Normal people find there happy places
Well for me
I don't have one
This happy persona is just a lie
I'm not happy,
I'm sad
I just put on a fake a smile and tell the world, "Nothing to brighten up one's day but a smile." But deep down, my heartaches from the lies that I spend
Some my think that my happy place is with my friends
No *tears hit the page*
I'm not and never will be happy
Summer looks at me, and I can see it in her eyes "Where is that happy little sister that I like to see go...." I don't know
But No
Not all people have happy places
Maybe I should stop faking it
Maybe I should just end it
Maybe I should just...... Just....... Stop....... Trying......
To find someone that cares.......
That I can't be helped
That I can't be happy
That I can't have hope
It's not going to stop
It's going to keep taring me apart
There's nothing thing left but my own
Maybe then *tear drop* Someone would care
But I doubt it....