Perfection is a Myth

Perfection is a myth, like unicorns and honest politicians. It sneaks its way into our lives and implants a seed in our skulls. This seed grows and grows filling our minds with it's parasitic lies. Everyone strives for perfection and no one wants to fall short. However, society thrives off of raising hope only to let them fall as far as it can, as if trying to set a new record. The truth is that society takes this seed and perfectly places it among populations to convince that perfection is possible. We become perfectly caught in a web of lies and tangled in a perfect concoction of all the hope that we failed to achieve. Perfection is a myth and the sooner we wake up from this perfect trance of ignorance and bliss, the sooner we can live in a better world. A world where a kid who weighs a little to much doesn't get crushed by criticism. A world where a homosexual can kiss his boyfriend without being swept up in a sea of ignorant shaming. A world where anyone, man, women, straight, or not, white, or black, can be who they want to be without being judged by those who find them less than perfect. We strive for perfection, but the moment we stray from the perfect path to destruction is the day we enter a new world. A world where everything and everyone is perfect, simply perfect.

This poem is about: 
My family
My community
My country
Our world


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