~ The Perfect One For Me ~
The past few years, I've spent my life just wandering, trying to find that perfect one for me to fill my empty void only to be turned down soon after.
Over and over again, I kept on filling that void only wanting to be accepted by others, but then I die of their rejection.
I tried to find more choices, but soon ran out of options for myself. I felt as though life was meaningless and there was no point to keep going.
Trying to keep that void filled, I soon forgot who I truly was. I needed someone who could fill void completely; someone that would satisfy me and someone who would never leave. I need that perfect someone for me.
I met that perfect someone in 2016 after the death of my grandma from lung cancer.
That perfect one for me......His name is Jesus Christ.
He is the one that filled my void, the one satisfies me and did more than just that - He died for me and rose again 3 days later in accordance with the scriptures and took away all my sins.
I no longer need to fill that void because I got Jesus.
To God be all the glory and honor forever!!