playground fools
why is no one screaming at our children
standing on their monkey bars and yelling at them
that this life is the only one they get
that this life is theirs to create with,
to inspire, to dream, to become
oh sweet children,
let my stand on top of your monkey bars
you need to know
that hope is not found in size 0 jeans
in a 6 minute mile
in any standard society uses to measure you
you are more than that
hear what I am saying,
I am begging you.
let me save you the heart break, the heart ache
the hurt, the confusion
that so many before you have gone through
because no one tells you
that all that matters in this life
is you
society does not really care
about any of the standards you meet,
they will continue to force upon you the ones you can never reach
the ones that are unattainable
but sweet dreamer, dream on
if that was what you were made to do
oh my dear runners, run on
fashionistas, dress up
my sweet writers, write your hearts out
as long as you never hear
another voice speak into your heart but your own
as long as you are in control
live this life for you and not for others
oh my beloved believers, if that is who you are
believe in your God with all your heart
Child, do whatever it is you were made to do
but only do it for yourself
I will stand and scream here until some one gets it
children do not waste what is yours
by comparing it to what will never be yours
be joyful
be you
listen to me children, be you.