Poetry by Poetry
I am not a poet
I am just poetic,
every scribbled letter from an aching hand,
every smudge of blue ink on a crinkled page
is remembrance,
experiences of metrical saddness
and symbolism of my existence
The times where I was younger and insomnia came to tuck me every night
when my mother should have
is a reason why pen and paper comfort me
more than the hugs from strangers who share the same blood as me
I am not a poet,
rather I am a collection
of "what if's" and "why's",
I accumlate upon uncertainty,
and take note of it,
only take note of it,
because I am too afraid to take action
To take action is to take liability,
and I refuse to be the host for another
unrequited love,
another,"Will he ever look at me, rather than through me?"
One thing that I can never be uncertain of is the feeling of a sharpened pencil
gripping in my hand,
the threshold of a soon to be breaking heart
that will piece itself back together with the help of a few zealous words
I wish I were a poet,
maybe then melancholy would become beautiful
and my ticking time bomb sentiments
would be embraced
and glide from my pen with poise
I often imagine myself on stage
reciting the reasons why
I fell for the boy in blue,
plummeting for his fingertips on the small of my back,
reminding me everything I ever loved about love
and how everytime he elongates the second syllable of my first name
to grab my attention when I doze off fiddling with my necklace
makes me a hopeful hopeless romantic
But I am not a poet you see,
I am poetry,
I am poetry with a name and a purpose
the ballad of embodied pain,
I rhyme with every inhale and exhale,
manifesting the madness that self-proclaimed writers
mindlessly write about,
for I am that madness
I am that raw emotion,
spilled ink with curves,
hardly reach 5 foot 2 inches
with a terrible habit of touching my forehead when I become anxious
But you know what?
That's completely okay,
because poetry is meant to be imperfect,
poetry is tragic,
a dream and everything within the crevice of its words,
so much more than embellished metaphors...
Poetry is real, and she is living,
But alas,
I am not a poet
I am simply a girl with an empty archive, with a lot of pages waiting to be filled