Peter Pan
The incandescent sunrise
Is a facile front of happy days.
Golden rays streaking the sky,
A sardonic smirk hidden in vibrancy.
Bittersweet memories rise within,
The mournful melodies of bygone days,
Age-darkened scenes flash before my eyes,
Burning vindictive visions upon my heart.
The bubbling sensation of nostalgia
Deals destructive scars across my consciousness.
This bitter requiem sounds dully in my ears,
This bitter requiem sounds dully in my ears,
The echoes of loquacious laughter and joy.
It is as I stare pitifully at the sky,
Shimmering silently in heavenly glory,
That the infantile remembrances of youth
Painfully plague my dreamy mind.
Hopeless yearning consumes me,
A wistful want of long dead times.
It is as I stare at the sunset of my innocence
That I anguish at the raw ruse of eternal childhood.