Phases of unconditional love
If only you knew how much I do love you
And if only I knew the real you...
As I look up into the sky blue... elevation
Hesitation was created by over-thinking
which was caused by my own trust issues....
The fact of the matter is you created these trust issues
Which is why I find it so complicated to trust you!
Never knew it was possible to be blinded by infatuation...
True love for lust resulted in jagged knives in my backside..
I was too busy loving you I forgot to tend to my myself...
Everything is a leson learned ...
See karma is my best friend and she'll
be around again....
Time and time again....
And If I could I would verbally annilate your conscious until you realize..
Straight devour your mental so depply that you can't comprehend..
Have you feelingso much despair.
Someday you will overstand that everything is for a reason,
but today I'll settle for a meaningless murder and with the cunning
of a cannible ....
I start with your reproductive organs
to make sure that your mini-me's never ever think there is a need
for them to ruin more women in the name of your legacy.
As the juices from your jugular jump between my teeth and tounge
as I roar with the RAGE OF A QUEEN!
Your remains reveal more of the same,
and it is now clear that your love was never intended to be real.
You're just lame...
and now with this body in this bag these words invite infinity home..
our game has ended and my love is with me!