A Perfect Little Girl
She's a perfect little girl,
When she spins her skirt twirls,
Her hair is more beautiful than a thousand gems,
But the truth is she doesn't fit in with the other femmes,
Everyone says she's a perfect little girl,
But she's anything but that,
With her golden curls,
She sat and sighed,
"I am not a girl,
All my life I have lied,
But hiding deep inside,
Is a boy waiting to come out,
I am a boy with no doubt,"
But people are cruel,
But people are brutal,
"You are a girl!"
Said Auntie Pearl,
"Now act like one!"
But she was done,
This perfect little girl,
Was not a girl at all,
So, he cut is hair and bound his chest,
And ran away with all the rest,
His flock of boys, they all ran far,
And he never looked back.