when i learn even more about poetry than i know now, i hope to write a poem to my dad that speaks directly to his heart, because my dad lost his dad at a very young age, and had to struggle everyday. I want to express my feelings to my dad through poetry because to me, thats the best way to speak to someones heart.One day when my dad goes to heaven, he can show his dad and maybe i'll make an impact on their lives so they'll remember me forever. I sstrive to do things i've never done before, and by writing poetry, i can do many things i've never done before.