A Plea From My Heart
If you would just believe the way I feel for you
Then you would understand the pain I'm going through
It feels like shattered glass scraping across my skin
It feels like an icy chill piercing through the wind
What can I say or do to make you comprehend that my love is true?
What else can I do?
So, I'm standing here saying this poem to you
Hoping you'll realize that someone else loves you too
In fact, He gave his life so you would'nt have to die
In order, to pay the debt for all the wrong you've done
Like the lies you told, the things you stole, and the people you killed with your haterful wors
The list goes on and on
But I will not ponder on what is left in the past but I'm asking you
Sincerely begging you to think about what I said
Hopefully you'll be gald
Into your heart you give permenant residence to the only one who can love you
In such a way that I
Can't even start to describe
The way he feels for you, the way he longs to affectionately BE with you
Not in a worldy way cause its a Godly thing
I'm seriously telling you
You won't even be ashamed to tell the world how your life has been changed
Everything starts to seem orderly re-arranged
You feel so brand new
Want to dance and sing and give God everything
Now, I've told you how to be free
Will you stay bound in between
I curiously wonder what your choice will be
Because today just might be the last day that
You have
To even