The Place That the Sun Doesn't Shine


The place that the Sun doesn’t shine,

Where the stars never twinkle.

A land of withered and fallen pine,

Ground littered with Heaven’s shingles.


I saw it all,

In every call.

You left me a broken word,

Leaving me as a broken cord.


And how badly I wish you’d remember the pain you never felt,

The way you should’ve cried when you broke my heart.

The way I had to deal with the pain and just start to melt,

And how badly it hurt for me that our hands remained apart.


You deserted me to the past for a guy called your future,

Leaving me below the hill as you walked into the sunset.

You must’ve thought it was a joke when I said forever,

Because here I am paying with my life for love’s debt.


I tried to convince myself that you got amnesia,

And forgot the love that we once had.

But no, you chose to erase me till I was all ripped up,

Wearing my love and throwing me away like some fad.


Now as your siren song fades into backwash of eternity,

I feel the lift of my soul rise into the blaze of oblivion’s freedom.

The caress of amnesia curling around my memories like heavenly wisps,

Falling at last, to sleep, to the blessed and holy touch of soft angel lips.


Lights shine bright,

Exhumed night.

Wiped and Erased,

Memories rephrased.

The Past set Ablaze


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