The Plague We Call "Hair"
It started small, harmless, a single strand growing at the cusp of my ankle.
I plucked it.
She came back; this time with a friend
They too were plucked.
Again, they returned. like the Hydra, cutting one only to have two more return in it`s place.
Only this time it started to spread,
Spread like the Onyx Plague in the mid-18th century.
Slowly crawing up my leg, unfurling it`s thin, black soldiers on every ounce of once satin skin.
It is now being shaved, sedated by a tri-bladed wand and an ounce of conditioner.
But alas, like a hungry newborn babe, it wakes up. Grows and spreads, once again claiming it territory.
I have given up.
Finding comfort in it`s company I have finally learned it`s name.
It is called "Hair".