I think, I just may feel love
When I see you my heart implodes
My heart flutters as you walk in
It’s wings spread and you accept it gently
It perches on your shoulder and sings it’s tune of love
You look around but I hide
I can’t let you know it’s me
As rain thunders the bird of my heart fly’s back
You chase it, attempting to find
. . . Me
I can’t, what to say I wouldn’t know
I quickly hold my hands out as it flutters back into me
Only then do I hear another chirp
It perches on my shoulder and sings a tune of love
It doesn’t fly far before my eyes land on you
The owner of my heart
Suddenly our birds fly out, entwining and playing
Your lovely smile on play as I feel my sight begin to blur, only seeing you
The drops of rain pitter as you extend a hand and dance we do
Once left, then right, forward, backwards, fireworks on play
Our bodies drenched but our hearts united
The water though refreshing does nothing to our fiery hearts
Our hearts ablaze as we dance through the stone steps, hearing the pitter-patter play it’s part