Loving someone isnt easy
Loving someone takes time
Loving someone takes effort,
But loving you isnt a chore
Loving you isnt a hastle
Loving you comes natural
It is something that was in me from the day I was born
And it will be with me to the day I die
Even if you dont
Because loving you isnt something I choose
Loving you is something I get to do,
In movies love is desccribed as a burts
An eruption
A cosmic exsplosion of fireworks,
But loving you isnt,
Loving you is better
Loving you is a hug from a a family member that doesnt care
Loving you is a gift from the heavans above
This is not infatuation
This is not puppy love
This is a whole body convulsion
Because I love you
I will do anything
Love isnt a something you need to force
Love is something that has been here
And will always be here for you,
Because I love you and I always will.