Plain Noodles
What did I say? did I mean it that way? I'm forgetting something tell me please before I start remembering The pain to me is numbing and I didn't mind forgetting but the memories are bringing back the reasons for forgetting even though I said that I'd forgive but never would forget your face is finally melting and when I see it hurts me I am tired of letting pain be the reason I allow these things I want to remember dearly even though it strains away the water to the noodles let them cool and add the seasoning and sauces for better taste wouldn't want them bland sometimes I eat plain noodles to remind me who I am why should they be flavored? what does it really change? they take the same route anyway there isn't much to fix and I'm forgetting once again what was I saying next? I guess I'll start again and see if I remember this what did I say? did I mean it that way? I'm starting to regret not that I didn't have my doubts or pains or frowns or some regrets but I don't want a revenge or a reason to relapse upon the fact that I'm brand new at dawn forget what you did yesterday and let my life keep moving on beside you anyway I hold your hand through everything I kept you out of trouble made you smile made your fears all melt away but so did I just like the butter on the noodles wait until the water boils don't forget to stir so they don't stick to the pot when the metals hot that makes the noodles burn am I stuck to the bottom? I don't think that you've stirred not like it matters the popcorn is on the fridge or we can go without food like yesterday I guess it's time for bed I'll lay down I'm your pillow right? turn off the light and join me just let me sleep tonight when you stay up late it is haunting when I stay up late remembering the movies you were watching and the laugh you had at 5am we have school in 3 hours I yelled at you to turn it off then I get up to shower sometimes the water won't heat up and sometimes we don't have power I remember when they shut it off but you still don't remember That I was there Plain noodles