Because I Love You
I say these things-
Real love is painful.
It’s imaginary that
you can reach your full potential.
I believe that
My wants
Are more important than
Your boundaries
I want you to know that
You are unheard.
You will never feel that
You have a say.
My love is insecure.
It is a lie that
I’m not teasing you with my heart.
I hope you realize that
If you’re ever scared
You have good reason to be.
If you ever think you’re truly happy
I will deprive you of it.
You have an abundance of hurt and
I will cut the binds of
Friendships tying you to others.
I encourage
You to feel guilt for no wrongdoing
I never desire
Letting you be who you really are
You feel like I am
Choking the life out of you
Instead of
Hugging you in a warm embrace
I enjoy
Manipulating you
And I am not
Loving the right way.
You are worth
Less than you think.
Love like this happens
All the time.
People are taken for granted
That’s not love.
All of this shaming, isolation, intensity, jealousy, guilt and more-
All of this will happen unless we change our perspective.
(Read from bottom to top)