The Perfect I See
The perfect I’ll never be & your perfection I’ll forever see.
As I walk the halls in this realm we call life, I consistently notice the beauty around me.
The simple arch of an eyebrow,
the dimples sprung from sweet belly laughter,
the sparkle in the eyes of a passionate being,
and every voice of expression that echoes into my soul and the depths of my mind where it finds itself hand in hand with understanding.
I see perfection everywhere except within my own walls.
I long for advice and the words of the world.
I carefully listen to each and every voice that surrounds me, because I know within every person is some sort of truth
and the moment that I stop listening is the moment I stop growing.
If only I could treat my own words with the amount of care and understanding as I do to the words of others.
Every trait that I adore in another being I can easily hate within myself.
I externally encourage nothing but love, but internally I cannot do the same.
However, one thing that I can always remember, whether it be about me or about someone else is that no matter the beauty, it has no limits. We all have more than enough room for improvement.
The perfect I’ll never fully see is not a perfection that can never really be.