Plus and minus, divide nd times
The square root of 8 is... is... 2 times the root of two
54 plus 9 is sixty... uh five? 63
The derivative of 3x+7 is... well 3
Math is a way of life
And calculus is what explains it all
The puzzle is only complete to those who want it done
Numbers and letters come together to form a language few will master
Eyes are confused by the intricate symbols they have no wish to see
Equations still quizzically looked at by professors
Fundamentals and theories still being explored
New connections are always made
Back doors to theorems that no one saw
But they all add up
The integration of 3 gives you 3x+C
9 subtracted from 63 is 54
2 times the root of two is the square root of 8
It all connects