With heart now open
And course set far
I shouldn't wonder where you are
Upon the roof,
Face towards the sky
With new hope I have yet to try
My path is how
I forced it be
Scattered sunsets I will see
But as of yet
Something still lost
Puzzle pieces thrown and crossed
I can't quite learn
Or decipher
Missing what is gone, for sure.
Once was my wish
To start anew
But then, I thought mem'ries were few
As recently
I've felt the void
Not with much else my mind has toyed
This emptiness
I have discovered
By pennies passing o'er have covered.
I use to yearn
Deep in my heart
For nothing but my troubles part
For summer's end
To fast draw near,
To call another, them to hear
And now confused,
Torn, frightened a bit
What if my life soon does not fit?