A Poem for Their Wedding
Philip and Kris' Wedding Poem
May God's Blessing be upon your home
As long as it may stand
Philip, this your charge:
Govern with a gentle hand
Choose each day whom you will serve
God will make you stand
If you build upon His rock and stone
And not the shifting sands
Unless the LORD constructs the house
The workman labors in vain
Walk in His design until
He makes His plan for both you plain
Kris, your charge is to submit
To this man that you have pledged
But only as he loves you well
Stand firm with him you've wed
If the will of God should bring to you
His children (joy and pain)
You are stewards of his people
And you owe them to His way
Raise them up in the way of God
Teach them Mercy, Justice, Truth
And when they are old, they'll stay the course
They will show you wise as proof
God's plan for you is holiness
Seek first His kingdom come
Happiness will find its place
If the Lord is in your home