The Pez Set
I look around this room
and I see, I see almost nothing that reminds me of you,
save for my Lord of The Rings Pez set.
I guess I should get rid of it, it brings back
too many unpleasant memories of what we once
But, I look at it, and I realize,
I love it more than I could ever love you,
if I ever loved you again.
I know it sounds silly, selfish even,
but it's the truth. I will never
love you again. I will never let you
back in.
The day you walked away,
the day you left my broken, you
didn't just lose me. You didn't just
break me into tiny fragments of my former.
You didn't just shatter my world, destroying
what I held so dear.
I didn't just lose my best friend, I didn't just lose the love of my life.
You didn't just leave me out in the cold.
You didn't just leave me weeping, hurting,
That day, you broke my trust. You destroyed it,
you threw it away. You took from me the one, irreplaceable thing
I gave, unconditionally, to you.
All I have left are fragments. As I work to piece together what remains,
thoughts and memories fill my head.
Words you spoke, things you did, places we went.
And I find myself, again,
wondering why it had to happen this way.
Wondering why you left, wondering where I went wrong,
so many thoughts, a confused jumbled mess as I fight through tears.
Then, I look back at my Pez set, and I remember
that one day, someone will take from you what you took from me. And one day, it'll be you in the cold, weeping, wondering, and contemplating.
And I'll be long gone,
all my tears finally